Republicans taking both sides on everything this time


Junior Member
One of the best commentaries ever compiled by Stewart. That's saying something.

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That was FANTASTIC!!

It definately gets the USC best clip of the weak award.

Everyone must see this clip.

It is bigger than Star wars or Bambi!
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Most of it was right on. But I have to take exception to the claim of double standards in sexism. The types of attacks leveled against Clinton (and there were some NASTY attacks) were no where NEAR the level of sexism found in criticism of Palin.

I mean, come ON! If it were even remotely in the slightest manner hinted at by a popular conservative commentator that Clinton was a bad mother for entering politics instead of staying home, the echoes of the screams from democrats would still be bouncing back and forth between major mountain chains.

Extreme hypocrisy is a practice of both sides, and the comments of inexperience (by both sides) comments on parenting and errant children (by both sides) are indications of how sad and despicable our political system has degraded.

But a certain faction of dems, IMO, really shot the wad when they started asking about Palin's values because she is not a stay-at-home mom. It was WAY above any sexist criticism leveled at Clinton. The most (as was demonstrated in the clip) was the (false in my opinion) accusation that Clinton tried to play the gender card.
I'm waiting for someone to post a quote. All I've gotten is insults and String showing some Republicans saying it.
I'm waiting for someone to post a quote. All I've gotten is insults and String showing some Republicans saying it.

No liberal attacked Palin for not being a stay at home mom. Maybe a couple of dummies in the media punditry asked "Some are saying that..." in order to get a controversy going. They do that all of the time, and it's usually directed AT liberals, it drives me crazy, but never bothered Dixie. For instance when David Gregory says, "Some question Obama's patriotism, what role do you think that will play, Pat?" - never bothered Dixie.

Now all of a sudden "the liberals" are responsible for every word the morons in the msm punditry speak. Give me a break.