Repubs campaining in denial over HC.


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"Our mission is clear: If we want to get rid of Obamacare, we're going to have to replace President Obama," Romney said in remarks delivered to television cameras with the Capitol dome as a backdrop. He said, if left in place, the law would raise taxes, cut Medicare and add to federal deficits

Not surprisingly, Obama turned his attention to the consumer friendly elements of the law that already have taken place, including reduced costs for some seniors with high prescription drug costs and a requirement that insurance companies provide coverage to children with pre-existing conditions. "And by this August, nearly 13 million of you will receive a rebate from your insurance company because it spends too much on things like administration costs and CEO bonuses ...," he added
which argument sells better? With SCOTUS ending the legal battle -why are the Repubs compelled to try to throw it all out?
Americans tend to look at a SCOTUS ruling not as just constitutional, but "legitimizing the law" - despite Robert's caveat:
We do not consider whether the (law) embodies sound policies," he wrote of the health care legislation that Republicans have vowed to erase. "That judgment is entrusted to the Nation's elected leaders

Why refight this? It's a "done deal" unless Obama and the Senate fall to the Repubs - not gonna happen-and if not it's a disraction for the Repubs;
makes them look petty/politicized.

Stick to the economy. But Romney and the congressional leadeers all "vow to over turn?" - that's not going to happen, and the independents are already dismissing the Rebs as stuck on stupid. Their campaign strategy reflects their inability to look capable, more vindictive like.

I'm hearing snippets of "this will energize our (R) base', and Romney is getting big donor money. Money in't going to help, when you're obviously out of ideas besides "repeal it now"
I know many of you are angry about the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Obamacare,” said Sen. Jim DeMint, R- S.C., in a fund-raising e-mail to supporters of his Senate Conservatives Fund. “I am too. We're now living in a post-constitutional era that is destroying our country.”

But he said in the wake of Thursday’s decision, “there is only one solution to our government's unchecked power: win elections.”

Rep. Phil Gingrey, R- Ga., told reporters Friday, “I want to say to our base in the Republican Party: Get even more active than you’ve been. Get out and vote and take your friends with you. Because this train is leaving the station and there’s not going to be another opportunity. If Barack Obama is re-elected to a second term and we don’t replace him with the 45th president then this law sinks in, it gets roots and it ain’t going away.”
which argument sells better? With SCOTUS ending the legal battle -why are the Repubs compelled to try to throw it all out?
Americans tend to look at a SCOTUS ruling not as just constitutional, but "legitimizing the law" - despite Robert's caveat:

Why refight this? It's a "done deal" unless Obama and the Senate fall to the Repubs - not gonna happen-and if not it's a disraction for the Repubs;
makes them look petty/politicized.

Stick to the economy. But Romney and the congressional leadeers all "vow to over turn?" - that's not going to happen, and the independents are already dismissing the Rebs as stuck on stupid. Their campaign strategy reflects their inability to look capable, more vindictive like.

I'm hearing snippets of "this will energize our (R) base', and Romney is getting big donor money. Money in't going to help, when you're obviously out of ideas besides "repeal it now"

I want to know what he plans to replace it with, his own words?

Can we get the same benefits Congress gets? They complain about unions, but how many union members can work for four years and get benefits for the rest of their lives?
I want to know what he plans to replace it with, his own words?

Can we get the same benefits Congress gets? They complain about unions, but how many union members can work for four years and get benefits for the rest of their lives?

I dunno RANA, all I ever hear from the repubs is "no", they really are the party of "no"
I know many of you are angry about the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Obamacare,” said Sen. Jim DeMint, R- S.C., in a fund-raising e-mail to supporters of his Senate Conservatives Fund. “I am too. We're now living in a post-constitutional era that is destroying our country.”

But he said in the wake of Thursday’s decision, “there is only one solution to our government's unchecked power: win elections.”

Rep. Phil Gingrey, R- Ga., told reporters Friday, “I want to say to our base in the Republican Party: Get even more active than you’ve been. Get out and vote and take your friends with you. Because this train is leaving the station and there’s not going to be another opportunity. If Barack Obama is re-elected to a second term and we don’t replace him with the 45th president then this law sinks in, it gets roots and it ain’t going away.”

That doesn't sound like denial to me. Does this mean the OP is disingenuous?
I want to know what he plans to replace it with, his own words?

Can we get the same benefits Congress gets? They complain about unions, but how many union members can work for four years and get benefits for the rest of their lives?

Congress does not get that.
I want to know what he plans to replace it with, his own words?

Can we get the same benefits Congress gets? They complain about unions, but how many union members can work for four years and get benefits for the rest of their lives?

Currently Congresscreatures pay Social Security (prior to 1984 they did not), they have a partial vestment plan after 5 years they become partially vested... It takes many years of service to be fully vested in their retirement. Any member elected after 1984 has retirement benefits exactly the same as every other Federal Employee under the Federal Employees' Retirement System.