Request: Above Plain Politics.


New member
May I please be admitted to Above Plain Politics Forum?? Have sent requests to Moderators, but they have not acknowledged any of them.

Thank you.
Can thread bans go away, all the way, so that you can with a straight face claim to be in the service of free minds?

Who the fuck approved this idiotic idea?
May I please be admitted to Above Plain Politics Forum?? Have sent requests to Moderators, but they have not acknowledged any of them.

Thank you.

I think you have to suck off Phantasmal. Are you ready to do that?
May I please be admitted to Above Plain Politics Forum?? Have sent requests to Moderators, but they have not acknowledged any of them.

Thank you.
Waste of time, liberal or conservative. It's a one poster playground most of the time and a far cry from above the fray.
May I please be admitted to Above Plain Politics Forum?? Have sent requests to Moderators, but they have not acknowledged any of them.

Thank you.

They prefer that you route action requests via PM. At the very least, you could have avoided Jack posting dumb stuff on your thread.
They prefer that you route action requests via PM. At the very least, you could have avoided Jack posting dumb stuff on your thread.


That was witty, charming, funny, ... cutting edge. (3d, Trump lost, doesn't mean you have to go to The Dark Side)
