Response to Canadian Kid/ "Trolls"

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Hi! If we're going to talk about "trolls", there should be ONE definition. There isnt. It depends on who's ox is being gored. To MANY Lefists/Socialists on this site, like Canandian Kid, LadyT, socrtease, desh, etc., there's too many to name, a "troll" is ANYONE who disagrees with you, ESPECIALLY if the person uses FACTS and LOGIC to show the Moral and Intellectual Failure of Liberalism/Socialism/Collectivism, shows the HYPOCRISY of the Left, the LIES on a daily basis by their willing accomplices in Hollywood, the Media, etc.
I have asked him/her, and DOZENS of Leftists on this site, "Can you please enlighten us all, and tell us WHEN, since the Dawn of Civilization, has a nation EVER "Taxed itself into Prosperity" or "Taxed itself out of Financial Difficulty", for more than a short period? Not only am I ignored with this, and DOZENS of other hard questions about Socialism/Collectivism, Redistribution of Wealth from "Producers" to "NON-Producers", but I am IMMEDIATELY called NAMES, Haahaha! Now isn't THAT mature, and intelligent!
Names like "troll", and of course, The Big Three: "Nazi", "Facist", and either "Racist", or "Hate-Filled", dependind on which Liberal you're talking to.

They copy these Kneejerk, Liberal Buzzwords from, dailykos, or any of the other Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Corporate, Anti-American, Politically-Driven Wacko-Leftist websites out there. The FUNNY part is, though, that more and MORE Americans are finally figuring out that it is the LEFT, in this, and other countries, that are the MOST intolerant, prejudiced, Religiously-biased, and "Hate-Filled" bunch of people around! Now I'm not talking about ALL of you, of course. There are some people on this site, that I have talked to, that seem like nice people, even if I am diametrically opposed to their politics. I am talking about only a couple of people here, but more important, the LEADERSHIP, in Washington, and around the nation, who seem to want to destroy over 200 years of Moral Financial and Political ideas that made this country the GREATEST Nation there ever HAS been, with the HIGHEST standards, a Nation who FEEDS a third of the starving peoples of Africa and Asia.
But I wanted to SPECIFICALLY address Canadian Kid's point:

"As Democrats fought the Iraq supplementals in 2007, "one GOP aide characterized the Democrats’ decision as a ‘gift’ that would backfire politically on the Democrats." David Broder, whose concern trolling on behalf of the D.C. conservative establishment is unrivaled in its longevity and schoolmarmish tone, fretted that, "The danger may be greatest for the Democrats, even though President Bush’s failings have put them in a favored position to win the next election."

Now, when it comes to Iraq, we KNOW that the issue is a BIG LOSER for Democrats, that's why they don't mention it as much any more.
First, they(when I say "they", I'm talking about LEADERSHIP, in Washington)were on our side, right after 9-11. They didn't have the backbone, the COURAGE, to STAND UP, and speak out AGAINST going into Iraq, if that's what they believed. So they gave Pres. Bush carte blance, to have the GENERALS run the war, as ANY war we enter should be.
But THEN, after the Media BANNED the showing of the Twin Towers, and 3,000 American Civilians BURNING TO DEATH, the Far-Left Base of Democrats started screaming in phones, letters, etc., so Democrats started a campaign of Wasting Millions of dollars, more important TIME, when they couldv'e been HELPING Pres. Bush make America SAFER, instead FIGHTING our Pres., Lowering the Morale of our troops. We had Democrat scumbags like John Murtha and Dick Durbin, and DOZENS more, saying "Our troops went into homes in the dead of night, and MURDERED Women and Children IN COLD BLOOD", and comparing our troops to "The Gulags of the Soviet Union, Stalin, and the "Torture of Pol Pot."

Now even if you ARE such an asshole to TRULY BELIEVE those things about the vast majority of our young American Heros, who fight so WE AND OUR CHILDREN WON'T BE KILLED, even if you DID believe it, what PURPOSE would it SERVE to say it PUBLICLY!? I'll tell you. NO purpose, just to try and get your ugly, lying face on CNN, to get more FAME and POWER for your OWN POLITICAL HACK CAREER. The career that WE pay them for, so they can pass laws to give themselves RAISES, Free Health Clubs, Lobster-Tail lunches with lobbyists who take them up on their Private Jets, furthering Global Warming, where the Lobbyists provide 2 or 3 young, female "entertainers" in a Private Compartment. And THESE SCUMBSGS have the nerve to get on TV and trash our Military just to get their fat faces more airtime.

So I HOPE, no, I KNOW the subject of Iraq will be very prominent in this fall's campaign, especially since we have a War Hero Republican, against a Community Organizer Democrat, a BLANK Resume' who came out of the dirty, corrupt Daley Chicago polotical "machine", who defended Slumlords in court, who had Rat-Infested Tenements with Peeling Lead Paint, and Mr. Obama defended him, in court. Quite a contrast.:tongout:
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