Return of the Wall Street Hustlers


The Force is With Me
Maybe Ralph Nader was right in predicting that the same Wall Street hustlers would have a lock on our government no matter which major party won the election. I hate to admit it, since it wasn't that long ago that I heatedly challenged Nader in a debate on this very point.

But how else is one to respond to Barack Obama's picking the very folks who helped get us into this financial mess to now lead us out of it? Watching the president-elect's Monday introduction of his economic team, my brother-in-law Pete said, "You can see the feathers coming out of their mouths"


As Summers stayed on to ensure passage of deregulatory laws that enabled enormous banking greed, Rubin was rewarded with a $15 million-a-year executive position at Citigroup, a job that only got more lucrative as the bank went from one disaster, beginning with its involvement with Enron in which Rubin played an active role, to its huge role in the mortgage debacle. It is widely acknowledged that Citigroup fell victim to a merger mania, which Rubin and Summers made legal during their tenure at Treasury.

Yet despite that dismal record of dismantling sound regulation, Summers has been picked by Obama to be the top White House economic adviser and another Rubin disciple, Timothy Geithner, is the new Treasury secretary. Geithner, thanks in part to the strong recommendation of Rubin, had been appointed chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank after working for Rubin and Summers during the Clinton years. Once at the New York Fed, he was the main government official charged with regulating Citigroup, a task at which he obviously failed. Yet over the weekend, it was Geithner who hammered out the Citigroup bailout deal with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and a very actively involved Rubin.

As the Washington Post reported, Paulson had indicated last week that no further bailouts were planned before the new administration took office until "Rubin, an old colleague from Goldman Sachs, told Paulson in phone calls that the government had to act." Rubin conceded in an interview with the Post that he had played a key role in the politics of the bailout.

This outrageous conflict of interest in which Rubin gets to exploit his ties to both the outgoing and incoming administrations was best described by Washington Post writer Steven Pearlstein: "The ultimate irony, of course, is that just as Rubin and Co. at Citi were being bailed out by the Bush Administration, President-elect Barack Obama was getting set to announce a new economic team drawn almost entirely from Rubin acolytes."

As opposed to the far tougher deal negotiated on the bailout of AIG, the arrangement with Citigroup leaves the executives, including Rubin, who brought Citigroup to the brink of ruin, still in charge. Nor is there any guarantee of the value of the mortgage bundles that taxpayers will be guaranteeing. That is because, as candidate Obama clearly stated in his major economics address back in March, the deregulation pushed though during the Clinton years ended transparency in banking.

Why then has he appointed the very people responsible for this disaster to now make it all better? Why not ask him? Heck, yes, it is time for the many of us who responded to his e-mails during the campaign to now challenge our e-mail buddy as to why he suddenly acts as if the interests of Wall Street and Main Street are one and the same
the hustlers wont have anything left to hustle if they dont allow the markets to recover. Bring back the uptick rule immediately. Its what ended the great depression. Its what started this massive sell off to the day.
I'm NOT in the camp that deregulation caused the credit crunch but all we heard from Obama in the campaign was it was Republican deregegulation but the simple FACT is Robert Rueban {Clinton Treasury} was MUCH MUCH more involved in deregulation ESPECIALLY in derivitives than any Republican including Greenspan. He also headed the fall of Citi Group that's costed upwards of 300 BILLION in taxpayer dollars.

Obama has either changed his mind on economics or outright LIED to liberals to get votes.
I'm NOT in the camp that deregulation caused the credit crunch but all we heard from Obama in the campaign was it was Republican deregegulation but the simple FACT is Robert Rueban {Clinton Treasury} was MUCH MUCH more involved in deregulation ESPECIALLY in derivitives than any Republican including Greenspan. He also headed the fall of Citi Group that's costed upwards of 300 BILLION in taxpayer dollars.

Obama has either changed his mind on economics or outright LIED to liberals to get votes.

I was starting to think yesterday I am kind of viewing Clinton's Presidency in a different light now. He really did do some deregulating which I am impressed by. For all this talk of Bush deregulating all I can come up with so far is Sarbenes-Oxley which was massive new regulations.
And they backed your candidate more than any candidate in history.

Should there be any surprise to his actions now?

My candidate ?

I think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit. I did vote for Obama, but clearly stated that I just thought he was the lesser of the viable options.
Sorry, I assumed you voted for Obama.

My bad.

I did vote for Obama or more to say against McCain.
I was never thrilled with Obama, but he did offer a bit more hope than McCain.
And still does offer a bit more hope of positive change. But I expect ZERO miracles or large changes with Obama. He is after all part of the machine.
I did vote for Obama or more to say against McCain.
I was never thrilled with Obama, but he did offer a bit more hope than McCain.
And still does offer a bit more hope of positive change. But I expect ZERO miracles or large changes with Obama. He is after all part of the machine.

I don't disagree .. but even those who voted for him must understand he's going to have to be pushed into correct policy.

Sitting back saying nothing while he gives away the Treasury does not help our future, does not help our children.

No time for honeymoons or grace periods.

This nation is in a desperate crisis and Obama is already in charge.
I don't disagree .. but even those who voted for him must understand he's going to have to be pushed into correct policy.

Sitting back saying nothing while he gives away the Treasury does not help our future, does not help our children.

No time for honeymoons or grace periods.

This nation is in a desperate crisis and Obama is already in charge.

I agree with all except Obama is in charge.
I agree with all except Obama is in charge.

Hell, all that's missing is the red carpet and the flower girls.

Obama is in charge in a way that no incoming president has ever been.

As I said, Bush could take a trip to the moon and nobody would know he's gone.

Even Bush wants to get out of his way .. so he can get back to things he knows .. like hardware and ranchin'
Obama has been great over the past 4 days; I don't care what anyone thinks about specific picks, or aspects of the policy he is crafting to address the crisis. His visibility & words have stopped the bleeding, at least temporarily, and filled the leadership vacuum which has been so glaring since Lehman.

I know that there are a lot of factors for this, but I don't think the market would have rebounded like it has without the actions Obama has taken over the past few days. It's nothing to pop the champagne about, but last week, we were flirting with a drop to 6 or 7,000.
Hell, all that's missing is the red carpet and the flower girls.

Obama is in charge in a way that no incoming president has ever been.

As I said, Bush could take a trip to the moon and nobody would know he's gone.

Even Bush wants to get out of his way .. so he can get back to things he knows .. like hardware and ranchin'

true the appearance of him being in charge is there, but the fact remains that Bush is still president and new dem congress people are not in place either I think.

the fact that most assume Obama to be in charge is very telling though.

I don't recall this phenomena ever happening before in my lifetime.