Reuters releases damning emails about Libya.....


fully immersed in faith..
This is probably not the news Obama was looking for two weeks before the election.....
(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

I predict this does not end well for the administration.....
This explains why they spent a week pretending the "spontaneous uprising due to a video" story never happened, and Obama called it a "terrorist attack" on 9/12 in the Rose Garden. You know, I thought at the time, this was almost surreal, as if we had experienced some kind of time warp in reality, where the president and administration simply never tried to claim this was anything but a terrorist attack, and we just all experienced a mass hallucination. That's why they have been trying their best to walk this one back, they knew all along.

My question now becomes, WHY WASN'T SOME ACTION TAKEN SWIFTLY? Why were the heads of military and intelligence not convened by the president along with the Sec. of Defense in the war room, and something done? Better yet, why did President Obama fly off the next morning to a series of fundraisers, and send his spokesCarney out there to tell us all a bold-faced LIE?

Don't tell me there was nothing they could do! We certainly have the ability to launch drone attacks wherever we please in the region! It's possible, if this president had acted quickly and decisively, and taken the appropriate steps in such a crisis, the Ambassador and others might have been saved.

I think this is going to END Obama's political career, election day win or not.
seriously?......63 views and not a single liberal opens his mouth?.......I expected one of you would at least condemn the rabid right wing press......
seriously?......63 views and not a single liberal opens his mouth?.......I expected one of you would at least condemn the rabid right wing press......

They will blame it on a right wing conspiracy, we forced Obama to lie and blame it on a YouTube video.

This is asinine for a number of reasons. First, we know what happens when individual bits of intelligence are relied upon in isolation and without verification from other intelligence sources. Google "Curveball Iraq" and report back to me if you have any lingering questions. Second, terrorist groups often claim responsibility for attacks that they have nothing to do with because they want people to believe they are responsible even though they aren't. Third, a spontaneous attacks can be carried out by terrorist groups. There's nothing that precludes the attack from being both spontaneous and carried out by terrorists. Fourth, the Administration relied upon the assessment of the CIA, who presumably evaluated all intelligence in connection with the attack before giving its assessment. It would have been improper for the White House to rely upon a single piece of raw intelligence in contravention of the overall assessment of the CIA.
Make up your minds cons

didd Obama appologise to the terrorists or did he say it wasnt terrorists.

Your lies are bumping into each other
This is asinine for a number of reasons. First, we know what happens when individual bits of intelligence are relied upon in isolation and without verification from other intelligence sources. Google "Curveball Iraq" and report back to me if you have any lingering questions. Second, terrorist groups often claim responsibility for attacks that they have nothing to do with because they want people to believe they are responsible even though they aren't. Third, a spontaneous attacks can be carried out by terrorist groups. There's nothing that precludes the attack from being both spontaneous and carried out by terrorists. Fourth, the Administration relied upon the assessment of the CIA, who presumably evaluated all intelligence in connection with the attack before giving its assessment. It would have been improper for the White House to rely upon a single piece of raw intelligence in contravention of the overall assessment of the CIA.

Except the timeline doesn't work out. The attacks went on for 6 hours, the Ambassador wasn't killed until near the end, and our people knew it was a terrorist attack 2 hours into the ordeal. In fact, reports indicate we watched the end unfold via drones. We had fighter jets stationed 1 hour away in Italy, and maybe some even closer.

Now, Obama didn't sit in a school room in the middle of reading a goat book, and stare aimlessly for 15 minutes before acting, like someone else we know... He went to bed and did NOTHING, got up the next morning and headed to Vegas, baby! Then, for the next two weeks, LIED to the American people about what went down. To this very moment, Obama has done absolutely Jack Squat to avenge the death of our Ambassador and the others, and seems content with hoping this goes away and doesn't spoil his chances for reelection.
Except the timeline doesn't work out. The attacks went on for 6 hours, the Ambassador wasn't killed until near the end, and our people knew it was a terrorist attack 2 hours into the ordeal. In fact, reports indicate we watched the end unfold via drones. We had fighter jets stationed 1 hour away in Italy, and maybe some even closer.

Now, Obama didn't sit in a school room in the middle of reading a goat book, and stare aimlessly for 15 minutes before acting, like someone else we know... He went to bed and did NOTHING, got up the next morning and headed to Vegas, baby! Then, for the next two weeks, LIED to the American people about what went down. To this very moment, Obama has done absolutely Jack Squat to avenge the death of our Ambassador and the others, and seems content with hoping this goes away and doesn't spoil his chances for reelection.

Your timeline conflicts with the emails themselves.

The first email, timed at 4:05 p.m. Washington time - or 10:05 p.m. Benghazi time, 20-30 minutes after the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission allegedly began - carried the subject line "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" and the notation "SBU", meaning "Sensitive But Unclassified."

The text said the State Department's regional security office had reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was "under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well."

The message continued: "Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four ... personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support."

A second email, headed "Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi" and timed 4:54 p.m. Washington time, said that the Embassy in Tripoli had reported that "the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared." It said a "response team" was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.

A third email, also marked SBU and sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time, carried the subject line: "Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack."

The message reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

By the time the third email with the report on Ansar Al-Sharia claiming responsibility on its Facebook page and Twitter account, the firing had ceased for over an hour.
This is asinine for a number of reasons. First, we know what happens when individual bits of intelligence are relied upon in isolation and without verification from other intelligence sources.
I know. things like 9/11 happen, then the liberals accuse Bush of letting it happen, being incompetent, or planning it himself.
Your timeline conflicts with the emails themselves.

By the time the third email with the report on Ansar Al-Sharia claiming responsibility on its Facebook page and Twitter account, the firing had ceased for over an hour.

There was no response team at the site, and the Ambassador was killed, so there was obviously still some firing. You ass-suckers can try and spin your way around this one, but your boy is DONE! FINISHED! It was bad enough when we thought they didn't know what had happened for a day, but now that the truth has spilled out, this is totally unforgivable. Neither Obama or his administration is going to survive this, and that also means, no Hillary 2016. Her political career is over as well, may as well dust off the cookie recipees!
There was no response team at the site, and the Ambassador was killed, so there was obviously still some firing. You ass-suckers can try and spin your way around this one, but your boy is DONE! FINISHED! It was bad enough when we thought they didn't know what had happened for a day, but now that the truth has spilled out, this is totally unforgivable. Neither Obama or his administration is going to survive this, and that also means, no Hillary 2016. Her political career is over as well, may as well dust off the cookie recipees!

you don't think the mainstream media will do whatever it takes to whitewash this?
There was no response team at the site, and the Ambassador was killed, so there was obviously still some firing. You ass-suckers can try and spin your way around this one, but your boy is DONE! FINISHED! It was bad enough when we thought they didn't know what had happened for a day, but now that the truth has spilled out, this is totally unforgivable. Neither Obama or his administration is going to survive this, and that also means, no Hillary 2016. Her political career is over as well, may as well dust off the cookie recipees!

I see. So you believe the emails when they suit your needs and not when they are inconvenient for you. 4:05 is the first report of firing. 4:54 was the report that firing had ceased. 6:07 was the email about Ansar al-Sharia claiming responsibility.

You want to pretend that people know about the 6:07 email before the 4:54 email. Nope.

This is so asinine. The upside, I guess, is that the government could save a lot of money on CIA intelligence officers by just friendning terrorist groups on Facebook and following their Twitter feeds.
We know for a fact that the siege went on for about 6 hours. We know that our intelligence had determined it was a terrorist attack within 2 hours. We know for a fact that fighter jets in Italy could have been there in about an hour. AND... we know now, if the president had RESPONDED, it may have saved an Ambassador's life... but he had to get his sleep for the busy day ahead fundraising in Vegas.

What's asinine, is that you are here staunchly defending this shit.
We know for a fact that the siege went on for about 6 hours.

Actually, that's not true. You're assuming that the mortar fire occurred as part of the Siege. Direct reporting from Tripoli suggests that the actual siege was over within a hour and that the mortar fire was not part of a sustained attack but occurred hours after the initial attack.

We know that our intelligence had determined it was a terrorist attack within 2 hours.

That's not true either. We know that Ansar Al-Sharia claimed responsibility for the attack on its Facebook page and Twitter account. That doesn't mean that our intelligence had determined it was a terrorist attack. It means a single piece of evidence suggests it may have been a terrorist attack.

We know for a fact that fighter jets in Italy could have been there in about an hour.

To whateffect? 49 minutes after the initial reports of gunfire there was a second report that the gunfire stopped.

AND... we know now, if the president had RESPONDED, it may have saved an Ambassador's life... but he had to get his sleep for the busy day ahead fundraising in Vegas.

I suppose we can speculate that if the President responded immediately upon receiving the email about the attack and instantaneously ordered forces in Italy to respond who instantaneously took off from Italy they would have arrived after the shooting had stopped and saved the ambassador's life through time travel. Or something.

Also, too, the firing was reported to have stopped at about 5:00 p.m. Washington time. You should probably come up with a different activity for Obama to have been engaged in. Sleeping is not likely.

What's asinine, is that you are here staunchly defending this shit.

Is that's what's asinine? OK. Thanks.
My bet, unlike Bush, Obama won't invade another country over the actions of the Libiyan terrorists!

No, it looks like the Obama strategy is to completely ignore terrorist attacks and go on about his business as usual, pretending they never happen. If I were a foreign Ambassador anywhere in the middle east, I would resign today and come back home!