Reverend Moon


Well-known member
Reverend Moon: Creator of the conservative Washington Times, long time backer of the republican party, close ties to the Bush family. Moon gave $1 million dollars for Bush's Presidential library.

Why won't the Bushes disown or denounce reverend Moon?
Why won't the conservative pundits of the Washington Times "walk out" on the newspaper, who is funded by an anti-american religious kook?

"But look at America. It is rotten, top to bottom. There is nothing to be proud of, not their way of walking or talking or thinking. After the demise of communism and the destruction of democracy, all that will remain will be the True Family and True Children system, centered upon True Parents" [Moon's title for himself and his wife].

--Reverend Sun Yung Moon
Reverend Moon: Creator of the conservative Washington Times, long time backer of the republican party, close ties to the Bush family. Moon gave $1 million dollars for Bush's Presidential library.

Why won't the Bushes disown or denounce reverend Moon?
Why won't the conservative pundits of the Washington Times "walk out" on the newspaper, who is funded by an anti-american religious kook?

where is that quote from?
Reverend Moon: Creator of the conservative Washington Times, long time backer of the republican party, close ties to the Bush family. Moon gave $1 million dollars for Bush's Presidential library.

Why won't the Bushes disown or denounce reverend Moon?
Why won't the conservative pundits of the Washington Times "walk out" on the newspaper, who is funded by an anti-american religious kook?
When was the last time Bush attended the good Rev's church? Maybe he got married by him at one of those huge multi-marriage arranged ceremonies!
Religious right joins Rev. Moon at pro-Bush inaugural luncheon
Mar 2001

Top leaders of the Religious Right, including Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President James Merritt, were among the crowd at a Jan. 19 "Inaugural Prayer Luncheon for Unity and Renewal" sponsored by an arm of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church....Two Bush administration nominees attended the luncheon as well - Stephen Goldsmith, the former Indianapolis mayor who will promote "charitable choice" initiatives, and Attorney General John Ashcroft. Goldsmith touted the Bush plan to give churches federal funds to offer social services.

The Houston Chronicle in 2006 obtained evidence that Moon’s Washington Times Foundation had contributed $1 million to Bush’s presidential library using the Greater Houston Community Foundation as a conduit.

Reverend Moon: "The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the world. I will go beyond the boundary of the U.S., opening up the toll gate, reaching out to the end of the world. I will go forward, piercing through everything ...When we are in our battle against the whole nation of the U.S. -- if you are truly in love with this nation, and if you love this nation more than anyone else, this nation will come into God's possession, and Satan will have nothing to do with it. ... With that as the bullet, we can smash the whole world."
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When was the last time Bush attended the good Rev's church? Maybe he got married by him at one of those huge multi-marriage arranged ceremonies!


Obama doesn't go to Farakhan's church. He in fact denounces him and to my knowledge hasn't taken a dime of money from farakhan. Yet, we had to go through a week of stories by the MSM and wingnuts swooning over the farakhan deal.

Why do you suppose that is? When the moonie ties to republicans get a pass?

Let me guess: it has to do with skin tone.

Obama doesn't go to Farakhan's church. He in fact denounces him and to my knowledge hasn't taken a dime of money from farakhan. Yet, we had to go through a week of stories by the MSM and wingnuts swooning over the farakhan deal.

Why do you suppose that is? When the moonie ties to republicans get a pass?

Let me guess: it has to do with skin tone.
I think it probably has to do with the letters next to the name and the fact that they are not currently running. Another consideration is that Moon holds no position in any campaign staff.

As it stands, people certainly bring it up. I can find website after website about it. I think you are barking up the wrong tree. As it stands nobody here is defending Bush.

Obama doesn't go to Farakhan's church. He in fact denounces him and to my knowledge hasn't taken a dime of money from farakhan. Yet, we had to go through a week of stories by the MSM and wingnuts swooning over the farakhan deal.

Why do you suppose that is? When the moonie ties to republicans get a pass?

Let me guess: it has to do with skin tone.

You deserve an A for effort for trying to find an equivalent to the Reverand Wright.
You deserve an A for effort for trying to find an equivalent to the Reverand Wright.
It is a funny one too. It makes it even better. I'd give it a "B" for entertainment value. It is the "But they do it too!" defense with funny mixed in.
I think it probably has to do with the letters next to the name and the fact that they are not currently running. Another consideration is that Moon holds no position in any campaign staff.

As it stands, people certainly bring it up. I can find website after website about it. I think you are barking up the wrong tree. As it stands nobody here is defending Bush.

I don't think it would make a difference if anyone was running. I think you know that, too.

There is a tremendous double-standard here. McCain SOUGHT Hagee's endorsement, and there has been no outcry for him to "renounce" the evangelical leader. Obama was crucified for Farakhan's endorsement just a week or so before the Wright thing blew up, and that was something he didn't even seek.
I don't think it would make a difference if anyone was running. I think you know that, too.

There is a tremendous double-standard here. McCain SOUGHT Hagee's endorsement, and there has been no outcry for him to "renounce" the evangelical leader. Obama was crucified for Farakhan's endorsement just a week or so before the Wright thing blew up, and that was something he didn't even seek.
Ron Paul got it because some guy he didn't know gave him money. I think it is dumb to say that because somebody else gave them money they should denounce them. However, I'll admit that I said I would have given the money back if I was RP and said something about it. Instead he denounced the guy's ideas and kept the cash. And was soundly trounced by many an Obama supporter. BAC a notable one on this site. The guy wasn't even on his staff, had never been his pastor, hadn't been on a committee, was not ever asked to give a prayer then rejected at the last second after pleading from RP's staff. None of that happened.

It was clearly not the letter by his name that got him a pass. And yes the RP incident and Farrakhan are about equal. I can't imagine what an outcry there would have been if he had gone to a church that preached that kind of stuff and had their pastor on his staff. He did an interview on a radio program and therefore was excoriated.

In this case Rev. Moon is such a caricature, it is hard to take him seriously.
Remember how no stink was attached to bush when his spiritual advisor got caught with illegal drugs and a gsy guy ?

And this is the party of personal responsibility ???
But Cypress, shouldn't you be defending Moon?

I thought fundamentalism was ok if it was rooted in strong Biblical argument?
Remember how no stink was attached to bush when his spiritual advisor got caught with illegal drugs and a gsy guy ?

And this is the party of personal responsibility ???
BS. It was all you could talk about. Do you guys live in a parallel universe or something? It is part of the reason his approval is at 33%. At least recognize reality, it helps when making statements like this. It stank, we all knew it, and many of us spoke against the religious crazies who have far too much power in the party.
Lets not forget the religious right still supporting Ronnie Raygun after he admitted to using astrologers...

Right lug nuts just consider themselves above the same scorn they use on others.
No denying that.
BS. It was all you could talk about. Do you guys live in a parallel universe or something? It is part of the reason his approval is at 33%. At least recognize reality, it helps when making statements like this. It stank, we all knew it, and many of us spoke against the religious crazies who have far too much power in the party.

pretend all you want Damo. compare the dates on the massage thing and his approval ratings levels. he was already in the crapper, it made little difference with the remaining supporters he had at the time of the exposure.
Lets not forget the religious right still supporting Ronnie Raygun after he admitted to using astrologers...

Right lug nuts just consider themselves above the same scorn they use on others.
No denying that.

Isn't there a difference between using astrologers and accusing the government of creating AIDS?
Lets not forget the religious right still supporting Ronnie Raygun after he admitted to using astrologers...

Right lug nuts just consider themselves above the same scorn they use on others.
No denying that.
Again. His wife did. There is a difference between Reagan and his wife. Of course it was Donald Regan, not Ronald Reagan (I know you don't know the difference as you consistently mix the two up) that said that Nancy used an astrologer to set their schedules, and that was after he was forced out of his position by the same...