revised bailout now with pork

It doesn't just have pork. It should be stated as "Huge Pork Bill, Now with Securities Relief"...
It doesn't just have pork. It should be stated as "Huge Pork Bill, Now with Securities Relief"...

My understanding is that most of the stuff already passed the House and Senate (Senate amended a House bill and passed in on 9/23/08 sending it back to the House) and is being rolled into the bailout plan as a package to get House Republicans on board who are insistent on these "earmark tax cuts."
My understanding is that most of the stuff already passed the House and Senate (Senate amended a House bill and passed in on 9/23/08 sending it back to the House) and is being rolled into the bailout plan as a package to get House Republicans on board who are insistent on these "earmark tax cuts."

Dungheap do you work for someone in government? Or are you just a real Congressional junkie who likes the details of legislation?
But "securities relief" itself is pork. So it's like pork with a side of pork. Pork X2! Do you see the real humor?

Giggity Giggity
It's like watching the SPAM skit on Monty Python. Do you have anything without any SPAM in it?

Well, we do have eggs, bacon, spam and eggs, that doesn't have much SPAM in it...
Dungheap do you work for someone in government? Or are you just a real Congressional junkie who likes the details of legislation?

Shamefully, I'm just a junkie. By the way, the "earmark tax bill" (i.e., exempting excise taxes on certain wooden arrows designed for use by children) that was tacked on to the bailout bill was HR 6049. It passed the Senate (with amendment) by a vote of 93-2.
Didn't both presidential candidates talk about how they were against earmarks, etc in their debate not long ago? Then somehow they are both voting for this bogus piece of shit called a bill - with the added candy to get the house to pass it too?

And what the fuck is with the House? 700B bailout is not good enough and goes down, but 700B bailout plus a whole bunch more in earmarks IS good enough?

I say we start a movement right now. Not a single incumbent who voted for this piece of crap gets reelected.
Didn't both presidential candidates talk about how they were against earmarks, etc in their debate not long ago? Then somehow they are both voting for this bogus piece of shit called a bill - with the added candy to get the house to pass it too?

And what the fuck is with the House? 700B bailout is not good enough and goes down, but 700B bailout plus a whole bunch more in earmarks IS good enough?

I say we start a movement right now. Not a single incumbent who voted for this piece of crap gets reelected.
Well, I won't be voting for Tancredo, not this year. Nope! Not at all... That's just how I roll. Integrity pouring out of me!

I hope nobody notices he isn't running.