(revsied) Part 2 How The WEF/Illuminati Used A Biker Gang To Try And Make Me Religio

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Part 2 How The WEF/Illuminati Used A Biker Gang To Try And Make Me Religious & Failed Miserably

After staying up days at a time until my body collapsed to sleep every now and then after being badgered by the notorious biker gang chapter in Midland Ontario Canada for weeks and not eating well due to missing appointments and loss of appetite due to lack of sleep as well not being able to find my back pack and identification in it due to it being stolen during a carnival by the waterfront (I was hoping someone would ditch it with my identification after stealing my stuff from it) came a day where I made a couple of sandwiches and decided to head off to find service Ontario to see about getting the ball rolling to get my identification back through the long painstaking process of applying for it. Since almost all of my stuff was destroyed or stolen in Midland, I took my radio and butane stove with me, a couple of sandwiches and some water filled bottles along with some cigarettes, the shirt on my back, the shorts on my backside, the sandals on my feet and my sweater coat with my bike and a couple of reusable bags to carry some of the stuff I had with me.

I made it to service Ontario in the mall and was told to first go to service Canada so I went outside, sat and ate one of my two sandwiches. I then went back into the mall to the washrooms which were off to the side and down a long narrow hall. I washed my hair and face in the sink and as soon as I was done I heard someone on speakerphone telling me that now was my chance to get out of Midland, to just get on my bike and go.

I left the mall while thinking that perhaps that wasn't such a bad idea to leave and perhaps I was being tipped off that this was an opportune time since many there were telepaths and I was being tracked everywhere I went. When I left for Service Ontario I had no intention of leaving so no one suspected a thing. I could stay and continue to gang up on the biker gang with my sarcasm as I turned into a stick boy due to lack of sleep and lack of eating properly or I could get on my bike and leave with the stuff I had with me leaving behind my guitar, torn tent, folding accordion mattress, snow pants, winter jacket, clothing I had just bought (I found a favourite shirt there but oh well) food and a few other things like my sleeping bag and fishing rod that weren't already destroyed or stolen. Since my assessment of the biker gangs intentions was to keep me awake and poorly fed so they could try and get me to join their gang so I could make them tonnes of cash with my hard core powerful guitar originals (by this time I was well practiced with solid calluses unlike when I was in Ottawa the previous year just after I got the guitar after years of not playing) I decided to jump on my bike and head for Barrie Ontario with only the stuff I had with me before I turned into a twig. It was kind of strange that I didn't even own a motorcycle but I suppose when you intellectually slaughter the illuminati and WEF's rhetoric with the greatest of ease and refuse to join them they fund people to mess with you I suppose to even try and make me look insane by sharing what they did to me. I didn't mind people calling me The Professional, The Guitar Player or The Teacher everywhere I went in Midland but other than that there really was no upside for me, I mean I never wanted to join a biker gang and am not religious let alone a Luciferian of which if I put on their jacket I weakly would have been sucked into it.

I rode my bike up and down many hills and arrived in Barrie a couple of hours later as I ate my last sandwich while riding. I heard many stories of Barrie such as they were making it hard for homeless to stay and the drug problem was huge there so I wasn't really planning on staying. I stayed that night realizing that there wasn't much for me there. I spent the night freezing in between cardboard boxes I picked from a recycling bin but I got some sleep and awoke bright and early. That day I found out I could only get a light breakfast from a program they had and the Buzbee center would only give out two sandwiches per day so I knew if I stayed there I would continue to turn into a tick boy so after getting a pair of track pants, a warm shirt and a little pup tent from Buzbee I got on my bike and headed for Highway 400 and stashed my bike locking it to a tree at the side of a hill hidden in trees along side the highway, went to the on ramp going North and stuck out my thumb. I didn't have my map because it was stolen along with many of my prize possessions in Midland so I wasn't aware that the 400 split into hwy. 11 one way and the 400 both going North in different directions as it has changed over the years. I was picked up by a guy going to Orillia of which I asked him if he could let me off next to Orillia next to the 400 and he said yes but he dropped my off in Orillia at hwy. 11 and I was still thinking that it was the 400. Hey I was exhausted, sleepy and hungry. I stuck out my thumb again and a man taking his kids to see grandma picked me up and when he found out that I thought I was still on the 400 he wound up back tracking and dropped me off at division road and hwy 12 telling me to go down hwy 12 to the 400 but I was not heading back to Midland so I walked division road all the way to Caroline Line back to HWY 11 and up HWY 11 to Soules Road where I caught a ride into Gravenhurst where I spent the night on a patch of grass out in front of Canadian Tire in the little pup tent at about 6 degrees Celsius freezing my jones off.

On a side note it was a little strange, while on Division road I looked to the right and saw a bunch of cows and straight away I noticed a black one's head pop up facing away from me as it immediately and creepily turned around and gave me the most sarcastic ear to ear smile I ever saw in my life. I didn't know cows could smile so I smiled back at it and started to laugh as I kept walking.

I woke up the next day with a little water and no food. I used my last 90 cents to buy a granola bar at a variety store and popped into a restaurant to see if I could work in exchange for a meal, the woman working at the fish and chip restaurant gave me a bowl of home fries for free with some ketchup. I ate and caught a ride directly into Parry Sound hours later. I was dropped off at hwy. 400 so I gathered my things and walked down to the pier, after looking around disappointingly to see if there was anything here that offered the homeless a meal, where I plopped and sat for an hour or two. By this time I was feeling exhausted and starving. I gathered my stuff and walked as far as the Coast Guard's area and put up my pup tent behind their storage garages where I lay on cold ground and passed out for a couple of hours. I woke up exhausted still and starving so I started walking back towards the pier on that last Sunday of August where I came across a woman who asked how I was and I told her that I needed to find somewhere with cardboard in their recycling so I didn't have to freeze on the cold ground and asked her if she knew of anywhere a homeless guy could snag a meal. She wound up getting me a room at a motel for the night and bough me some Dairy Queen food. This woman claims to be a Christian and since she helped me out and listened to my story of all of the crazy things I just went through I figured I would be nice and hear her out with what she had to say about her Christianity. I mean normally I would have ripped anyone a new one listening to some of the things she told me but again because she heard my crazy story and helped me out I gave her some leeway to hear what she had to say without interrupting her. She wanted me to convert to her religion but there is no way that will ever happen. Every time I see her we chit chat etc. and she did drive me around for the first couple of days getting things together such as an old beat up tent with a faulty zipper which was better than nothing and I am still in the tent and a sleeping bag as well some food. They also gave me a voucher for the thrift store as well gift cards to the Bargain Shop so I could get some clothing etc. of which Rhonda drove me around and took me to the location by the North Salt Dock where I pitched the tent and have been ever since.

I have this to share in lieu of all that happened after sharing the factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god in a nut shell. Again the religious (those of many religions) claim that god or allah is the creator of everything and they also redundantly confess that the lie they cater too has intelligence to understand so called prayer or worship. The factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god / allah is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. (go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! You never will because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and is proof that everything that does exist always did exist throughout an endless duration of constant change) Not anything can go poof into existence out of nothingness, not anything can develop and intellect out of nothing and not anything can create with nothing which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything thus proves beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or an allah because not anything with intellect could ever be the creator of everything. It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for anything to come into existence, develop an intellect or develop the ability to create.

Let's say there are aliens at best, two of them had a kid and the father wanted to name the kid Dog after the kids mother and the mother furious, decided to over rule the father opposing him calling the kid the opposite of dog calling him god. They had another kid and called him Lucifer. The two kids grew up and decided they wanted to collect souls so one pretended to be the good guy to attract some people and the other pretended to be the bad guy to attract other people and they used this to get the people to fight so they could keep their souls once these people sided with them.

If something wants your soul, it is simple don't trust it period. Religion is for the weak (what was your time of weakness when the religious took you, were you an innocent little baby, were you starving or homeless, did you have a gang nagging you day and night to join for weeks on end relentlessly depriving you of food and sleep, did you just suffer a natural disaster, did you just lose a loved one, were you just raped etc.) of which I am not that weak in my time of weakness and never will be. I appreciate Rhonda helping me out in my time of weakness but I will never convert.

I am not here to collect your souls, lucky for you I rule but only seek to guide ;) and I care enough to put aside my own selfishness to fight the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet hence why I am homeless and live in a tent because the WEF and their useful idiots threaten to sue those with money unless they comply with their lies and deceptions or lose gainful employment unless you comply with their sick and filthy slew of lies and deceptions. Even though they still screw with me, it is my pleasure to stand strong for us all and taking a look at WEF Members, most of the appear to be Jewish and they are attempting to divide and conquer you while also trying to get you to sympathize with them because of their lies and deceptions having them evicted from more than a hundred places over hundreds of years before it happened again in Germany which is no different except they used the media to try and twist things to try and get people to feel sorry for them while making the Germans who saved the Jews from being slaughtered by the muslims the bad guy so they could keep pulling their crap that got them evicted from so many places previously on every modern Western civilization so they can continue to treat everyone like trash to become slaves for their lust for greed and selfishness and I say screw you religious low life's and lucky for you too that I care about everyone! Remember zionists and their semitist counterparts work together, they all claim the anti semitism card as jews when it seems convenient (usually when trying to evade accountability for their actions) all have Rabbi's and the semitists take up key governing positions in infiltrated countries to help the zionists with divide and conquer but seem to think distancing themselves from zionists will hide their jewish intentions of make every western civilization pay for not wanting thus not taking the Jews in such mass numbers just before what they call the holocaust occurred. Yes their filthy religious lies keeps leading them to become evicted from so many places as they pull their rhetoric everywhere they go and these scum bags are trying to place the blame on everyone else for where their sick and filthy religious ways always leads them as hundreds of years of them being evicted from pretty much everywhere they invaded thus here they are attempting to divide and conquer several countries simultaneously in modern day with their useful idiots eager to stab everyone in the back of the country they betray with the same crap that keeps getting them evicted for hundreds of years! I suppose this indicates that jews are too stupid to learn.

The anti-semitism scam:

OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.

Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people (let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.

One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.

Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you to evade you from placing blame on religious low life scum bags where it belongs and try and make you out to be the bad guy for exposing their sick behaviour while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.

The Jewish antisemistism get out of jail free card has expired / soon to expire because it is now exploited.

No more of their sick behavior and when people get fed up with their sick behavior they claim the antisemitism card to deflect from their sick behavior and try and make anyone justly infuriated with them as the problem. So much like the religious, their sick and filthy religious factually proven foundations have lead to war and divide for thousands of years yet these days religious scum carry on like their sick behavior pissing people off is the people they piss off with their sick behavior as the problem.


To see part one if you missed it click here



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!