Rhetocial Question For Everyone Occupying Space Now.


Verified User
You stand with truth all things humanity protects in rule of law denies life is only reproductions existing while evolving in parallel positions of the numbers present conceived to decomposed so far?
Try NOT posting while taking Hallucinogens.
Gee caricature projection to destroy an intellectual character of humanity. How psychological that is.
Can you imagine reproducitons only evolving in parallel occupying space at the same time in series of combined ancestral progression of a species lasting inception to extinciton so far?

I navigate living as proportionately here. How do you behave conceived to decomposed as equally timed part and proportionately here as I am?
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everyone is governed by social doubt how life is naturally timed apart so I came up with a way to combat "Mutually Assured Destruction" psychologically applied to individuals for not paying to pick sides as the means to road to Eternal Hell is paved with greater good intentions of teaching each next ancestor reproductively added to ignore reproductions are evolving in parallel space so far.

It's is a serenity thing of knowing what one can change and the changes always going on one is proportionately part in. Self evident results without a shadow of doubt theories and theologies dictate intellectually who one's character better be cradle to grave or else.

So you play words make you greater than proportionatley here all you want, you fooled yourself as bad as society has become and nbody wants to correct it until extinction happens and by social behavior less than 2 reproduction cycles till fruition.

see I made my choice to stop enabling deniers governing real with imaginary ways to ignore natural displacement. You still operate taking advatage of everyone lost in faith life actually only exists in parallel evolving going on now.

see I enjoy the freedom of defending deniers cradle to grave. Sure I become enemy to all state of mind reality is everything, but that is why I use cyberspace.

See I destory your reality and didn't change a thing about life existing in plain sight. But You have to defend doubt, I don't.
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