Ricin Scare - Fox sucks

Kamala Trump

Verified User
I just saw more on fox on the ricin scare.

"No link to terrorism" they say. But they still said nothing about who this guy is who is walking around with this stuff and why does he have it.

What a shitty news channel.
If the one that reports on it doesn't report enough, then they all suck. I understand.

They all do suck, including fox. But the others don't suck BECAUSE fox didn't report enough. Their suckiness is uniquely related to themselves and has nothing to do with fox. There is no causality there.
Latest reporting...........

LE found weapons and radical organization pamplets in the room...they haven't released the groups name as of yet!
I just saw more on fox on the ricin scare.

"No link to terrorism" they say. But they still said nothing about who this guy is who is walking around with this stuff and why does he have it.

What a shitty news channel.

I saw the reports while I was out to lunch yesterday, and I had the same impression. The authorities know "very little" by their own admission, so how can terrorism be ruled out? Ricin is not something that is available at the corner CVS or Walgreens, and as far as I know it is not something that can occur naturally like Legionaire's Disease. So how does ricin come to be there unless someone is intent on killing some folks?

As to Fox, I saw them correctly reporting the claims of the authorities that there was no link. So in that sense they are correct. But in terms of blithely accepting those claims, which a little thought would call to question without further question, I do find fault.
I just saw an official type guy interviewed and he said they say that so people don't get scared. It's basically a lie. They don't know shit yet.
Does this mean we have had a terrorist attack under the watch of GWB?

Oh, lawd, lawd, they promised this would never happen!!!! We are fighting them over there, so they don't ricin us over here!

Does this mean we have had a terrorist attack under the watch of GWB?

Oh, lawd, lawd, they promised this would never happen!!!! We are fighting them over there, so they don't ricin us over here!


That's a threat more than anything. That's a promise of false flag attacks unless we do what they say, give away our rights and commit to perpetual war.