Rick Scott - Florida Governor - Wants to Rig the Vote in November


EXCLUSIVE: Florida Telling Hundreds Of Eligible Citizens That They Are Ineligible To Vote


Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) has ordered the state to purge all “non-citizens” from the voting rolls prior to November’s election. But that list compiled by the Scott administration is so riddled with errors that, in Miami-Dade County alone, hundreds of U.S. citizens are being told they are ineligible to vote, ThinkProgress has learned exlusively.

According to data from the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections obtained by ThinkProgress:

- 1638 people in Miami-Dade County were flagged by the state as “non-citizens” and sent letters informing them that they were ineligible to vote.

- Of that group, 359 people have subsequently provided the county with proof of citizenship.

- Another 26 people were identified as U.S. citizens directly by the county.

- The bulk of the remaining 1200 people have simply not responded yet to a letter sent to them by the Supervisor of Elections.

You can see a similar letter sent to alleged “non-citizens” by the Broward County Supervisor of Elections HERE. (“The Supervisor of Elections… has received information that you are not a citizen of the United States.”) If recipients of the letter do not respond within 30 days — a deadline that is mere days away — they will be summarily removed from the voting rolls. The voters purged from the list, election officials tell ThinkProgress, will inevitably include fully eligible Florida voters.

In short, an excess of 20 percent of the voters flagged as “non-citizens” in Miami-Dade are, in fact, citizens. And the actual number may be much higher.

An analysis of the state-wide list by the Miami Herald found that “Hispanic, Democratic and independent-minded voters are the most likely to be targeted” as ineligible by the list. Conversely, “whites and Republicans are disproportionately the least-likely to face the threat of removal.”

The rest:
More from ThinkProgress:

On Wednesday, November 7, Mitt Romney could wake up as the President-elect thanks to one man: Florida Governor Rick Scott. With little fanfare, Scott is undertaking an audacious plan to kick thousands of Floridians off the ballot just before this year’s elections. It’s a sloppy, chaotic and possibly illegal plan. But it just might work. Here’s how:

1. Scott has created a massive list of Floridians to purge from the voting rolls before the election. Late last year, Governor Scott ordered his Secretary of State, Kurt Browning, to “to identify and remove non-U.S. citizens from the voter rolls.” But Browning did not have access to reliable citizenship data. The state attempted to identify non-U.S. citizens by comparing the voting file with data from the state motor vehicle administration, but the motor vehicle data does not contain updated citizenship information. The process, which created a list of 182,000 people, was considered so flawed by Browning that he refused to release the data to county election officials. Browning resigned in February and Scott has pressed forward with the purge, starting with about 2600 voters.

2. The list of “ineligible” voters is riddled with errors and includes hundreds of eligible U.S. citizens. According to data obtained by ThinkProgress, in Miami-Dade county alone, 1638 people were flagged by the state as “non-citizens.” Already, 359 people on the list have provided the county with proof of citizenship and 26 people were identified as U.S. citizens directly by the county. The remaining 1200 have simply not responded to the letter informing them of their purported ineligibility. Similar problems have been identified in Polk County and Broward County.

3. Scott’s list is heavily targeted at Democratic and Hispanic voters. A study by the Miami Herald found that “Hispanic, Democratic and independent-minded voters are the most likely to be targeted in a state hunt to remove thousands of noncitizens from Florida’s voting rolls.” For example, Hispanics comprise 58 percent of the list but just 13 percent of eligible voters. Conversely, “Whites and Republicans are disproportionately the least-likely to face the threat of removal.”

4. Florida election officials have acknowledged that, as a result of Scott’s voter purge, eligible voters will be removed from the rolls. “It will happen,” Mary Cooney, a spokeswoman for the Broward County Supervisor of Elections, told ThinkProgress. On or about June 9, anyone who hasn’t responded to the ominous and legalistic letter informing them of their purported ineligibility will be removed from the rolls. Some eligible voters won’t have been able to respond by that time due to travel, work obligations, family obligations or confusion as to the purpose of the letter. Some will forget to open it. Others may have moved.

5. Florida will likely be a close contest in 2012 and purging eligible Democratic and Hispanic voters could tip the balance to Romney. In the latest Real Clear Politics average of polling in the state, Romney and Obama are separated by just 0.5 percent. Hundreds of eligible voters in Democratic strongholds, wrongfully purged from the rolls, could easily make the difference for Romney.

6. Winning Florida could clinch the election for Mitt Romney. Nationally, the race between Obama and Romney is within two points. It’s expected to be close all the way to election day and Florida’s 29 electorial votes would be the deciding factor in many plausable electorial scenarios.

Will history repeat itself in Florida this year? By one estimate, 7000 Florida voters were wrongfully removed from the voter rolls for the 2000 presidential election — 13 times George W. Bush’s margin of victory in that state after the U.S. Supreme Court halted the post-election recount.

With Gov. Scott getting rid of the non-citizen voters and the 53000 dead people still listed as eligible to vote which are in the process of being removed, the democrats won't have a chance at winning Florida.

With Gov. Scott getting rid of the non-citizen voters and the 53000 dead people still listed as eligible to vote which are in the process of being removed, the democrats won't have a chance at winning Florida.

The list of “ineligible” voters is riddled with errors and includes hundreds of eligible U.S. citizens.

Actually, that does matter to some people.
So SSGT ThreeDweeb thinks it's OK to deprive citizens of their right to vote because maybe some of them wouldn't anyway?

This guy agrees with you, ThreeDweeb:

Virtual Blackout From National Media On Voter Suppression In Florida

Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) has directed his administration to purge the state’s voting rolls of thousands of registered voters prior to the November election. But his list, which purports to include only “non-citizens,” targets mostly Democrats and Hispanics and, as ThinkProgress has documented, may disenfranchise hundreds of citizens who are eligible to vote.

The story of a sitting governor of a state with a history of presidential election shenanigans knowingly purging his own, eligible constituents from the voter rolls is the definition of major news, and yet remarkably, in the first five months of the year, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today have published a total of zero articles about Scott’s actions. The New York Times did slightly better, printing one story on page 16 of the Friday, May 18th edition. The article ran under the credulous headline: “Florida Steps Up Effort Against Illegal Voters.”

Florida’s local newspapers, led by The Miami Herald, have been far more diligent in reporting the governor’s effort to disenfranchise eligible voters. While it may be easy to dismiss this as local fare, the implications of Scott’s purge could potentially swing the presidential election come November. Remember, months before anyone had ever heard of hanging chads, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris (R) conducted a similar cleansing of the voter rolls in 2000, which resulted in thousands of eligible voters being knocked off the rolls in time for the infamous Gore v. Bush election.

The list of “ineligible” voters is riddled with errors and includes hundreds of eligible U.S. citizens.

and thus by logical conclusion, thousands of ineligible ones......

Republicans of course are well known to target the dead, felons, illegal aliens and other Democratic voters on the issue of eligibility....
and thus by logical conclusion, thousands of ineligible ones......

Republicans of course are well known to target the dead, felons, illegal aliens and other Democratic voters on the issue of eligibility....

Your conclusion is that eligible voters being purged from the rolls is an acceptable consequence?
When Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner first distributed a list of 2,600 suspect voters in early May, some elections supervisors expressed worry that the "suspect" list was itself suspect.

Orange county got 81 names; Osceola, 2; Lake, 13; and Seminole, 6. South Florida counties received far more: about 2,000 names in Miami-Dade, and more than 200 in Broward.

State officials created the list by cross-checking voter registration rolls with a list of drivers who held non-U.S. citizen licenses, which elections supervisors suggested was more out of date. Last week the state agreed to recheck its driver license database against federal citizenship data.
Looks like they're finally going to use a citizenship list instead of driver's liscense. Scoot is So dense -who knows?

I live in Floriduh - here's another doozie -Scott VETOED a bill that wold have early release for drug prisioners as "soft on crime"
Methinks his chrome dome is a mellon head. here's the redact:
It's a proposal to divert nonviolent drug offenders from prison to rehab programs......
The idea was so popular that it received overwhelming support in the Legislature, including a unanimous Senate vote — a rarity in a Tallahassee.

Business groups and government watchdogs praised the move.

And then … Rick Scott vetoed it. Even the governor's fellow Republicans were baffled.
Some wondered if he truly understood House Bill 177. (His veto message parroted generic, tough-on-crime talking points that largely ignored the overall goal of the bill — reducing crime and saving taxpayers money.)
Your conclusion is that eligible voters being purged from the rolls is an acceptable consequence?

they weren't purged.....they contacted the state and proved they were eligible.....if they can still vote they aren't purged......it's the ones who DON'T contact the state that are purged.....if they don't contact the state they SHOULD be purged......but then you already knew that before you posted, didn't you....
Democrats are always concerned when dead people, illegal immigrants, felons, and people who no longer live where they registered are removed from the voter lists.......these demographics are typically Democrat voters......
they weren't purged.....they contacted the state and proved they were eligible.....if they can still vote they aren't purged......it's the ones who DON'T contact the state that are purged.....if they don't contact the state they SHOULD be purged......but then you already knew that before you posted, didn't you....

From ThinkProgress:

BREAKING: Justice Department Demands Florida Stop Voter Purge

TPM has the story: “The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned. DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.” More as this story develops.

Update: Ryan Reilly posts the full letter from the Department of Justice.

Update: Florida Department of State spokesman Chris Cate responds in a statement to ThinkProgress:

We just received the letter from DOJ this evening, and haven’t had a chance to thoroughly review it. Bottom line is we are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot.
^ I read the DoJ letter, it doesn't take into consideration:
State officials created the list by cross-checking voter registration rolls with a list of drivers who held non-U.S. citizen licenses, which elections supervisors suggested was more out of date. Last week the state agreed to recheck its driver license database against federal citizenship data

But i'm not sure it even matters becasue of the timeline. I actually suport purging roles, and an ID ( but it has to be free, and convenient for those that can't afford it).
It's another Floriduh fiasco. Idjits COULD have actually done this timely, and used federal citizenship data - but BEING IDJITS ( Scott) why am i not surprised?
EXCLUSIVE: Florida Telling Hundreds Of Eligible Citizens That They Are Ineligible To Vote


Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) has ordered the state to purge all “non-citizens” from the voting rolls prior to November’s election. But that list compiled by the Scott administration is so riddled with errors that, in Miami-Dade County alone, hundreds of U.S. citizens are being told they are ineligible to vote, ThinkProgress has learned exlusively.

you say! OH MY! You mean .00008595% of the population? If only that 1/10000th of a percent of the population had a half a year to do something as simple as prove they were born in america. I hope we don't end up with a dictatorship!