Ridding America of the Left's CRT/DEI Agenda


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The Left is trying to institutionalize CRT/DEI into our American government and culture. The Left through the vehicle of the Department of Defense, omitted the phrase "Duty, Honor, Country" from the Mission Statement of the United States Military Academy.

In today's political discourse much of the noise surrounding today's "Duty, Honor, Country" associated with our military and those serving in the military centers around constitutionality, government corruption and political chasms, all started by the Left.

Eliminating budgets is the most destructive force against any unwanted social programs like CRT & DEI. We should demand that government budgets supporting Leftist CRT/DEI be eliminated.

CRT/DEI seeks to divide our lives along the lines of race and ethnicity. It is an evil philosophy contrary to the American ethic of merit as the driving force in our society. Meritocracy is to slowly disappear from our vocabulary. The Leftist Marxists are smiling at the prospect of a class-driven identity-oriented social structure in America.

The Left made a bad move (among many) in removing "Duty, Honor, Country" from one of our core institutions.


Its just unfathomable how any leftist veteran could ever vote for a Marxist-anti military anti-meritocracy democrat ever again
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The Left is trying to institutionalize CRT/DEI into our American government and culture. The Left through the vehicle of the Department of Defense, omitted the phrase "Duty, Honor, Country" from the Mission Statement of the United States Military Academy.

In today's political discourse much of the noise surrounding today's "Duty, Honor, Country" associated with our military and those serving in the military centers around constitutionality, government corruption and political chasms, all started by the Left.

Eliminating budgets is the most destructive force against any unwanted social programs like CRT & DEI. We should demand that government budgets supporting Leftist CRT/DEI be eliminated.

CRT/DEI seeks to divide our lives along the lines of race and ethnicity. It is an evil philosophy contrary to the American ethic of merit as the driving force in our society. Meritocracy is to slowly disappear from our vocabulary. The Leftist Marxists are smiling at the prospect of a class-driven identity-oriented social structure in America.

The Left made a bad move (among many) in removing "Duty, Honor, Country" from one of our core institutions.


Its just unfathomable how any leftist veteran could ever vote for a Marxist-anti military democrat ever again

As a Progressive it hurts to see how the Left now almost to a person betrays everything about what we once claimed to believe in order to support the New Slavers on their bus ride to UTOPIA.
It is an evil philosophy contrary to the American ethic of merit as the driving force in our society.

Meritocracy as a "driving force in our society"....LOL.

Ya, that was Old America...the one that was murdered.

America was NEVER a big fan of "meritocracy". That's why there's so many nepo babies in positions of power.

Meritocracy has not been the driver for a long time.....the corruption had pretty much rubbed that out 40 years ago.

Try 248 years ago. You remember? When the Founding Fathers provided a system in which the vote and the only representation to people who were white landowners? So much for "meritocracy".
Well of course meritocracy is a huge driving force in our society unless you ride the social/welfare/government sponsored control of your lazy and useless lifestyle.


Tell me about "meritocracy" when you get a real job in industry.
Ya, that was Old America...the one that was murdered.

Meritocracy has not been the driver for a long time.....the corruption had pretty much rubbed that out 40 years ago.

Yeah, meritocracy & Capitalism in general won't be what it once was until the capitalist Donald Trump gets back in the drivers seat
which is still going to be some 6+ months from now. Meanwhile our deflated and discouraged military is going downhill rather rapidly
under the feckless leadership of joe bribem
Yeah, meritocracy & Capitalism in general won't be what it once was until the capitalist Donald Trump gets back in the drivers seat
which is still going to be some 6+ months from now. Meanwhile our deflated and discouraged military is going downhill rather rapidly
under the feckless leadership of joe bribem

Trump was President in name only last time, and this time there is zero chance the Swamp/Blob will allow him into the WH...if all else fails they will kill him.

Tell me about "meritocracy" when you get a real job in industry.

I had a real job in industry for some 45 years before I retired. So tell us, what government/taxpayers sponsored handout do you receive?
Its quite obvious you were never in the military where meritocracy becomes perhaps the best precept in making one independent of government.
I had a real job in industry for some 45 years before I retired. So tell us, what government/taxpayers sponsored handout do you receive?

None. Unlike you who is getting Medicare benefits. Socialism feels good, don't it? Don't worry...I'll still continue paying for your healthcare.
None. Unlike you who is getting Medicare benefits. Socialism feels good, don't it? Don't worry...I'll still continue paying for your healthcare.

I don't get Medicare benefits for being a disabled veteran who supports my Purple Heart, I still managed to work in the industry sector, but do get free
healthcare from my VA disability. So no, socialism doesn't feel good at all to me, not like it obviously does for you.