Right comment, wrong pig


New member
Barack Obama made a comment yesterday to the effect that you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Coming as it did after Sarah Palin's speech where she desribed herself as a "hockey mom" and then cracked that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull was lipstick, many believed that Obama was referring to palin as a "pig". Indeed, it's hard to imagine his being so tone-deaf as to not spot the comparison.

Whether he meant it that way or not, his comment was far more appropriate than he may have realized... but not for the McCain campaign. Unlike the Obama campaign which has been pushing the same old big-government nanny-state socialism his party has been supporting for more than seventy years, the McCain campaign has been promising actual change from what government has been doing (exploding budgets, massive pork, countless new "entitlements" etc.) for the last few generations. Of course, if a politician actually delivers on his campaign promises, that will be startling - only Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have come anywhere close, and they missed a number of them, especially Bush. Whether McCain can deliver or not, at least he's promising real change.

But Obama's comment, though aimed at McCain's campaign, actually describes his own to a T, far better than it describes his opponent's. Obama is promising nothing more than what his party has been backing for nearly a century: More government "help", more takeovers of private business, more taxes, more spending, retreat in war, and appeasement rather than defeat of foreign enemies. Calling that "change" is exactly like putting lipstick on a pig: Anybody can see through it, and tell that it's the same old undesireable swine it's always been.

The only difference is, nobody is fooled by the pig, while some of the more gullible Democrats apparently ARE fooled by the "Change" mantra that Obama has stuck onto the same old, tired socialism. Fooled enough to think that there is some difference between Obama's offering and the offerings of the last twenty-something Democrat con artists to run for the office.

Yes, Barack, if you put lipstick on a pig, it doesn't change the fact that it's a pig. Unfortunately for you, we've heard enough of the same noise out of Democrats for the last several decades, to recognize the grunting and squealing that's still going on under the "Change" paint.