Right Wing Bought Out By Weapons Manufacturers. Profits Are High And The Sheep Buy.


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
The scenario;

A shooting. Right wing media goes 100% on "They are going to take our guns away and break the Constitution!" This last massacre they didn't even wait the grace period. The next day you could see the Right Wingers talking on Facebook and Fox news about the 2nd amendment when the true and former America would have been in mourning.

Lots of Liberals want guns taken away but not a majority and nearly no one credible. Most are smart enough to uphold the Constitution, not all. Even a post here today has Obama saying, "I won't take your guns away" and he said in the debates "I can't take guns because of the Constitution." to the girl wishing he would define that line of what guns are too dangerous for society.

Most on the Left and the majority of Americans have been trying to find a common sense change, or a change in regulation for the militia. But guess what they ran into. A group of angry Right Wingers ready to wage war if they make 1 extra question on a test to recieve specific guns or limit the size of a magazine to ensure the people have a fight against a massacre.

Right Wingers are literally buying massive quantities of guns and ammo because they think Obama is going to be a Nazi gun grabber. I've never been so embarassed for our country's people. The NRA and Corporate America profit and watch you sheep go broke protecting nothing. The same people who hate the corporate driven congress are repeating everything those corporations are selling.

Note;If things were to change on what guns you could own the government would not grab your guns. They would end legal manufacturing and grandfather clause it. Don't be a sheep or a parrot. Use your brain and end this brainwash.
The scenario;

A shooting. Right wing media goes 100% on "They are going to take our guns away and break the Constitution!" This last massacre they didn't even wait the grace period. The next day you could see the Right Wingers talking on Facebook and Fox news about the 2nd amendment when the true and former America would have been in mourning.

Lots of Liberals want guns taken away but not a majority and nearly no one credible. Most are smart enough to uphold the Constitution, not all. Even a post here today has Obama saying, "I won't take your guns away" and he said in the debates "I can't take guns because of the Constitution." to the girl wishing he would define that line of what guns are too dangerous for society.

Most on the Left and the majority of Americans have been trying to find a common sense change, or a change in regulation for the militia. But guess what they ran into. A group of angry Right Wingers ready to wage war if they make 1 extra question on a test to recieve specific guns or limit the size of a magazine to ensure the people have a fight against a massacre.

Right Wingers are literally buying massive quantities of guns and ammo because they think Obama is going to be a Nazi gun grabber. I've never been so embarassed for our country's people. The NRA and Corporate America profit and watch you sheep go broke protecting nothing. The same people who hate the corporate driven congress are repeating everything those corporations are selling.

Note;If things were to change on what guns you could own the government would not grab your guns. They would end legal manufacturing and grandfather clause it. Don't be a sheep or a parrot. Use your brain and end this brainwash.

Do you have proof that it is only right wingers buying guns?
So, no leftists took to the airwaves and blogosphere to demand more gun control rather than mourn the tragedy? If so, then I can fund a few threads in this site alone that must not exist...
I know you said all of that but, "LOOK AT THIS SHINY WATCH OVER HERE! I'ts.............SHINY!" Expecting me to say, "Well no, it's not really all that shiny man....duh"

I'm confused. Does your thread title say "right wing" or "shiny watch." Try controlling your own thread by limiting the title, as well as the text and the links to what you want discussed. I saw a lot of right wing, and not a lot of shiny watches in your post and title.
I'm confused. Does your thread title say "right wing" or "shiny watch." Try controlling your own thread by limiting the title, as well as the text and the links to what you want discussed. I saw a lot of right wing, and not a lot of shiny watches in your post and title.

After reading a highly informed position what other response could you make. Once you get past the NRA and Right Wing Parrots you will notice the reality you once knew before you were a sheep.

Common sense is important when discussing politics. I have no doubt you were confused when I compared that argument to a shiny watch. "I just don't get that. Guns compared to a watch, I just don't understand. Hammers and Assault Rifles are the same.......duh"
So, your MO is to call all opposition distractions and spin, while just restating your position over and over. That should lead to some spirited debate around here. You'll actually fit in perfectly.
So, your MO is to call all opposition distractions and spin, while just restating your position over and over. That should lead to some spirited debate around here. You'll actually fit in perfectly.

So you critisize people for sticking to a topic when they dance around it? You think I should bite the dancing worm that lures me away from the topic so I won't have such a strong argument. Nope, I'll stick to my gunz :/
there are 80 million gun owners in this country
the NRA has under 5 million members
so just who is buying all the guns????????

I never said Democrats didn't own guns... But if you ask a Democrat, "Who is trying to gun grab?" they will say nobody, only a select few extremeists mentioned that. If you ask a Right Winger, Who is trying to gun grab" they will say, "The Democrats!" Because the NRA and gun manufacturers choose times of shootings to brainwash the simple minded into thinking all our guns will be taken away "because of this incident, we need to stand our ground now! Arm yourself and tell the government they can't take them!"

I was listening to Libertarian talk radio last week when they had a call from one of their sponsors, yep, a gun store. The phones were ringing off the hooks. Sales were crazy. Right Wing radio was pushing this.

While the Left Wing and other people who might happen to use their brain smack their forhead with an open mouth suprised look.

Of course I'm wrong in your eyes. So tell me who was that credible person that said your guns were going to be grabbed, besides Fox News of course?
I never said Democrats didn't own guns... But if you ask a Democrat, "Who is trying to gun grab?" they will say nobody, only a select few extremeists mentioned that. If you ask a Right Winger, Who is trying to gun grab" they will say, "The Democrats!" Because the NRA and gun manufacturers choose times of shootings to brainwash the simple minded into thinking all our guns will be taken away "because of this incident, we need to stand our ground now! Arm yourself and tell the government they can't take them!"

I was listening to Libertarian talk radio last week when they had a call from one of their sponsors, yep, a gun store. The phones were ringing off the hooks. Sales were crazy. Right Wing radio was pushing this.

While the Left Wing and other people who might happen to use their brain smack their forhead with an open mouth suprised look.

Of course I'm wrong in your eyes. So tell me who was that credible person that said your guns were going to be grabbed, besides Fox News of course?
surprise, you are wrong. both democrats and republicans have been gun grabbers from the end of the civil war. the left wants to ban guns from righties and the righties want to ban guns that can compete with cops.
like truth-out isn't brainwshing....:awesome:

I don't care about truth-out or any of the multiple other websites that talk about the brainwashing. I simply found them because I noticed a large portion of zombie headed people unable to think for themselves and repeating the same comments that made them look like the most uneducated people on earth. I googled "fox news brainwash" and there it was layed out in detail. I didn't learn it from the website. I learned it from talking to people like you..
I don't care about truth-out or any of the multiple other websites that talk about the brainwashing. I simply found them because I noticed a large portion of zombie headed people unable to think for themselves and repeating the same comments that made them look like the most uneducated people on earth. I googled "fox news brainwash" and there it was layed out in detail. I didn't learn it from the website. I learned it from talking to people like you..
well that would be interesting, if it weren't for the fact that 1)not a right winger (despite idiotic claims to the contrary) 2) I check ALL news sources, not just fox 3) the fact that I get attacked by both left and right in here tells me I'm doing something right

'common-sense' is nothing more than a compromise for cowards
So you critisize people for sticking to a topic when they dance around it? You think I should bite the dancing worm that lures me away from the topic so I won't have such a strong argument. Nope, I'll stick to my gunz :/

You either have a point or you don't please pick one and stick to it.
well that would be interesting, if it weren't for the fact that 1)not a right winger (despite idiotic claims to the contrary) 2) I check ALL news sources, not just fox 3) the fact that I get attacked by both left and right in here tells me I'm doing something right

'common-sense' is nothing more than a compromise for cowards

I actually have some new found respect for you after this post. I am the same. I speak what I believe and generally everyone hates me because all party people are sheep that can't handle it if you don't agree with them.

I understand your perspective and I respect your perspective. I however believe that if the government wants to take us out it's not going to be the weapons that keep us safe. Its going to be the knowledge. Informing police and the military of the governments ways is the better path. My stepdad told me back when I was fighting, "People who can't think, fight" He's 100% right.
I actually have some new found respect for you after this post. I am the same. I speak what I believe and generally everyone hates me because all party people are sheep that can't handle it if you don't agree with them.
thank you

I understand your perspective and I respect your perspective. I however believe that if the government wants to take us out it's not going to be the weapons that keep us safe. Its going to be the knowledge. Informing police and the military of the governments ways is the better path. My stepdad told me back when I was fighting, "People who can't think, fight" He's 100% right.
on this I will have to disagree. As some of the anti-gun libs are fond of pointing out, military and police will not disregard the benefits and privileges they've been given, specifically so that they would follow orders. those that object will simply walk away and will not defend anyone but their own. fighting becomes necessary when they've cornered you.