Right Wing Changes Their Stance On Guns, Again.


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
When the theater shooting happened by a name I will not repeat, this was conversation:

"His gun was no more dangerous than a deer rifle!"~Fox News

Then after the shooting at Sandy Hook, the conversation was like this;

"What makes an assault rifle an assault rifle? A rubber grip? A handle? There is literally no difference in these guns"~Fox News

Personally, I was trolled with video after video proving other weapons are more dangerous than Assault Style weapons such as;

I was told shotguns were more likely to kill. I was told pistols were more likely to kill. I was also told deer rifles were more deadly. I was told Modified Assault Rifles would be worse in an up close and persona massacre than other guns. I was told Modified Assault Rifle ammo was produced to injure on the battlefield and not kill. That way it lures in more people for the slaughter. I was told this by tons of people who thought they were fighting for their cause while describing Modified Assault Rifles in a war scenario...

The exact people I had these conversations with are saying, "they are the best weapon of choice to protect my home" even though yesterday a different weapon was more deadly. Today, I am told by Fox News and everyone who parroted off everything they had to say before, that Modified Assault Rifles are the best ones to protect the home. They are the best at providing security and call the Left dumb for stating other weapons protect the home better.

Like predictable clockwork, they all eventually catch up.

Right wing says, "Modified Assault Rifles are less harmful than others. Most other guns are more dealy up close."
Left wing says, "Well, since these guns are less harmful than others it's not a big deal to get rid of them since the use is up close in a home."
Right wing says, "The Left Wing saying these weapons are similar in lethality to others is absolutely idiotic. There is no compairison. We need these weapons to protect our homes"
