Right wing driven by fear; less open to new information. Their brains say so!



The political differences between liberals and conservatives might run as deep as the brain, researchers suggest.

Scientists had previously found that some psychological traits were associated with certain political views. For instance, studies have shown that conservatives tend to be more sensitive to threatening faces, while liberals tend to be more open to new experiences. Political ideology has even been found to leave its footprint in how we set up our bedrooms and offices, with liberals' offices judged as significantly more distinctive, comfortable, stylish and colorful than conservatives' offices.

Cognitive neuroscientist Ryota Kanai of the University College London and his colleagues reasoned that such fundamental differences in personality might be seen in the brain. They scanned the brains of nearly 120 volunteers to investigate the idea.

The researchers found that volunteers who identified themselves as liberal tended to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain linked with monitoring uncertainty, which could help them cope with conflicting information. On the other hand, those who identified themselves as conservative have a larger amygdala, an area linked with greater sensitivity to fear and disgust.

"Political attitude is often thought to be determined purely based on social context," Kanai told LiveScience. "Our research suggests that a high-level psychological trait such as political orientation might have a biological basis."
Another dimwit study that can be misinterpreted by the dullard leftist class on JPP as conclusive that even though they, the dullard leftists, utter incredibly stupid things and wallow in blissful ignorance, they can still google and find something that says they are smarter.

Such threads remove all doubt that leftists really are THAT stupid.
see they think smart people are the problem.

they want us to just close our eyes and ears and STOP learning things because it .................get ready for it.....................It scares them
that is why they have to cheat to win.

their world outlook is tarnished with their hate of life.

people only like a litttle of that when they are mad at something real.

You guys are mad at made up crap.

and are NEVER saciated by reality.

Your the nuts of our society and the republican party courted you out of desperation.

Now their money doesn't buy them elections anymore
The political differences between liberals and conservatives might run as deep as the brain, researchers suggest.

How many fucking years of higher education did it take the morons to discover that? And here all this time we thought it was something in the water, huh?
How many fucking years of higher education did it take the morons to discover that? And here all this time we thought it was something in the water, huh?

What people think and what they can prove are quite different things. That is why the Republican Party flounders on so fatously! :)

The political differences between liberals and conservatives might run as deep as the brain, researchers suggest.

Scientists had previously found that some psychological traits were associated with certain political views. For instance, studies have shown that conservatives tend to be more sensitive to threatening faces, while liberals tend to be more open to new experiences. Political ideology has even been found to leave its footprint in how we set up our bedrooms and offices, with liberals' offices judged as significantly more distinctive, comfortable, stylish and colorful than conservatives' offices.

Cognitive neuroscientist Ryota Kanai of the University College London and his colleagues reasoned that such fundamental differences in personality might be seen in the brain. They scanned the brains of nearly 120 volunteers to investigate the idea.

The researchers found that volunteers who identified themselves as liberal tended to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain linked with monitoring uncertainty, which could help them cope with conflicting information. On the other hand, those who identified themselves as conservative have a larger amygdala, an area linked with greater sensitivity to fear and disgust.

"Political attitude is often thought to be determined purely based on social context," Kanai told LiveScience. "Our research suggests that a high-level psychological trait such as political orientation might have a biological basis."

con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change

Yet everyone else in the world changes with education and time...They learn from mistakes and change accordingly..................POLITICAL BASICS.

This should not be confused with a monetary Conservative.
What people think and what they can prove are quite different things. That is why the Republican Party flounders on so fatously! :)

DUH!!! That’s why all political parties flounder on so fatuously. They “think” they know what the fuck they’re doing then set about “proving” they don’t know their asses from first base.
con•ser•va•tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change

Yet everyone else in the world changes with education and time...They learn from mistakes and change accordingly..................POLITICAL BASICS.

This should not be confused with a monetary Conservative.

A true conservative in the classical traditional sense is one who favors the Bill Of Rights and opposes any and all corruption and change of it and only will promote any change in the Constitution only by the amendment process and not by corrupt politicians and judges on the courts who manufacture unconstitutional legislation/law and make it legal through corrupt judges opinions.

Neo-Cons are not conservatives they’re fucking BIG government neo-fascist, neo-socialist authoritarians hardly different from the Neo-Liberals who are fucking BIG government neo-communist, neo-socialist authoritarian bastards too.
Actually, a 'true conservative' literally just means 'someone who wants the old ways to remain the way they were'. The one thing that has remained true about 'true conservatives' since about the dawn of time is that they want the wealthy and powerful to stay wealthy and powerful, whereas the general tendency of societies as a whole is toward wealth equality. We've gone from Babylonian temples holding 99% of the wealth to European feudal lords holding 95% of the wealth to Renaissance noble houses holding 90% of the wealth, and for a while here in America it was looking pretty good for the plebs for a while there. Unfortunately, there are cycles within the general trend, and we're cycling in the wrong direction pretty strongly since Regan took office.
DUH!!! That’s why all political parties flounder on so fatuously. They “think” they know what the fuck they’re doing then set about “proving” they don’t know their asses from first base.

I know you are obsessed by donkeys, but what is a donkey's first base, please? I suppose it is to do with shooting children to save you from George 111?
The one thing that has remained true about 'true conservatives' since about the dawn of time is that they want the wealthy and powerful to stay wealthy and powerful,

This is nothing more than a blatant lie; why are Liberals such liars? Is it because they cannot defend their moronic ideological beliefs with the truth and facts?

..whereas the general tendency of societies as a whole is toward wealth equality.

Wealth equality is a concept for incredibly dense morons. It is the concept for the historically ignorant. It is a concept for liars.

What is equally ignorant is the leftist view that MORE and BIGGER Government will result in equality; it is the epitome of ignorance.

Unfortunately, there are cycles within the general trend, and we're cycling in the wrong direction pretty strongly since Regan took office.

Wrong; but at least you are consistent. The current trend for the failures of Detroit started in 2008 when Obama got elected. Hopefully the American sheeple will end that trend in 2016.
This is nothing more than a blatant lie; why are Liberals such liars? Is it because they cannot defend their moronic ideological beliefs with the truth and facts?

More spewing derp with zero evidence to back up claims. The evidence is mounting that Truth Detector is nothing more than a bot with a particularly decent vocabulary.

Wealth equality is a concept for incredibly dense morons. It is the concept for the historically ignorant. It is a concept for liars. What is equally ignorant is the leftist view that MORE and BIGGER Government will result in equality; it is the epitome of ignorance.

OMFG!!! Truth Detector actually expanded upon an insult for once! I'm floored. Of course, he's provably wrong -- wealth equality in a non-command economy must, in fact, be enforced by the government because there is no other force in the country that is willing to stand up for the disenfranchised. At at the moment, not even the government is willing to do it. That's not ignorance, it's an unavoidable fact. If you disagree, answer the simple question: who will enforce rules that guide us toward income equality if the government doesn't?

Wrong; but at least you are consistent. The current trend for the failures of Detroit started in 2008 when Obama got elected. Hopefully the American sheeple will end that trend in 2016.

Who the hell is talking about Detroit? Are you so desperate to find an argument that sounds relevant that you're pulling up completely random shit? The plight that our economy is in -- and you can see it plainly in the statistics if you do even the slightest research into wages vs. productivity -- started in 1979 with the repeal of Glass-Stegall and the election of Ronald Regan.