Right Wingers Drive To Impeach, Not Work For Votes


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
There is a constant in current politics and that is if the Right Wing is losing, they don't try to win by setting a good example or by doing a good deed. They completely and absolutely fixate on the impeachment of the Left Wing Power.

I am sadly a Right Winger but will not vote for them until they get their heads straight. I am embarrassed to state that I am a Right Winger.

My vote was 100% on Paul after the last election, where I voted for Obama over the Corporate Burger King plastic doll. Yet the Right Wing keeps acting like they have no clue about America and the problems and only fixate on lies, Fox News and Filibusters (even on good ideas that they wanted!)

Today, I'm actually thinking about voting Hillary.......only about a 30% chance but every single drop of that 30% was Right Wing driven, not Left.

So wake up Righties...

Right Wingers NEVER look up facts for themselves! They rely on Fox news to tell them the facts! They NEVER do one single search! I stopped following Fox news because I had "google'. And it proved that Fox News was wrong on a daily basis! Surely more people can use their brain to stop this brainwashing force so the Right Wing can get some credibility back!
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some people lick the hand of the liar.

lies are what they want.

its why they are the stupid party.

they live on bullshit mountain and like the smell of all that shit all arround them
There is a constant in current politics and that is if the Right Wing is losing, they don't try to win by setting a good example or by doing a good deed. They completely and absolutely fixate on the impeachment of the Left Wing Power.

Yeah! Like there’s no grounds to impeach and remove the “most transparent administration ever” huh Goober?

I am sadly a Right Winger but will not vote for them until they get their heads straight. I am embarrassed to state that I am a Right Winger.

Do you really think there are people stupid enough to believe you ever were anything but a flaming lunatic leftist? You need to take that fraudulent bullshit someplace else Goober.

My vote was 100% on Paul after the last election, where I voted for Obama over the Corporate Burger King plastic doll. Yet the Right Wing keeps acting like they have no clue about America and the problems and only fixate on lies, Fox News and Filibusters (even on good ideas that they wanted!)

If you were so 100% on Paul, why the fuck didn’t you ”write him in” Goober?

Today, I'm actually thinking about voting Hillary.......only about a 30% chance but every single drop of that 30% was Right Wing driven, not Left.

If Hillary runs you’ll be slobbering all over her used Kotex. She surely should be your Gal incompetent bullshitters need to flock together.

So wake up Righties...

Right Wingers NEVER look up facts for themselves! They rely on Fox news to tell them the facts! They NEVER do one single search! I stopped following Fox news because I had "google'. And it proved that Fox News was wrong on a daily basis! Surely more people can use their brain to stop this brainwashing force so the Right Wing can get some credibility back!

Betcha you love MSNBC, huh Goober?
you flaming lunatic leftist...

you’ll be slobbering all over her used Kotex...

incompetent bullshitters...

Betcha you love MSNBC, huh Goober?

ROTFLMAO at the ravening, psychotic hate being spewed in response to the OP.

Classic Liberal proves everything Anti-Party says about Republicans ...they'd rather tear down the other guy than work to improve their own image.
ROTFLMAO at the ravening, psychotic hate being spewed in response to the OP.

Moron leftist always confuse truth for hate!

Classic Liberal proves everything Anti-Party says about Republicans ...they'd rather tear down the other guy than work to improve their own image.

Well Zap, I wouldn’t be caught dead in either the Republican or Democrat Party. As far as I’m concerned the “image” of both is loud and clear as a duopoly gang of socialist BIG government bribery facilitators and a majority of corrupt bastards.

Actually I’m the only REAL Anti-Party here. The Goober that uses the handle is a proven flaming left-wing Democrat.
Yeah! Like there’s no grounds to impeach and remove the “most transparent administration ever” huh Goober?

Do you really think there are people stupid enough to believe you ever were anything but a flaming lunatic leftist? You need to take that fraudulent bullshit someplace else Goober.

If you were so 100% on Paul, why the fuck didn’t you ”write him in” Goober?

If Hillary runs you’ll be slobbering all over her used Kotex. She surely should be your Gal incompetent bullshitters need to flock together.

Betcha you love MSNBC, huh Goober?

Dear Noob Political Debater,

I never said there weren't grounds to impeach Obama I simply stated that the Right FIXATES on impeachment instead of improving the party. The Right tends to forget the former Right President should have been impeached.

Yes I believe there are people out there that believe I am not a Leftist. Though Fox News and other Right Wing media do a good job of convincing people not to think for themselves. They teach; "If anyone disagree's they are weak, they are the hated, they are the source of the problem!" Basic brainwashing. I use to fall for it too, until I actually educated myself beyond one side.

I didn't write Paul in because the real problem in America is the Corporations. Anyone with half a brain knows that. When Corporate Mitt showed up as top candidate, I would like to ask you; "why did you vote for a candidate that couldn't win when America's balance was Corporate America vs. "didn't do as well as expected". Everyone in America voiced that it was a lesser of evil vote. Everyone in America has seen the cheese smile face of a car salesman that only wants more money and is desperate to do anything to get it. It's why Mitt was deemed the Car Salesman Nominee. If Obama was facing a nominee that seemed neutral or average, America would have voted different. Everyone knew Mitt was compromised by gutt and his talk of more war, more chemical dumping, more coal and less renueable energy........Look at his top donors! It's Military weapons manufacturers, chemical dumping plants, coal plants, and even BIG OIL!!!!!!!!AGAIN!!!

So I consider Obama's win over Romney a win for America. Not a win for politics. I consider the fact that I voted Obama over Romney a vote for less war which is the REAL cost America is seeing. (or maybe you missed the Paul Ryan push for more war and missed the Right Wing Corporate push for more war today)

Ron Paul, wasn't going to win. Rand Paul, has a good chance. I want Rand Paul to win and why the hell would I state that if I was a Leftist. I want him to win but I also notice the ignorance of the Right wing media and politics lately. America wants a real person for a president, not a corporate puppet. Rand Paul has his ignorance on Corporate America and thinks they can do no harm but at the same time, the other two parties are absolute puppeteers for Corporate America.

The reason you label me as a MSNBC listener/watcher is because you can't imagine anyone who will disagree with you and your Fox News. Yet 90% of the people in this world know Fox News is garbage and for drama only, just like fake Wrestling, WWF. Yet there are always a select few that are uneducated enough to think EVERYONE else in the world is stupid..........except for them.

I listen/watch Fox News all the time. The CONSTANTLY say, "Never listen to Left Wing media." You do realize that is one of the most basic forms of brainwashing, Right? "My information is the only information credible and anyone who compromises my information is wrong and you should hate them" .........That pretty much sums up Fox News......(R)ight?
Moron leftist always confuse truth for hate!

Well Zap, I wouldn’t be caught dead in either the Republican or Democrat Party. As far as I’m concerned the “image” of both is loud and clear as a duopoly gang of socialist BIG government bribery facilitators and a majority of corrupt bastards.

Actually I’m the only REAL Anti-Party here. The Goober that uses the handle is a proven flaming left-wing Democrat.

Yeah....you get the luxury of Monday Morning Quarterbacking no matter who's in office....you don't have to take ownership of anything. Seems cowardly to me.
Yeah....you get the luxury of Monday Morning Quarterbacking no matter who's in office....you don't have to take ownership of anything. Seems cowardly to me.

Well so do I. It's not a matter of whiter we get the luxury criticizing whoever's in office, it's a matter of what we think is right. I have enough self respect that I won't side with the government against working people. Noam Chomsky made a really good point in one of his media lectures: We live in a country with a one party state, that fields candidates with minor differences, getting us to think we have a choice. Steelplate, I reccommend you think back to the debates -- despite all the time the moderator spend trying to get them to show how they differed, Romney and Obama still seemed fairly similar. We'll continue to see that unless folks like you can start looking outside of the US political sphere, realizing how and why your government is so utterly anti-democratic.
Dear Noob Political Debater,

I never said there weren't grounds to impeach Obama I simply stated that the Right FIXATES on impeachment instead of improving the party. The Right tends to forget the former Right President should have been impeached.

The only way to “improve” the fucking duopoly right/left Party is to abandon the bastards and affix your loyalties to the literal construction of the Constitution, Junior Goober.

Yes I believe there are people out there that believe I am not a Leftist. Though Fox News and other Right Wing media do a good job of convincing people not to think for themselves. They teach; "If anyone disagree's they are weak, they are the hated, they are the source of the problem!" Basic brainwashing. I use to fall for it too, until I actually educated myself beyond one side.

And now you accept MSNBC as the voice of the political God, right Junior Goober?

I didn't write Paul in because the real problem in America is the Corporations. Anyone with half a brain knows that. When Corporate Mitt showed up as top candidate, I would like to ask you; "why did you vote for a candidate that couldn't win when America's balance was Corporate America vs. "didn't do as well as expected". Everyone in America voiced that it was a lesser of evil vote. Everyone in America has seen the cheese smile face of a car salesman that only wants more money and is desperate to do anything to get it. It's why Mitt was deemed the Car Salesman Nominee. If Obama was facing a nominee that seemed neutral or average, America would have voted different. Everyone knew Mitt was compromised by gutt and his talk of more war, more chemical dumping, more coal and less renueable energy........Look at his top donors! It's Military weapons manufacturers, chemical dumping plants, coal plants, and even BIG OIL!!!!!!!!AGAIN!!![/quote]

BIG Oil makes 7 cents a gallon on gasoline Goober. Obama’s fucking government takes 30 cents a gallon on gasoline. You talk about doing research then slobber the fucking insane leftist disinformation of the radical environmentalist.

Who the fuck do you suppose contributes to the leftist half of the duopoly Goober? What about the BIG Law corporations, BIG Unions, BIG Environmentalist Organizations, Hollywood Communist, Brainwashed college drones brainwashed by the majority leftist and even communist professors that have infiltrated nearly every American college and then there the dead beats who suck the federal government tit. For your information Goober, Wall Street in majority supported Obama not because they knew Romney was a fucking crook, but because Wall Street BIG money grabbers love Obama-Care because it takes the burden of supplying health insurance for their employees off of their backs. They know Obama-Care is a fucking disaster and they know it’s the first step to a “Single Payer Government System.”

“If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait till its free.” (P. J. O’Rourke)
did the founders include in the constitution the current peoples ability to make the constitution work for the generations after the founders generations?
So I consider Obama's win over Romney a win for America. Not a win for politics. I consider the fact that I voted Obama over Romney a vote for less war which is the REAL cost America is seeing. (or maybe you missed the Paul Ryan push for more war and missed the Right Wing Corporate push for more war today)

That statement Goober just proves what a moron you are. Obama hasn’t ended any war. Our troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. To boot Obama armed Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya and they killed 4 Americans there. Even you Goober have claimed that the CIA is arming the rebels in Syria and who doesn’t believe they’re infiltrated by Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Obama Administration is a collective of Chicago Crooks, corrupt to the core. Are you stupid enough to believe that the IRS enemies list wasn’t contrived in the White House? How about the Benghazi cover up? How about the Justice Department’s snooping into news reporters e-mails and even their family’s e-mails, then the bastard Holder lying about it?
Yeah! Obama is a win for America. That would be funny if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
Ron Paul, wasn't going to win. Rand Paul, has a good chance. I want Rand Paul to win and why the hell would I state that if I was a Leftist.

You state that because you’re a perpetrator of untruths, Junior Goober!!!

I want him to win but I also notice the ignorance of the Right wing media and politics lately. America wants a real person for a president, not a corporate puppet. Rand Paul has his ignorance on Corporate America and thinks they can do no harm but at the same time, the other two parties are absolute puppeteers for Corporate America.

So you want Rand Paul to win because you think he’s a “corporate puppet”, right Goober? You are a perfect contradiction of yourself Goober? You’ll be a Hillary fan all the way. Your post here are just pure horseshit and contradiction after contradiction. You’re a brainwashed leftist.

The reason you label me as a MSNBC listener/watcher is because you can't imagine anyone who will disagree with you and your Fox News.

Fox News is a rightwing purveyor of mostly nothing but Republican partisan-ism. I only give credit to Fox for their willingness to feature patriot libertarians from time to time like Judge Napolitano and John Stossel. Lou Dobbs is a pretty fair independent and so is Neil Cavoto who both tear the Republicans as well as the Democrats a new ass whenever they deserve it. Hannity and O’Reilly are neo-con war mongers and BIG government promoters. The major agenda of Fox is promoting rightist ideology. I watch mostly Fox and C-Span because the rest of TV media is swarming with leftist propaganda and willful ignorance of the Chicago crooks in the White House. I often watch MSNBC the communist channel just as a leftist counter to the rightist Fox. When it comes to partisan-ism MSNBC is the champion thereof without equal. The anti-second amendment slut Rachel Maddow, the “Oh I pissed down my leg when Obama got elected” Chris Matthews, the communist party’s mouth piece Keith Olbermann and “Democrats are Gods” Ed Schultz and for the epitome of socialist propaganda and BIG incompetent government MSNBC will even treat you with the racist & race baiter Al Sharpton.. There’s nary an unbiased soul on that channel.

Yet 90% of the people in this world know Fox News is garbage and for drama only, just like fake Wrestling, WWF. Yet there are always a select few that are uneducated enough to think EVERYONE else in the world is stupid..........except for them.

I reckon that’s why they get the highest TV ratings of any cable news channel, huh?

I listen/watch Fox News all the time. The CONSTANTLY say, "Never listen to Left Wing media." You do realize that is one of the most basic forms of brainwashing, Right? "My information is the only information credible and anyone who compromises my information is wrong and you should hate them" .........That pretty much sums up Fox News......(R)ight?

Only the brain-dead can be brainwashed Goober, that explains you to a T!!!
Yeah....you get the luxury of Monday Morning Quarterbacking no matter who's in office....you don't have to take ownership of anything. Seems cowardly to me.

How about I just claim ownership of our Constitution SP? Shouldn’t every patriotic American claim that ownership as opposed to the corruption of political parties? No political party deserves my respect because they all favor their collective ideology over the Constitution. The only politician that deserves my respect is the very few that are loyal to the oath of office they take to preserve, protect and defend my written contract, the Constitution.
How about I just claim ownership of our Constitution SP? Shouldn’t every patriotic American claim that ownership as opposed to the corruption of political parties? No political party deserves my respect because they all favor their collective ideology over the Constitution. The only politician that deserves my respect is the very few that are loyal to the oath of office they take to preserve, protect and defend my written contract, the Constitution.

You shouldn't....ACA is Constitutional, Roe V Wade is Constitutional, Social Security and Medicare is too....no....you don't give a shit about Constitutionality.....you care about YOUR inerpretaion of it...pr should I say...the version that the neon John Birchers tell you to care about.
did the founders include in the constitution the current peoples ability to make the constitution work for the generations after the founders generations?

Did the founders include an amendment process in the Constitution? Article 5.
You shouldn't....ACA is Constitutional, Roe V Wade is Constitutional, Social Security and Medicare is too....no....you don't give a shit about Constitutionality.....you care about YOUR inerpretaion of it...pr should I say...the version that the neon John Birchers tell you to care about.

If socialist Insecurity, Medicare/Medicaid are CONSTITUTIONAL please explain the following.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Where in the Constitution do we find the authorization to the federal government to establish Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid?
If socialist Insecurity, Medicare/Medicaid are CONSTITUTIONAL please explain the following.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Where in the Constitution do we find the authorization to the federal government to establish Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid?

Talk to the SCOTUS....who know a HELL of a lot more about Constitutional law than a John Bircher like you.
Talk to the SCOTUS....who know a HELL of a lot more about Constitutional law than a John Bircher like you.

So, in other words you and the Supreme Court have no rational answer, right?

Fact is the drones sitting on the Supreme Court don’t give a flying fuck about the Constitution. They’re a gang of political partisan ideologues chosen by partisan political ideologues and confirmed by other partisan political ideologues. The only thing they give a fuck about is their pay check courtesy of the taxpayers and remaining loyal to their particular political party and the bastards that nominated and confirmed them to hold the racket they perpetuate.