Robert Reich’s Stature Is An Excuse For His Stupidity


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Secretary Reich could almost live in there.

-- President Clinton,

upon seeing a Lego model of the White House

The True Measure Of a Man
By Mark Leibovich
March 14, 2002

Robert Reich is long past his days as a Democrat policymaker. Unfortunately, he still gets media coverage that has been Democrats would kill to get.

Happily, Monica Showalter’s piece is not the kind of coverage Reich got when he was Bill Clinton’s court jester:

Well, it's what certain influential Democrats want, full blown show-trials and purges, same as the communists pioneered. Seems that equality and redistribution, don't really motivate them in the promises of socialism -- purges, show trials, Gulags and re-education camps are what get them going.

And it makes sense. Socialism has failed everywhere it's ever been tried, every time, every place, every place it's ever been practiced, people are poorer, unfreerer and less advanced than in places with capitalism. They've got a 100% record on failure for that. But where they don't have a record of failure is on a reign of terror, where neighbor spies on neighbor for a secret police, thought crimes are punished, mass imprisonment and re-education camps are a way of life, show trials appear where groveling people stand before people's commissars and profess to love what they hate and hate what they love, and the yin and yang of violence to reinforce lies and lies to cover up violence. There are also party purges to keep everyone in a state of fear.

That's what socialists are good at.

And sure enough, that's what Reich is calling for. Reich, it's important to note, is no ordinary crazy leftist. He's President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor and a fixture in Democrat party politics. He's the establishment. He's the mainstream. And Joe Biden, who is being controlled by so many puppetmasters of this ilk. will do as he's told by the likes of Reich. So much for Biden's promise to be the president of 'all the people.' This is what he means by 'all the people.'

October 19, 2020
Robert Reich vows purges and show trials of conservatives if Biden is elected
By Monica Showalter

Lets take a look or two at Reich’s glory days.

Reich claimed that infrastructure construction jobs should not go to whites. I suppose that anyone who suggests tax dollar jobs can only be filled by a fair mix of native born Americans would be racist in Reich’s definition of racism. Try to implement a Fair Mix rule for infrastructure jobs and you will see how fast Democrats like Reich turn against affirmative action and quotas.

NOTE: The Department of Labor has been a Cabinet level department since 1913 —— the worst year in American history by far. Robert Reich is still the best argument for eliminating the DOL altogether.

The Chicago sewer rat implementing Reich’s labor policies guarantied that a huge number of unemployed blacks nationwide would come up smelling like roses fertilized with tax dollars. American’s working people paying those tax dollars came up smelling the fertilizer.

Incidentally, Robert Reich predicted Hillary Clinton would replace Biden as VP on 2012. How did that knickknack grab you for a choice between gonorrhea and syphilis? It gets worse:


1. a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket; gewgaw.

2. a jester's scepter.

Here is another bauble from the Fourth Reich:

Robert Reich, who served as Clinton’s Labor secretary from 1993 to 1997, said, “I’ve asked myself a number of times why he put himself and his presidency in jeopardy in such a careless way. … Maybe Bill Clinton, who so much needed and wanted to be loved, couldn’t say no to someone who was going to give him affection and wanted affection back.”

When Reich first heard the rumors of an affair with Lewinsky, he said, “I was convinced that Bill Clinton had been set up. He’s got all these enemies who were out to get him. He wouldn’t be so stupid as to jeopardize his entire [presidency] for — what? That was not the Bill Clinton I knew.”

PBS film eyes Clinton
01/12/2012 02:16 PM EST
Updated 01/13/2012 11:10 AM EST

There was no end to Reich’s tyrannizing stupidity throughout his years of influence:

Which brings us to Robert Reich, who, having practically made a cult of envy, has taken to abusing the well-off for their acts of charity. Professor Reich, a ward of the taxpayers of California (at $246,199.84 per annum) and a federal ward before that, is persistently unhappy about how other people use their money, and he scoffs that America’s rich philanthropists are phony and self-serving, investing too much in opera and ballet and fancy colleges, and too little in feeding the hungry and housing the homeless. He particularly resents the fact that our tax code encourages such giving, with deductions that reduced federal revenue by some $39 billion last year — federal revenue that could have gone toward employing men such as Robert Reich.

This calls to mind Edmund Spenser’s description of Envy personified: “He hated all good works and virtuous deeds / And him no less, that any like did use / And who with gracious bread the hungry feeds / His alms for want of faith he doth accuse.”

Professor Reich being Professor Reich, you can guess how his argument unfolds. (If you have read one Robert Reich column, which is one too many, you have read them all.) He writes: “As the tax year draws to a close, the charitable tax deduction beckons. America’s wealthy are its largest beneficiaries. According to the Congressional Budget Office, $33 billion of last year’s $39 billion in total charitable deductions went to the richest 20 percent of Americans, of whom the richest 1 percent reaped the lion’s share.” It goes without saying that he makes no attempt to compare the apportionment of charitable tax deductions with charitable donations — that would only complicate things and invite an unpleasant encounter with reality.

For a sense of perspective, consider that that $39 billion in tax deductions was associated with $316 billion in charitable donations. Our innumerate class warriors dismiss philanthropy as a complicated tax dodge for the rich, but in fact tax deductions amount to about 12 percent of total charitable donations, meaning that our wily robber barons have figured out a way of beating the taxman by . . . giving away far more money than they receive in related tax benefits. Even if Professor Reich got his way on tax rates and they went up to 90 percent at the top, you still don’t come out ahead by giving away money.

December 16, 2013 4:00 AM
The Age of Envy
By Kevin D. Williamson