Robin Hood Gates

good for them. how about putting their money (buffet, gates etc...) where their mouth is.

i applaud wholeheartedly the gates foundation, but if you want to complain about paying more them. simple as that.
good for them. how about putting their money (buffet, gates etc...) where their mouth is.

i applaud wholeheartedly the gates foundation, but if you want to complain about paying more them. simple as that.

New cop out/talking point; get one.
The patriotic millionaires recently told Grover Norquist to move to Somalia:

[Norquist] raised an issue we get all the time which is, 'Well there's nothing stopping you guys from paying higher taxes, just send a check to the government!' And this to me is frankly an absurd position; I don't consider it to be a very serious argument. Government is not a charity and we can't rely on voluntary contributions from people to support the things that government does.

I also said to him, 'Look would you be willing to sign a pledge where you're willing to forgo all the benefits that government provides? Are you willing to sign a pledge that says you don't want the U.S. military to protect you? That you will refuse to contact the police if somebody steals from you? That you will refuse to contact the fire department if your house is on fire? Because that's the equivalent! Why should you get a free ride? Why should you benefit from my willingness to support the government? Let's do it together.'

And he said, 'If I don't have to pay any taxes for it, I would forgo all those things!'

To which my response was, 'Well there's an easy way to do that, move to Somalia!'

And his argument was, 'Somalia doesn't suffer from too little government, it suffers from too much government.'

I don't even begin to understand what that means...
after gates raped the world and got to the top of the 1%, He is everything they are fighting against. He developed software with a group and they wanted it to be free he said fuck that. He's been sued by every country's government microsoft does business in for monopoly practice.
Now that he's a trillionaire he's found Jesus. Excuse me if I don't watch while you suck his balls.
after gates raped the world and got to the top of the 1%, He is everything they are fighting against. He developed software with a group and they wanted it to be free he said fuck that. He's been sued by every country's government microsoft does business in for monopoly practice.
Now that he's a trillionaire he's found Jesus. Excuse me if I don't watch while you suck his balls.

This forum wouldn't exist without his contributions.
Idiot conservatives apparently think government should be funded by voluntary contributions.

"A few of us voluntarily writing a check to the IRS will not fix the problem that Sen. Hatch and his colleagues created for our country with their fiscal irresponsibility. It will take the work of all Patriotic Americans to create a strong foundation for our continued prosperity. We are willing to do our part by paying higher taxes. It is clear Senator Hatch and many of his colleagues are not willing to do theirs. We challenge Senator Hatch and the other millionaire members of the Senate to put their country first and raise taxes on people like them – and us – who make more than a million dollars a year. In the meantime, if Senator Hatch would like to make a personal contribution to the IRS to help his country, we pledge to match his contribution."
If voluntary giving could solve America's problems then churches would have eliminated poverty.
People who actually pay income taxes and love their country more than money are asking the Party of the 1% to let the Bush tax cuts expire as they were intended to.

"Our country has been good to us. It provided a foundation through which we could succeed. Now, we want to do our part to keep that foundation strong so that others can succeed as we have."
The patriotic millionaires don't have to wait for government to bend them over. They can pay back the Bush tax cuts anytime they want.

They have offered to match GOP Senator Orrin Hatchs' contribution dollar-for dollar. He's a pussy like you, so he weasled.

Childish morons think that a few rich people making voluntary contributions is a solution while at the same time claiming that taxing the wealthy 100% won't solve the deficit "crisis" the Republicans cooked up to cover their economic mess.

Ragin' Trajan is as dumb as TopDope the Cajun.
They have offered to match GOP Senator Orrin Hatchs' contribution dollar-for dollar. He's a pussy like you, so he weasled.

Childish morons think that a few rich people making voluntary contributions is a solution while at the same time claiming that taxing the wealthy 100% won't solve the deficit "crisis" the Republicans cooked up to cover their economic mess.

Ragin' Trajan is as dumb as TopDope the Cajun.

Did I say they would solve the debt problem if they stopped being hypocrites? Retarded Ducks fan.