Roll current events and general politics into the same political forum

We post things fairly often on Current Events that would not fit in General Politics.

What comes to mind is the RIP threads when someone we admire dies.
Just seems like for the amount of discussion on the board a singular Politics and Current Events forum would be more appropriate.
Darned new progressive member wnating to change everything. I thought she was a conservative?
Then you are rope a doped...

She's clearly been saying silly stereotyped inanities that liberals believe that all conservatives say.
keep the suggestions coming. We encourage it. With the two different forums though, General politics is really more for more discussion of political philosophy, core political issues, and other issues not necessarily limited by any particular date. Current events is what it sounds like. Some members are retarded and just post where they want.
Some members are retarded and just post where they want.


That's me.

BTW, Fish, I proposed this at the beginning of the site and they didn't listen then either.

Usually, when you want something up longer you just post it in general politics, cus it gets far less traffic.
There is waaaay too much traffic in Current Events as it is that I think its nice to separate out threads into the Gen. Politics area.

My $0.02 worth.