Romanticizing Socialists

It's amazing how many people have become infatuated with Socialism. We see thread after thread, post after post, from people who should know better, but apparently don't. We even have a contingent of Brits here, pushing Socialism like crack cocaine, trying to lure us into believing the lies and myths. I guess it's not good enough they have destroyed Europe with it, they now seek to destroy America too.

You would think, after two World Wars to defeat Socialist Fascist Totalitarianism, they might have learned their lesson, but nope. For whatever reason, the minions of Socialism still advocate for the failed system of government, as if it's something new, which has never been tried. Granted, college graduates in 2009, weren't even born when the Cold War ended, so they really have no idea about the history, it's all "old stuff" they didn't bother studying in school. They simply fail to understand, these same ideas have been tried since 1911, and they just don't work.

If you want to take an objective look at Capitalism vs. Socialism, in a head-to-head, straight up, legitimate and valid comparison, there is a prime example in Germany. For 40 years, Germany was divided between the East and West, the East operated under a totally Socialist system, the West operated under a totally Capitalist system. After 40 years, the difference was stark. West Germans enjoyed a vibrant economy, most everyone lives above poverty level, they have their share of problems, but by and large, they have been a resounding success compared to their East German counterparts. On the other side of the wall, people lived in destitute poverty, the economy was collapsing, and people were literally risking death to get over that damn wall.

Now, if Socialism, as a form of government, were preferable to Capitalism, we would have seen just the opposite. If Socialism were even remotely comparable to Capitalism, we would have seen little to no difference in East and West Germany. The fact is, Socialism was a failure, Capitalism was a success. Of course, the Socialists will claim all kinds of excuses and reasons the East Germans never flourished, but the fact remains, these were the same German people on both sides, they came from the same culture, had the same work ethic, and both sides began the project on fairly equal ground. Clearly, nowhere else on earth, and no other time in history, has there been a more definitive direct comparison between Socialist and Capitalist ideology. Socialism simply failed.

I think this is why you see so many Socialists trying to paint Socialism as something else.... let's not call it Socialism, let's call it "Progressive" or some nicer, less ostracized word. Out of one side of their mouth, they will argue that what they propose is NOT Socialism, while the other side of their mouth proposes the argument that Socialism is not a bad thing, it's not a dirty word. They want to dress Socialism up in drag, and talk you into taking it to the prom, while planting the idea in your head that drag queens are cool.

I don't pretend to know what the problem is with Europeans. They have had this romanticism with socialism for decades. They keep implementing it, and it keeps perverting itself into tyranny and oppression, and we keep having to save them from the end result. A generation or two later, here we are again, fighting a Socialist totalitarian regime somewhere, because idiot Europeans didn't learn their lesson. We'll liberate them, only to watch them fall right back into the same old trap again.

This failed ideology has made its way across the pond. Many hard working capitalist Americans, saved their money and sent their spoiled rotten brat kids off to Europe for the Summer, in order to give them some cultural diversity, and the kids became infected with the Socialist propaganda, and have fallen into the same trap. They are now legitimate voters, who go to the ballot box, eager to cast their democratic vote for Socialism in America!

These mush-brains don't have the first clue as to why Socialism fails, or why it will never work in America. All it took was for them to read and hear a little Socialist propaganda, and they bought in, just as the Europeans have, over and over again. Oh, it's so cool and hip to be like the Europeans, to embrace Socialist ideology, and to buck the establishment, which is largely Capitalist in America. But the question remains, once this generation has succeeded in turning America into a Socialist dictatorship, who is going to liberate us? Last check, beacons of freedom were in short supply around the world.
We even have a contingent of Brits here, pushing Socialism like crack cocaine, trying to lure us into believing the lies and myths. I guess it's not good enough they have destroyed Europe with it, they now seek to destroy America too.


I'm a crack dealer and i didn't even know it. This really is just like 'The Wire'.

I is in the motherfuckin' game yo.

***attempts to throw up 'UK' gang sign but thinks better of it and takes solace in one's awfully bitchin' crack pipe***
It's a reaction against dedicated corporatist, fascist, theocrats.

Well, in a capitalist democracy, you have corporatist people, and in a somewhat socially conservative free country, you will likely find some theocrats, but the fascists are largely socialist, because it is one of the means in which socialism is maintained. Once things start falling apart, and government can't maintain control of the enraged citizenry, fascism or tyranny becomes the only viable course.

It's not a reaction to those things at all. I think Socialism is largely driven by emotion. The tenants of Socialism promise a better life for all, government is going to take care of you, and all the worries will be gone. People who are gullible, can envision a wonderful world, where all sick people are cared for, the poor are fed and clothed, the homeless are warm and dry. It all sounds lovely, and so many idiots simply fall for the concept, because it does sound great. The problem is, it's a lie and a myth, and doesn't work that way in actuality.

Why doesn't socialism work in practice like it does on paper? That's a good question... I think it's because it fails to consider the human spirit. When you remove any and all motivation to succeed and be successful, when all people are guaranteed to have the same things, the same wealth, the same stuff, there is simply no human motivation to strive for greater things. What's the use, if government is going to confiscate it? Why bother working harder, when government is going to take care of your every need?

We are currently seeing the results of a nation moving toward Socialism, in our markets. Punishing the Capitalists is not very good for the economy, because the Capitalists are who make the economy grow and prosper in a free market system. In a Socialist system, that role resides with the Government. What we have witnessed since January, is an anemic capitalist presence, while our government has pumped literally trillions of dollars into the economy to gain just a slight bit of growth in the market. This trend will undoubtedly continue, and as the Obama Administration implements more regulation and taxation on the capitalists, it will become more and more out of whack. That can only continue until our credit runs out, and we are completely bankrupt. Then, we will likely see real Fascism, not the pretend kind you keep harping about.
Well, in a capitalist democracy, you have corporatist people, and in a somewhat socially conservative free country, you will likely find some theocrats, but the fascists are largely socialist, because it is one of the means in which socialism is maintained. Once things start falling apart, and government can't maintain control of the enraged citizenry, fascism or tyranny becomes the only viable course.

It's not a reaction to those things at all. I think Socialism is largely driven by emotion. The tenants of Socialism promise a better life for all, government is going to take care of you, and all the worries will be gone. People who are gullible, can envision a wonderful world, where all sick people are cared for, the poor are fed and clothed, the homeless are warm and dry. It all sounds lovely, and so many idiots simply fall for the concept, because it does sound great. The problem is, it's a lie and a myth, and doesn't work that way in actuality.

Why doesn't socialism work in practice like it does on paper? That's a good question... I think it's because it fails to consider the human spirit. When you remove any and all motivation to succeed and be successful, when all people are guaranteed to have the same things, the same wealth, the same stuff, there is simply no human motivation to strive for greater things. What's the use, if government is going to confiscate it? Why bother working harder, when government is going to take care of your every need?

We are currently seeing the results of a nation moving toward Socialism, in our markets. Punishing the Capitalists is not very good for the economy, because the Capitalists are who make the economy grow and prosper in a free market system. In a Socialist system, that role resides with the Government. What we have witnessed since January, is an anemic capitalist presence, while our government has pumped literally trillions of dollars into the economy to gain just a slight bit of growth in the market. This trend will undoubtedly continue, and as the Obama Administration implements more regulation and taxation on the capitalists, it will become more and more out of whack. That can only continue until our credit runs out, and we are completely bankrupt. Then, we will likely see real Fascism, not the pretend kind you keep harping about.

Profitting based on guessing who gets bailed out is also fascism. It's real fascism now, and your corporatists friends are completely on board, though you hallucinate a distinction.
I've read that 13% of Americans over 30 think socialism is better than capitalism. For under 30, its 33%. Clearly there's indoctrination going on in our socialistic, public schools.
Profitting based on guessing who gets bailed out is also fascism. It's real fascism now, and your corporatists friends are completely on board, though you hallucinate a distinction.

I would venture to guess, just about anyone who is now profiting by guessing who gets bailed out, would much rather have no bail outs, and instead, a return to capitalism and free trade, low taxation and regulation. The thing is, people who are motivated to make profit, are going to do so as long as they are allowed, it's human nature and a part of capitalism. It is precisely because these people are motivated to generate profit, that we all have a job and income, and things to spend our money on.

Son, you haven't ever witnessed true Fascism. No one in America has. You waste countless hours of your life, coming here to post-- fascist this, and fascist that, but you are not taken seriously, because you don't seem to have any grasp of reality regarding fascism. In another thread, posters were struggling to adequately define fascism, but for you it's real easy... anything that doesn't conform to your precise world view, is fascist. Anyone who doesn't agree with your world view, is a fascist. Ironically enough, if by some fluke, you were made the Supreme Ruler of the World, you would be an unbearable fascist tyrant.

You should just save your strength to "argue" with the other jellyfish here, Waterhead and usidiot need someone to talk to! I got better things to do.
I've read that 13% of Americans over 30 think socialism is better than capitalism. For under 30, its 33%. Clearly there's indoctrination going on in our socialistic, public schools.

Ahh if that was true don't you think the percentages would be a wee bit higher then that? LOL

I've reiterated this before. There is a time and a place for socialism. The private sector, i.e. the caplitalist market, cannot provide for all our needs or solve all our problems, as a nation, affectively, at all times or situations. There are situations where a socialized approach is more productive and affective and you just mentioned one of them. Public education.
Ahh if that was true don't you think the percentages would be a wee bit higher then that? LOL

I've reiterated this before. There is a time and a place for socialism. The private sector, i.e. the caplitalist market, cannot provide for all our needs or solve all our problems, as a nation, affectively, at all times or situations. There are situations where a socialized approach is more productive and affective and you just mentioned one of them. Public education.

Then why has our public education system consistently produced dumber and dumber kids at higher and higher cost? Why is it, we trail behind third world countries in education? Seems we've had a socialist education system in place for a long time, shouldn't we be seeing the resounding successful results by now?

The public education system is a good example of how Socialism fails. Precisely because of what I said before, it fails to consider the human spirit. When there is no competition, every school is the same, every teacher gets paid on the same scale, everything is done in the vacuum of a controlled environment and protected by the teacher's unions, and there is no incentive to be better, to excel or strive for greatness, it simply doesn't happen.

We pay more for education than just about any country, and we get the worst results for our money. Meanwhile, we allow the liberals to continue their unfettered control over education, adopting these 'new age' ideas of 'outcome based' education, where no one makes an F, and everyone gets passed, because we don't want to offend someone or hurt any feelings. We have liberals running schools, where they will hand out free condoms all day long, they will help your daughter covertly get an abortion without your knowledge, and they will allow outright sexual predators to have a field day right in the damn classrooms, but heaven forbid some student brings a Midol to school for menstrual cramps, they can get suspended for that.

You are such a goofball, it's a wonder you muster the courage to even return here day after day. It takes an enormous amount of idiocy to actually present the American Public Education System as an example of how great Socialist systems are. If you are doing drugs, you need to stop, if you're not doing drugs, perhaps you need to be. That's arguable the most stupid point anyone has ever attempted to make here.
I would venture to guess, just about anyone who is now profiting by guessing who gets bailed out, would much rather have no bail outs, and instead, a return to capitalism and free trade, low taxation and regulation. The thing is, people who are motivated to make profit, are going to do so as long as they are allowed, it's human nature and a part of capitalism. It is precisely because these people are motivated to generate profit, that we all have a job and income, and things to spend our money on.

Son, you haven't ever witnessed true Fascism. No one in America has. You waste countless hours of your life, coming here to post-- fascist this, and fascist that, but you are not taken seriously, because you don't seem to have any grasp of reality regarding fascism. In another thread, posters were struggling to adequately define fascism, but for you it's real easy... anything that doesn't conform to your precise world view, is fascist. Anyone who doesn't agree with your world view, is a fascist. Ironically enough, if by some fluke, you were made the Supreme Ruler of the World, you would be an unbearable fascist tyrant.

You should just save your strength to "argue" with the other jellyfish here, Waterhead and usidiot need someone to talk to! I got better things to do.

I think some of the goldman sachs fascists are fine with fascism, and profit is a term used with capitalism. Gaining through fascism is not called profit.

I see fascism here and now. I will argue with whom I want, you douchebag in denial.
Ahh if that was true don't you think the percentages would be a wee bit higher then that? LOL

I've reiterated this before. There is a time and a place for socialism. The private sector, i.e. the caplitalist market, cannot provide for all our needs or solve all our problems, as a nation, affectively, at all times or situations. There are situations where a socialized approach is more productive and affective and you just mentioned one of them. Public education.

Not really, as most people won't buy into an obvious lie.

Socialism has performed pitifully in the public schools, which is why private schools are so renowned. I encourage the State governments to financially support students, but that's not what's happened. The States have been supporting the public school system instead. Do you see the difference?
Then why has our public education system consistently produced dumber and dumber kids at higher and higher cost? Why is it, we trail behind third world countries in education? Seems we've had a socialist education system in place for a long time, shouldn't we be seeing the resounding successful results by now?

The public education system is a good example of how Socialism fails. Precisely because of what I said before, it fails to consider the human spirit. When there is no competition, every school is the same, every teacher gets paid on the same scale, everything is done in the vacuum of a controlled environment and protected by the teacher's unions, and there is no incentive to be better, to excel or strive for greatness, it simply doesn't happen.

We pay more for education than just about any country, and we get the worst results for our money. Meanwhile, we allow the liberals to continue their unfettered control over education, adopting these 'new age' ideas of 'outcome based' education, where no one makes an F, and everyone gets passed, because we don't want to offend someone or hurt any feelings. We have liberals running schools, where they will hand out free condoms all day long, they will help your daughter covertly get an abortion without your knowledge, and they will allow outright sexual predators to have a field day right in the damn classrooms, but heaven forbid some student brings a Midol to school for menstrual cramps, they can get suspended for that.

You are such a goofball, it's a wonder you muster the courage to even return here day after day. It takes an enormous amount of idiocy to actually present the American Public Education System as an example of how great Socialist systems are. If you are doing drugs, you need to stop, if you're not doing drugs, perhaps you need to be. That's arguable the most stupid point anyone has ever attempted to make here.

OH I dunno, probably cause of all those rednecks like you who'd rather have the kids pray their empty little heads off and play basketball or football then study Chemistry or Geometry..
Not really, as most people won't buy into an obvious lie.

Socialism has performed pitifully in the public schools, which is why private schools are so renowned. I encourage the State governments to financially support students, but that's not what's happened. The States have been supporting the public school system instead. Do you see the difference?

The real truth then is that if our socialized public education system isn't cutting muster then the private education systems is a complete and utter failure at a national level and cannot even remotely begin to provide the educatonal needs for our public. Nor do you point out that the lack of competitiveness of our public education system has nothing to do with it being a socialized system because the foreign systems we are all competing against are all socialized systems too. You've just got your head in the sand and are ignoring reality so you can believe what you want to believe.
The real truth then is that if our socialized public education system isn't cutting muster then the private education systems is a complete and utter failure at a national level and cannot even remotely begin to provide the educatonal needs for our public. Nor do you point out that the lack of competitiveness of our public education system has nothing to do with it being a socialized system because the foreign systems we are all competing against are all socialized systems too. You've just got your head in the sand and are ignoring reality so you can believe what you want to believe.
Private schools can't provide to the public because the public system has control of the money. Stats show that private schools produce better students. You claim that foreign systems are better than ours yet many are clamoring to get into the US with student visas. *shrug*
OH I dunno, probably cause of all those rednecks like you who'd rather have the kids pray their empty little heads off and play basketball or football then study Chemistry or Geometry..

LMFAO... Okay, so even though the Socialist Education System is not working, it's not the fault of the Socialist System, it's the fault of the stupid kids who don't want to be taught? ...That's rich!

Ya know, I just have a hunch that.... most kids, regardless of what country they live in or where in the world they are, prefer to play rather than study. So I don't really see how your point has any merit whatsoever. It is a teachers responsibility to take these kids who had rather play than study, and teach them stuff! Doesn't matter where they are, doesn't matter who's kids, that IS a teacher's job and what they are paid to do!

I asked you a pretty straight forward question, and you responded with even more idiocy than before... that is amazing... I didn't think you could be any more stupid and ridiculous! Our kids are not getting an adequate education because we have a Socialist system which does not reward success. Teachers make the same amount of money, get the same benefits, same paid vacation, same tenure, etc., regardless of whether they actually educate our children or not. The whole entire problem with the education system IS SOCIALISM! IT DOESN'T WORK!

If we had a 'results-based' competitive system, where GOOD teachers were rewarded and POOR teachers were culled, don't you imagine our children just might get a better education? If we had a vouchers program, where parents could competitively choose their child's school, and the schools had to compete for the vouchers, don't you imagine the schools would hire (and pay well for) GOOD qualified educators who got results? And if the survival of the school depended on how well they performed, how well they educated our children, not on how much federal money they could bilk from government, don't you imagine the quality of education overall would improve?

No, instead of you using the gray matter between your ears, you'd rather be led around by the nose, and told to support the teachers unions because that is the liberal agenda. The status quot... let's just keep pouring money into the failed socialist system, and pretending it's all the kids fault, or worse, their "redneck" parents who don't make them study harder! Just put the blame off on anything but the perverted sex maniac teachers, who probably shouldn't even be allowed alone in a room with our kids, much less "educating" them!
It's amazing how many people have become infatuated with Socialism. We see thread after thread, post after post, from people who should know better, but apparently don't. We even have a contingent of Brits here, pushing Socialism like crack cocaine, trying to lure us into believing the lies and myths. I guess it's not good enough they have destroyed Europe with it, they now seek to destroy America too.

You would think, after two World Wars to defeat Socialist Fascist Totalitarianism, they might have learned their lesson, but nope. For whatever reason, the minions of Socialism still advocate for the failed system of government, as if it's something new, which has never been tried. Granted, college graduates in 2009, weren't even born when the Cold War ended, so they really have no idea about the history, it's all "old stuff" they didn't bother studying in school. They simply fail to understand, these same ideas have been tried since 1911, and they just don't work.

If you want to take an objective look at Capitalism vs. Socialism, in a head-to-head, straight up, legitimate and valid comparison, there is a prime example in Germany. For 40 years, Germany was divided between the East and West, the East operated under a totally Socialist system, the West operated under a totally Capitalist system. After 40 years, the difference was stark. West Germans enjoyed a vibrant economy, most everyone lives above poverty level, they have their share of problems, but by and large, they have been a resounding success compared to their East German counterparts. On the other side of the wall, people lived in destitute poverty, the economy was collapsing, and people were literally risking death to get over that damn wall.

Now, if Socialism, as a form of government, were preferable to Capitalism, we would have seen just the opposite. If Socialism were even remotely comparable to Capitalism, we would have seen little to no difference in East and West Germany. The fact is, Socialism was a failure, Capitalism was a success. Of course, the Socialists will claim all kinds of excuses and reasons the East Germans never flourished, but the fact remains, these were the same German people on both sides, they came from the same culture, had the same work ethic, and both sides began the project on fairly equal ground. Clearly, nowhere else on earth, and no other time in history, has there been a more definitive direct comparison between Socialist and Capitalist ideology. Socialism simply failed.

I think this is why you see so many Socialists trying to paint Socialism as something else.... let's not call it Socialism, let's call it "Progressive" or some nicer, less ostracized word. Out of one side of their mouth, they will argue that what they propose is NOT Socialism, while the other side of their mouth proposes the argument that Socialism is not a bad thing, it's not a dirty word. They want to dress Socialism up in drag, and talk you into taking it to the prom, while planting the idea in your head that drag queens are cool.

I don't pretend to know what the problem is with Europeans. They have had this romanticism with socialism for decades. They keep implementing it, and it keeps perverting itself into tyranny and oppression, and we keep having to save them from the end result. A generation or two later, here we are again, fighting a Socialist totalitarian regime somewhere, because idiot Europeans didn't learn their lesson. We'll liberate them, only to watch them fall right back into the same old trap again.

This failed ideology has made its way across the pond. Many hard working capitalist Americans, saved their money and sent their spoiled rotten brat kids off to Europe for the Summer, in order to give them some cultural diversity, and the kids became infected with the Socialist propaganda, and have fallen into the same trap. They are now legitimate voters, who go to the ballot box, eager to cast their democratic vote for Socialism in America!

These mush-brains don't have the first clue as to why Socialism fails, or why it will never work in America. All it took was for them to read and hear a little Socialist propaganda, and they bought in, just as the Europeans have, over and over again. Oh, it's so cool and hip to be like the Europeans, to embrace Socialist ideology, and to buck the establishment, which is largely Capitalist in America. But the question remains, once this generation has succeeded in turning America into a Socialist dictatorship, who is going to liberate us? Last check, beacons of freedom were in short supply around the world.

So West Germany is the paragon of capitalism? I'm down with that.
So West Germany is the paragon of capitalism? I'm down with that.

Well, that's clearly not what I said, Shitpile! The US is the paragon of Capitalism, or at least it was before the Obama Regime took over. Judging by the world markets, I don't think Capitalism has a paragon anymore....maybe the Japanese?

I presented a valid side-by-side comparison of Socialism and Capitalism, which had a 40 year run to test both ideologies. Which side prevailed, which side failed? The results are pretty clear to me, but you are a Shitpile, no telling what you think... IF you can even think.
Well, that's clearly not what I said, Shitpile! The US is the paragon of Capitalism, or at least it was before the Obama Regime took over. Judging by the world markets, I don't think Capitalism has a paragon anymore....maybe the Japanese?

I presented a valid side-by-side comparison of Socialism and Capitalism, which had a 40 year run to test both ideologies. Which side prevailed, which side failed? The results are pretty clear to me, but you are a Shitpile, no telling what you think... IF you can even think.

The Japanese, huh? With their socialized medicine?
It's amazing how many people have become infatuated with Socialism. We see thread after thread, post after post, from people who should know better, but apparently don't. We even have a contingent of Brits here, pushing Socialism like crack cocaine, trying to lure us into believing the lies and myths. I guess it's not good enough they have destroyed Europe with it, they now seek to destroy America too.

You would think, after two World Wars to defeat Socialist Fascist Totalitarianism, they might have learned their lesson, but nope. For whatever reason, the minions of Socialism still advocate for the failed system of government, as if it's something new, which has never been tried. Granted, college graduates in 2009, weren't even born when the Cold War ended, so they really have no idea about the history, it's all "old stuff" they didn't bother studying in school. They simply fail to understand, these same ideas have been tried since 1911, and they just don't work.

If you want to take an objective look at Capitalism vs. Socialism, in a head-to-head, straight up, legitimate and valid comparison, there is a prime example in Germany. For 40 years, Germany was divided between the East and West, the East operated under a totally Socialist system, the West operated under a totally Capitalist system. After 40 years, the difference was stark. West Germans enjoyed a vibrant economy, most everyone lives above poverty level, they have their share of problems, but by and large, they have been a resounding success compared to their East German counterparts. On the other side of the wall, people lived in destitute poverty, the economy was collapsing, and people were literally risking death to get over that damn wall.

Now, if Socialism, as a form of government, were preferable to Capitalism, we would have seen just the opposite. If Socialism were even remotely comparable to Capitalism, we would have seen little to no difference in East and West Germany. The fact is, Socialism was a failure, Capitalism was a success. Of course, the Socialists will claim all kinds of excuses and reasons the East Germans never flourished, but the fact remains, these were the same German people on both sides, they came from the same culture, had the same work ethic, and both sides began the project on fairly equal ground. Clearly, nowhere else on earth, and no other time in history, has there been a more definitive direct comparison between Socialist and Capitalist ideology. Socialism simply failed.

I think this is why you see so many Socialists trying to paint Socialism as something else.... let's not call it Socialism, let's call it "Progressive" or some nicer, less ostracized word. Out of one side of their mouth, they will argue that what they propose is NOT Socialism, while the other side of their mouth proposes the argument that Socialism is not a bad thing, it's not a dirty word. They want to dress Socialism up in drag, and talk you into taking it to the prom, while planting the idea in your head that drag queens are cool.

I don't pretend to know what the problem is with Europeans. They have had this romanticism with socialism for decades. They keep implementing it, and it keeps perverting itself into tyranny and oppression, and we keep having to save them from the end result. A generation or two later, here we are again, fighting a Socialist totalitarian regime somewhere, because idiot Europeans didn't learn their lesson. We'll liberate them, only to watch them fall right back into the same old trap again.

This failed ideology has made its way across the pond. Many hard working capitalist Americans, saved their money and sent their spoiled rotten brat kids off to Europe for the Summer, in order to give them some cultural diversity, and the kids became infected with the Socialist propaganda, and have fallen into the same trap. They are now legitimate voters, who go to the ballot box, eager to cast their democratic vote for Socialism in America!

These mush-brains don't have the first clue as to why Socialism fails, or why it will never work in America. All it took was for them to read and hear a little Socialist propaganda, and they bought in, just as the Europeans have, over and over again. Oh, it's so cool and hip to be like the Europeans, to embrace Socialist ideology, and to buck the establishment, which is largely Capitalist in America. But the question remains, once this generation has succeeded in turning America into a Socialist dictatorship, who is going to liberate us? Last check, beacons of freedom were in short supply around the world.

:clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink:

Dixie, you are truly the future of the Republican party, and I can describe in no words how happy this makes me!!