Romney criticizes Obama for "diminished American leadership"


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Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of having "diminished American leadership" around the world with his foreign policy approach and suggested his administration had put the lives of American service members at risk by leaking classified national security details to the media.

In a hard-hitting speech before the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nev., the presumptive Republican nominee slammed Obama on an array of foreign policy fronts—including what he described as Obama's "shabby treatment" of Israel. And echoing his usual message on the campaign trail, Romney trashed Obama's handling of the nation's economy, arguing it has made America's position in the world even weaker.

"The president's policies have made it harder to recover from the deepest recession in 70 years, exposed the military to cuts that no one can justify, compromised our national security secrets, and in dealings with other nations, given trust where it is not earned, insult where it is not deserved, and apology where it is not due," Romney declared. "American leadership depends, as it always has, on our economic strength, on our military strength, and on our moral strength. If any of these falter, no skill of diplomacy or presidential oratory can compensate."
What does Romney want? another war? a trip to ISrael, when AIPAC has undue influence already?

Military/moral/ economic strength? well Duh. Think we've shown more then enough "military strength", think we're about asmoral as the next country, we do give hardship visa's and such for war zone victims. This nation does have compassion, except for the jingoism.

That leaves the economy - BREAKING NEWS!!
What does Romney want? another war? a trip to ISrael, when AIPAC has undue influence already?

Military/moral/ economic strength? well Duh. Think we've shown more then enough "military strength", think we're about asmoral as the next country, we do give hardship visa's and such for war zone victims. This nation does have compassion, except for the jingoism.

That leaves the economy - BREAKING NEWS!!

Romney just wants to win the election. That is all.
Romney just wants to win the election. That is all.
true dat, he scares the crap outta me. Makes me want to vote for Obama as "lessor of 2 evils", though i've pretty much settled on Johnson.

If it's even close, i may have to actually vote for Obama, this guy is a full scale lunatic.
true dat, he scares the crap outta me. Makes me want to vote for Obama as "lessor of 2 evils", though i've pretty much settled on Johnson.

If it's even close, i may have to actually vote for Obama, this guy is a full scale lunatic.

Worse than that - he's a sociopath. Doesn't care what his lunacy does to others.