Romney, The Truth and The Press...How America Is Failing


Makes the ganglia twitch.
Well written and full of facts that describe the current condition of our 'democracy'.

[QUOTE/]Dark Secret in Romney's Missing Tax Files: "Amnesty" from Prison for Top-1% Tax Cheats?
byChristopher Tucker

Did Romney avoid prison, get to be the GOP nomination for US president, and carry on his mission to win the White House so he could fulfil the Mormon "White Horse Prophecy" that a Mormon would "rescue" America when the constitution was "hanging by a thread," while the American hero, Bradley Birkenfeld, whistleblower was rotting in prison for the past 31 months, because he dared try to expose the biggest tax-evasion scheme in US history, specifically implicating Mitt Romney?

Such a scandalous revelation would not only decimate Romney, but perfectly capture (& possibly alter) the essence of the current grotesque, outrageously perverse, systemic, injustice, hypocrisy, Big Lies, poverty, & inequality (of everything like political influence, freedom, rights, food, opportunity, truth) resulting from a rigged, corrupted US economic, legal, political, propaganda system, which is essentially facilitating an elite 1% Oligarchic coup d'etat in plain sight.

How emblematic of our times & demise that the heroic whistleblower who exposed the biggest Oligarchic tax-evasion scheme in US history would be the only one imprisoned while 5000 plutocratic 1% free-loaders avoid justice & prison by purchasing their "amnesty" with wealth stolen from the US Treasury, so they could plot & finance a 1% victory in the 2012 election.

Who better to deliver the final death blow to the American Dream than plutocratic Bishop Romney mounted on his prophesied White Horse, ushering in new theocratic-oligarchic neo-feudal order,

"rescuing" the 99% from the "spiritual emptiness" of American democracy, even if suppressing the vote & cyber-stealing the election are necessary to deliver us to the "promised land."

While my hypothesis about Romney's amnesty from prison might not be the dark secret he's hiding in his 2009 (& previous) tax records, it would certainly fit with his character and the fact that the biggest criminals and most corrupt are not only "above the law," but rewarded with more power & money, while whistleblowers & the bottom 99% are aggressively- often illegally- punished by the so-called "rule of law" that increasingly does not include fundamental constitutional or human rights.

If I'm correct, then this would fit with other high profile cases that seem choreographed to accentuate the perverse irony of a collapsing, corrupt system of rewards & punishments that are the diametric opposite of the public, American interest.

Like this tax-evasion example, the only one prosecuted for US War Crimes of torture, was the CIA whistleblower (& some low-level 'bad apple' scapegoats who didn't do the real torturing) who reported it.

The only ones prosecuted for the massive illegal US warrentless spying on Americans, have been the USDOJ & NSA whistleblowers warning of an Orwellian "turn-key totalitarian state," who were initially charged with the Espionage Act & other trumped up charges (see my reporting on this).

Those who were unforgivably negligent for avoiding specific warning signs before the preventable 9/11 attacks were promoted, glorified & re-elected, while the FBI agents, like Colleen Rowley (who's since publicly voiced hypothesis that Wikileaks could've prevented 9/11 if her FBI colleagues had that option at time), who accurately suspected an Al Qaeda terrorist of preparations for a suicide-hijacking before the 9/11 attacks, were so inexplicably thwarted, they half-jokingly wondered whether Osama bin Laden moles in FBI HQ had sabotaged their investigatory effort.

The whistleblower, Harry Markopolos, who tried to expose the Madoff ponzi scheme to the SEC for many years before countless people lost their life savings, lived in a constant state of terror, fearing for his family & his life.

I could go on endlessly supporting this outrageous narrative of collective insanity & self-destruction.

Given my outspoken, controversial, long-standing, published warnings about the unprecedented censorship, repression & manipulation of scientists & academics, and the underestimated threats this posed to democracy, the global economy & security (see (Tucker 2004) "Ideological Protectionism: The Bush Administration's Misuse of Science & Information in the Policy Process")- which I know top-level Bush administration officials heard (because I personally told one I was having drinks with in SF, in July 2007), the above narrative seems to dictate that I become the most censored, discredited & repressed academic in the US, though there are likely many other candidates.

My hypothesis that Romney purchased amnesty in 2009 to avoid prison by paying back taxes he stole from us may be false, and I don't plan on investing time on investigating this, and my main objective was to simply illustrate how journalists could become useful if they used some basic scientific thinking to generate important questions, hypotheses & "connect the dots" they seem to willfully ignore, which is why I think the media is perhaps most most responsible for unacceptable decay of our democratic institutions & the looming death of the American Dream.

Read the entire piece here
Tight work! Thanks.

I'm reading about a Mormon being thrown out of the church for criticizing Romney. Compelling! More tomorrow after football. :)