Ron Paul expected to raise $12 mil in 4th Quarter


Well-known member
Flush with cash. I suspect he's probably going to outraise, McCain, Thompson, Huckabee, and probably be competitive even with Guilliani in the amount of money raised.

Now that libertarians have an extremely well-funded, credible candidate, it will be interesting to see if - with all that money and exposure - Paul can sell the libertarain philosophy to mainstream america. Are they up for buying libertarian philospy? And can he can outpoll and beat Huckabee, Thompson, and McCain in the primary states?

Should be an interesting test, of how palatable libertarianism is, broadly speaking to american voters. We shall see what happens.
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do you think he'll get out of single digits?
How bad is that with these shitty republican choices?

Because he appeals to ignorant religious warmongers like yourself. He won't get out of the double digits anywhere but that sea full of ignorance that is Iowa.

from the mouth of a kid who never did anything in the real you know what is best for America...besides having a high?
so what happens to all Pauls left over cash when he loses ?

I think politicians usually spend it all on campaigns.

But, judging from what Bush-onomics is doing to the dollar, Ron Paul should take whatever is left over and covert it to Euros.

Or, in true libertarian fashion, he can convert it to gold, and hide it under the bed. Those black helicopters, the World Bank cabal, and the One world government can't be far off.
so what happens to all Pauls left over cash when he loses ?

He can roll it over to his congressional race .. where he's running against a millionaire Council President.

It's also interesting to note that he isn't spending much of that new found cash.

I think there may be a cruel joke at the end of this play.
Flush with cash. I suspect he's probably going to outraise, McCain, Thompson, Huckabee, and probably be competitive even with Guilliani in the amount of money raised.

Now that libertarians have an extremely well-funded, credible candidate, it will be interesting to see if - with all that money and exposure - Paul can sell the libertarain philosophy to mainstream america. Are they up for buying libertarian philospy? And can he can outpoll and beat Huckabee, Thompson, and McCain in the primary states?

Should be an interesting test, of how palatable libertarianism is, broadly speaking to american voters. We shall see what happens.


Latest November Polls.

And average of all November Polls for Ron Paul, shows 3.6% support nationwide.

He's doing a tiny, tad better in some early primary states. Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona have him vaulting up to between 4% and 6% support.

New Hampshire, which should traditionally be strongest hunting grounds for a Libertarian, has him to 8% support in the latest polls.

And Hey, my man Edwards isn't exactly lighting the world on fire. With a similar sized campaign chest to Ron Paul, he's only around 15% in national polls, and around 24% in Iowa.
So now Ron Paul can be compared to John Edwards in terms of viability? Man Cypress you have so much faith in Ron Paul and his supporters. It's touching.
So now Ron Paul can be compared to John Edwards in terms of viability?


Man Cypress you have so much faith in Ron Paul and his supporters. It's touching.

Read for comprehension warren. :)

I have complete faith that his relatively small cadre of supporters are hard core and dedicated. I have less faith that they have any ability to sell their far right libertarian theology to more than a small fraction of american voters.

But, with this amount of money and a viable candidate, maybe you can prove me wrong! Let's revisit in a couple months to see how well far right libertarian theology sells, when backed by lots of money and a credible candidate, shall we? :clink:
Statements attributed to Ron Paul are troubling. Politically speaking, he should try to avoid dealing with them, as doing as such can only hurt him. As far as integrity is concerned, he NEEDS to deal with them. Given that he's not likely to win the primary, he should deal with said statements. it would only strengthen his future position, and that of (quasi-) (l)(L)ibertarians.
I think politicians usually spend it all on campaigns.

But, judging from what Bush-onomics is doing to the dollar, Ron Paul should take whatever is left over and covert it to Euros.

Or, in true libertarian fashion, he can convert it to gold, and hide it under the bed. Those black helicopters, the World Bank cabal, and the One world government can't be far off.

North american union

You're a fool cypress
How much of a factor do you think people like me will be in the primaries? I have yet to participate in any important polls, and I am traditionally a conservative, but with a bit of libertarian bent. I plan to vote for Paul in the primary just to tip the boat a little...
Well since he's raising the cash, others are now watching. The replies that follow are very interesting...

The Paulists are beginning to get it too.

Watch what you write cause American Thinker is taking your excerpts

Worldwide Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Message Board › Watch what you write cause American Thinker is taking your excerpts

* Start a new discussion


* Posted Nov 19, 2007 at 11:42 AM
* Link to this discussion

user 4245858
East Haven, CT
655th Post

Yep, Im going to post it again cause it was deleted by mods. The lurkers, provocateurs and thought police are on this board and attempting to entrap members.

From the American Thinker

erhaps frustrated by the weasel words, Lone Star Times asked Benton: "Bottom line- Will the Ron Paul campaign be rejecting the $500 contribution made by neo-Nazi Don Black?"

Benton's response:

"At this time, I cannot say that we will be rejecting Mr. Black's contribution, but I will bring the matter to the attention of our campaign director again, and expect some sort of decision to be made in coming days."

On October 11 Stormfront Radio endorsed Ron Paul for President saying:

"Whatever organization you belong to, remember first and foremost that you're a white nationalist, then put aside your differences with one another and work together. Work together to strive to get someone in the Oval Office who agrees with much of what we want for our future. Look at the man, look at the issues, look at our future. Vote for Ron Paul, 2008."

As of November 11--the Ron Paul donation link is still up and active on Stormfront. No IP address has been blocked. Stormfront's would-be stormtroopers are still encouraged to contribute to Paul's campaign.

The white supremacists do more than raise funds. Blogger Adam Holland reports:

"one of Rep. Paul's top internet organizers in Tennessee is a neo-Nazi leader named Will Williams (aka ?White Will'). Williams was the southern coordinator for William Pierce's National Alliance Party, the largest neo-Nazi party in the U.S."

Pierce is author of the racist "Turner Diaries". When the Lone Star Times exposed the $500 Don Black donation, Williams responded on the national Ron Paul meetup site,

"Must Dr. Paul capitulate to our Jewish masters' demands?" ...

Here's the latest post from The American Thinker on RP's campaign and supporters. There are many embedded links and more follows at the end:

November 25, 2007
The Odd Alliance Supporting Ron Paul
By Andrew Walden

"Watch what you write ‘cause American Thinker is taking your excerpts"

Here and there, the mainstream media is noticing the disturbingly enthusiastic support coming Ron Paul's way from distateful quarters. In a November 20 column titled "Ron Paul isn't that scary", LA Times columnist Jonah Goldberg calls stories about Ron Paul's racist and 9-11 troother supporters "overblown", but he does let slip the following:

"Republican consultant David Hill condemns the candidate's ‘increasingly leftish' positions. Syndicated columnist Mona Charen calls Paul ‘too cozy with kooks and conspiracy theorists.' Film critic and talk radio host Michael Medved looks over Paul's supporters and finds ‘an imposing collection of neo-Nazis, white Supremacists, Holocaust deniers, 9/11 'truthers' and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists.'"

Goldberg is the exception.

GQ magazine just named Ron Paul one of its "Men of the Year." Yep, the man described on the website of ex-KKK honcho and convicted fraudster David Duke as "our king" is now officially a male trend setter.

Molly Ball November 20 in the Las Vegas Review-Journal swoons:

"He (Paul) is a grandfather crowd-surfing on a youthful wave. The purity of his message, he said, has combined with young people's natural idealism, with the Internet catalyzing the reaction."

And no, that is from a news article, not an opinion piece. Ron Paul is nowhere in the polls, so primary states are hopeless. But Nevada is a "caucus" state where Democrats and other Ron Paul nuts dream of mobilizing hordes of surrender monkeys to swamp the real GOPers on January 19th. (Which would also help Hillary Clinton by reducing the turn out for Barack Obama on the Democrat side.)

The Paulistinians are cheered by coverage such as the Las Vegas paper. On Ron Paul's national Meet-up site, a poster identified as "Steve Martin" calls media coverage of Paul's Las Vegas rally "awesome." "Steve Martin" is a Maine Ron Paul supporter with over 3,000 Ron Paul Meet-up posts whose on-line bio identifies him as "911 truth researcher & video documentarian, & a writer for The Barnes Review." The Barnes Review is a Holocaust denier magazine founded by Willis Carto who also founded the American Free Press and the Institute for Historical Review.

It gets weirder.

The Communist Party organ, People's Weekly World, imitates Ayn Rand, asking: "Who is Ron Paul?" Their answer:

"Alone among the Republicans, he opposes Bush's wars and occupations abroad. He absolutely despises ‘so called free trade deals and world governmental organizations like the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO and CAFTA.' He wants to stop the NAFTA highway. He condemns government spying on the citizenry, and would like to overturn the Patriot Act. He seems to support Social Security...."

Do you feel the love? ...