Ron Paul Obama Racist Ties


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So Obama has a mentor and pastor who is an obvious racist and I don't here the Dems whine like the did when a white nationalist who Paul didn't even know gave a contribution. Or when a writter for Pauls newsletter made racist remarks. Typical Liberal double standard.
To be clear I don't hold it against Obama or Paul just pointing out the fact that many Liberals were so outraged by Paul but want to shush people on Obama
I may be naive in saying this, but it does seem peculiar to this campaign--perhaps because of its length and the wide field that we began with--that personal associations to controversial people and people making controversial statements have taken more of a focus than issues to distinguish the candidates.
I may be naive in saying this, but it does seem peculiar to this campaign--perhaps because of its length and the wide field that we began with--that personal associations to controversial people and people making controversial statements have taken more of a focus than issues to distinguish the candidates.
It could be that Hillary and Obama just aren't that different in issues.
To be clear I don't hold it against Obama or Paul just pointing out the fact that many Liberals were so outraged by Paul but want to shush people on Obama


Nice attempt at drawing an analogy between Stormfront, and Pastor Wright. It’s not even close to being a valid comparison.

Even some rightwingers (except for Damo), and most libertarians here have concluded that there’s no evidence Pastor Wright is a racist. And that most everything he said was basically true at it’s core. At best, a few of the word choices he used were deemed incendiary and divisive by many people. But, there’s no indication of a pattern of racism on his part.
I may be naive in saying this, but it does seem peculiar to this campaign--perhaps because of its length and the wide field that we began with--that personal associations to controversial people and people making controversial statements have taken more of a focus than issues to distinguish the candidates.


I think it is deliberate because of the hard issues not one really wants to tackle.
The real soloutions will not be popular. Bacically any popular soloution at this will will be inadequate. be the issue the war, the economy, globalization, offshoring of jobs, etc...
Adding more food inspectors would be one of the few popular to most except the food industry.
Or beefing up safety drug approvals might sell well too except for the megabuck lobbying pharm industry.
or doing away with the oil company tax breaks... wait that is already being called a tax increase....
see what I mean....
Ohh that, well not too different from Robertson claiming god sent it to punish us for gay sins.
Religoinutz who needs em.
Ohh that, well not too different from Robertson claiming god sent it to punish us for gay sins.
Religoinutz who needs em.
True, but Robertson (thankfully) lost a ton of credibility with his 9/11 is god's punishment stuff. The further we push this, the less the religious leaders will have in either party.
darned liberals

this country is being taken over by liberals! i want america back. i want the america i grew up with, where we hosed the blacks good and proper.

Nice attempt at drawing an analogy between Stormfront, and Pastor Wright. It’s not even close to being a valid comparison.

That's not actually the comparison he made. The comparison was to the guilt by association tactics.

But why are they different?

Even some rightwingers (except for Damo), and most libertarians here have concluded that there’s no evidence Pastor Wright is a racist. And that most everything he said was basically true at it’s core. At best, a few of the word choices he used were deemed incendiary and divisive by many people. But, there’s no indication of a pattern of racism on his part.

I don't particularly give a fuck whether Wright is a racist. I honestly don't see any need to look into anything he has said. He's not Obama. Obama does not strike me as a racist and that's the guy running.

Vote Obama!
Kill Whitey!
True, but Robertson (thankfully) lost a ton of credibility with his 9/11 is god's punishment stuff. The further we push this, the less the religious leaders will have in either party.

I'm not on board with that Damo.

Some college educated republicans may be embarrased by the religious right.

I'm not embarrased by the broader religious left. At all. I'm totally comfortable with their broader political activism and mission of peace, social justice and economic justice.

The peace marches I've attended are not only sponsored by anti-war activists, but also by interfaith coaltions of unitarians, quakers, and left leaning congregationalists. I'm totally cool with them. What I don't like are religious leaders promoting wars on islam, promoting an apocalyptic war in israel, or spending inordinate amouts of time lecturing me about the evils of gay marriage
Wait a second, weren't the racist screeds that Ron Paul was criticized for published under his own name? In a document called the Ron Paul Newsletter?