Ron Paul obviously gaining


New member
It's obvious the media is taking him seriously now with the hysterical attempts to smear him. What in the hell does Abe Lincoln have to do with anything in 2008? Why is this an issue at all?
Several news programs are talking about what he said about the Civil War. I don't know why this at all relevant. Stupidest smear ever.
It's obvious the media is taking him seriously now with the hysterical attempts to smear him. What in the hell does Abe Lincoln have to do with anything in 2008? Why is this an issue at all?
Kind of like 17,000,000 questions per debate about Jesus?
All of them profess a belief in Jesus. All of the Ds too. Yet they don't get 17,000,000 questions per debate about Jesus.
That's cuz you don't have to constantly REMIND people that you believe in Jeebus if you are a Dem. That is not the base for them. The base for them wants to hear that rich people are evil and want to take your money too.
This seems to recap nearly every problem I have with Ron Paul:


Does this make Ron Paul personally a racist? No, I don’t think so. Does it make him a politician willing to pander to that fringe for support? Yes, as evidenced by his speaking engagements at the Robert Taft club and refusal to return their donations. Note the plural there, it’s not just Don Black’s $500.00 I am talking about, it’s also the money raised from the banner ads for Ron Paul at Stormfront and VNN.

He also has clear associations with 9/11 truthers, as well as support from them, and his “blowback theory” caters to that crowd. This even though the original 9/11 truther, Hamid Gul, is a foreign politico allied with the MMA, Bin Laden, and theTaliban. Hamid came out three days after 9/11 and laid the whole plot out to cover for the Pakistan ISI and Bin Laden. Here’s the interview. [Sorry to link to the fever swamp at Fisk’s site, but this is the verbatim UPI interview that begat the “Troofers.”]

How much of the money-bomb’s content came from these groups? Probably something we will never know since it would take a couple months of combing the reports that come out in January for the details — and by time that research was done Ron Paul probably won’t be in the running anymore.

One of Ron Paul’s supporters is Alex Jones, pimp for every whack-job conspiracy theory out there, from the Bilderbergers, to the Illuminati, to 9/11 Truthers. Leftover survivalists from the 80’s pant after his every word on his radio show, and the gold currency standard theorists are there as well.

Everything that happens is controlled by some super-secret group in Alex’s miscreant brain. He calls himself the “grandfather of the 9/11 truth movement”, however as you can see above we know where the theory originated. [Editor: I won’t link to Alex Jones sites any sooner than Stormfront; both are houses of fear and hate where the stench of madness flies up the flue.]

So at some point you have to ask what unites Ron Paul supporters besides gullibility? If he somehow made it into the top tier of candidates, how would the Prison Planet folks get along with the VNN folks? What about the Tea-cup racialists at Storm front and the Troofers?

His campaign carried much further will self-destruct, but from that destructive self implosion will come tanker farms of bile and political ill-will. The debate will be poisoned by his disillusioned followers, so please be prepared to wade through a lot of bile, piss, and vinegar before we get to the main campaign. With net anonymity the mob of commentors that follow these conspiracy theories are more vocal, and like a mob they will attack anything or anyone that differs with them.

Just remember to step back and look at the bigger picture when that comes – the President is somewhat powerless to change 90% of what Ron Paul says he is campaigning for. It’s Congress that makes the law, the executive branch just follows them, and congress holds the power to change the things he says he is worried about. If he’s so darned fired up about changing things, then why is he wanting to leave Congress? Maybe it’s like his earmarks, he voted for them before he voted against them.
I listened to Medved on my way home from work yesterday, he finally talked about Ron Paul, he talked about how all the Nazis support him. The more the smears come the more attention his real issues can come to light, IE: Monetary Policy, Foreign Policy and personal freedoms.