Ron Paul on the GOP

Anyone notice that he seems to speak as if he is NOT a republican? He says "they" and "their" and not "we" and "us". Finally at the end of the piece he started saying "we" but as he says, it is interesting that he did not get an invite to the conclave. I guess he walks the wrong way around the fire and chants differently.
ron paul is diehard libertarian. Thats why his nickname is dr. no. he rides on the republican ticket but his constituency is libertarian which is why they keep re-electing him. When he is saying 'they' and 'them', he means it.
Anyone notice that he seems to speak as if he is NOT a republican? He says "they" and "their" and not "we" and "us". Finally at the end of the piece he started saying "we" but as he says, it is interesting that he did not get an invite to the conclave. I guess he walks the wrong way around the fire and chants differently.

Yeah it is interesting that he didnt get invited... I guess it shows they are still full of themselves and they just dont get it. Its going to be a long time before they get back on track. The RNC should hand the reigns over to Newt.
Why did Paul run on the republican ticket and not the libertarian one

money and publicity. If all he wanted was to be a congressman in his district, he wouldn't run on it, but having higher aspirations for president pretty much means he runs on the republican ticket. His constituency is ok with that because they know this about him.
money and publicity. If all he wanted was to be a congressman in his district, he wouldn't run on it, but having higher aspirations for president pretty much means he runs on the republican ticket. His constituency is ok with that because they know this about him.

Money and publicity does not sound too much like he is a real libertarian.
He obviously has his price.

running on another party ticket doesn't have anything to do with so called principles. I'd run on the D ticket and still push my agenda if I thought it would help me get elected. It wouldn't be deception at all as long as I kept my agenda public and honest.
The republican party is a mess and was kicked out of office because they got found out.

They dont care about the American populace.

The libertarian party is too radical for the vast majority of of the populace.

The youth vote is predomanently liberal and every time someone thinks about the republicans the name Bush will come to their minds for decades to come.

Simply put the republicans have destroyed themselves by pandering to a shrinking religious right. Now all they have left is this religious right which will keep them in a box for decades.

We now have a liberal country and a liberal populace. All of what you guys used to call way left wing is what Obama has purposed and the people voted for him in BIG numbers.
Once the vote fraud comes to the surface it will be even more apperant that this populace has widely swung into the liberal colum.

Please dont go all Murrah building on us though, you wont like prison.
The managing partner here has been moping around here wednesday and yesterday. But he and I had a conversation just before the end of work yesterday where he says he believes that Bush did MORE damage to the Republican party than Carter did to the Dems. He is a dyed in the wool young earther who thinks that there should be prayer in school. But he is as disenchanted with this election as I have ever seen anyone.

Last night on the ABC news they had a spot about Christian Conservatives and how they feel they may have lost their voice in this election for some time to come. One guy from the Baptist Theological Semeniary said that he is afraid the Republicans are goiing to push him and like minded people out of the party because the party muckity mucks blame them for the loss.
"he is afraid the Republicans are goiing to push him and like minded people out of the party because the party muckity mucks blame them for the loss."

Imagine that.
My only problem is, the party hierarchy hitched their wagon to those particular beasts of burden. You reap what you sow. They were happy to have them on board, they payed not much more than lip service to them through the Reagan and Bush I presidencies and when they got a president that was more likely to see things their way, it cost the party. The republicans could have just as easily abandoned their christian party planks, told their Reps and Senators to vote their conscience on issues like abortion and stem cell research and queers, and so many more blue dog dems and independents would have come along for the ride and they would not have to rely on the young earthers for their power.