Ron Paul--One hour on the Glen Beck show--now-Tuesday


The network is on my basic cable TV. It is the HN network (what ever that is). I already watched it once, but I see it is on several times. It comes on again at 12:00 Midnight Eastern standard time, and Beck is on again at 5:00 AM Eastern time, which may also be the Ron Paul 1 hour interview.

If you guys don't know who Glen Beck is, he asks some pretty edgy questions, and I think you will find he does not mind putting his guests on the spot. I thought Mr. Paul handled the spot pretty well. Beck even asked Mr. Paul about some of the radical people who support him. Paul was a bit visibly shaken about the question, but he handled it nicely IMO, and seemed very truthfull (I am good at seeing BS in people). Check out the interview if you have a chance, espically RP's last three minutes of explaining his platform. It does help to see it twice (I saw part of it twice), as it takes a bit for the constitution to sink in to a society that forgot about it, and forgot how well it worked for theMAJORITY. If you can see it, let this thread know what you think. I would like to hear your opinions. I would like you people on the left, even the guy that has a girls name from the West coast (I have to assume from the West coast--lmao), to record it and watch it at least three times. If it does not seem to sink in for you, let us know why. I would really like your opinion after you have checked him out WELL in this interview.

Thank ya Thank ya.
Radical people that support Ron Paul ?
Who would have thunk it ?

I could say the same of any Democrat candidate supporter, and some of the republican candidate supporters. It is all a matter of perspective I guess. I just know what philosophies made this country great for a free people to begin with--and what philosophies our founding fathers fled from to start this country. So--put that perspective in your pipe and smoke it. :)

Please watch the show three times. Allow yourself the capibility to be free. It is really cool to be free. I have to admitt, He hit me with radical change at first, but down deep--I think he is correct.
OK, I know some of you watched it. I wish Beck would interview all candidates for one hour. Nobody else asks probing questions of all candidates like he does, and nobody else gives them fair time to answer.

Did you notice something about Paul? he really does follow the constitution. When asked about military conflict, his answer was "Well, if your talking about war, not unless Congress votes it in". Afer much discussion IMO (no congress discussion going into Irac)---and when he was asked if he would drill for oil off our shores, in our waters--He said "sure, but the states involved would have to have say about it also". I noticed he did not assume responsibilities for these type of action, or other actions that he should not be involved in, I am sure. He is not playing superman lier. He is letting the constitution deligate responsibility as it should.

That said something to me good about this man.

Glen Beck is becomming pretty darn popular I think. I personally like him more than I did 4 years ago. I guess the people like him and see he notices the pain of the Average American and sees the degredation of our country. I would say his new book (an incovienient book) that is NY Times #1 best seller right now in America is a pretty good indicator that the people like Beck, and his probing questions.

What did you guys think of the interview. Did it make any sense to you?

Keep in ind that most candidates would not go on the Beck show because they can't handle the questions. If they feel the questions are not valid, it is really the people who they feel is not valid IMO.
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OK, I know some of you watched it. I wish Beck would interview all candidates for one hour. Nobody else asks probing questions of all candidates like he does, and nobody else gives them fair time to answer.

Glen Beck is becomming pretty darn popular I think. I personally like him more than I did 4 years ago. I guess the people like him and see he feels he notices the pain of the Average American and sees the degredation of our country. I would say his new book that is NY Times #1 best seller right now in America is a pretty good indicator that the people like Beck, and his probing questions.

What did you guys think of the interview. Did it make any sense to you?

Keep in ind that most candidates would not go on the Beck show because they can't handle the questions. If they feel the questions are not valid, it is really the people who they feel is not valid IMO.

I like his beer.
If you guys don't know who Glen Beck is, he asks some pretty edgy questions, and I think you will find he does not mind putting his guests on the spot.

"Edgy" is one way to describe them. He asked america's first muslim congressman if he was working with the enemy, and if we could trust him.
Glenn Beck did a fair interview with Ron Paul, but I've seen GB calling for war with Iran before. He's a fucking nutjob when it comes to foreign policy, and I think there were signs of it during the interview with Ron Paul. However, I will give GB credit for not shouting over RP's answers and giving him ample time.