Ronald Reagan Soviet jokes


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In an era where libs are fully brainwashed into believing socialism is the Utopian dream, Ronaldus Maximus reminds us from the grave, it is NOT.

In an era where libs are fully brainwashed into believing socialism is the Utopian dream, Ronaldus Maximus reminds us from the grave, it is NOT.

Reagan Was Ignorant about the Soviet Union

Ronald Reagan did not know jack sh*t about the Soviet Union, and did not actually give a rat’s ass about the freedom and human rights of Russian people.

If you want to read some genuinely funny and satirical insights on the USSR, I suggest the noteworthy Russian satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko
This is a clever little satire by Zoshchenko. In a few short sentences, he eviscerates the inefficiency of the Soviet economic system and how it manifested as comic discord in people's everyday lives. It is hard to believe he got things like this past the censors in Stalin's Soviet Russia, but I suppose his satire was camouflaged and two degrees removed from him personally, enough to offer him plausible deniability.


Liberals and Socialism
The USSR was a totalitarian state. The very antithesis of a liberal democracy and democratic social welfare state. Mainstream American and European liberals and democratic socialists have not advocated the adoption of a communist totalitarian state.

Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet communists despised liberals, democracy, and democratic socialism – and they invested immense energy and effort executing or imprisoning liberals and democratic socicialists:

Every liberal on this board, as far as I am aware, points to the Scandinavian model of a hybrid social welfare state as an example we can learn from.


Wrapping up, Norway is more “socialist” than Communist China or Venezuela. Norway on balance is doing great, why don't we adopt some of their policies?
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Reagan Was Ignorant about the Soviet Union

Ronald Reagan did not know jack sh*t about the Soviet Union, and did not actually give a rat’s ass about the freedom and human rights of Russians.

If you want to read some genuinely funny and satirical insights on the USSR, I suggest the noteworthy Russian satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko

Liberals and Socialism
The USSR was a totalitarian state. The very antithesis of a liberal democracy and democratic social welfare state. Mainstream American and European liberals and democratic socialists have not advocated the adoption of a communist totalitarian state.
Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet communists despised liberals, democracy, and democratic socialism – and they invested immense energy executing or imprisoning liberals and democratic socicialists:


Every liberal on this board, as far as I am aware, points to the Scandinavian model of a hybrid social welfare state as an example we can learn from.


Wrapping up, Norway is more “socialist” than Communist China or Venezuela. Norway on balance is doing great, why don't we adopt some of their policies?


And it's people like you that when President Reagan was asked if he was partly responsible for the mess the world and US was in his reply (I paraphrase) Yes, for many years I was a Democrat.
And it's people like you that when President Reagan was asked if he was partly responsible for the mess the world and US was in his reply (I paraphrase) Yes, for many years I was a Democrat.
Bedtime for Bonzo was a Democrat during the World War 2 years, when the leader of the Democratic party was leading the highly successful effort to defeat and annihilate the existential threat of world fascism and imperialism.

The great contributions, the crowning achievements, that FDR's New Deal brought about was:
Social security
Ending child labor
More regulation of banks
Ending prohibition.

If Reagan wanted to make the case to bring back child labor, make alcohol illegal again, take social security away from seniors, and just let banks do whatever the hell they want, he had several decades to passionately advocate for those positions.
And it's people like you that when President Reagan was asked if he was partly responsible for the mess the world and US was in his reply (I paraphrase) Yes, for many years I was a Democrat.

when he was very young and had no power

he got power and became an asshole

he sold arms for hostages

He trashed Gorbachev who is the only reason the USSR died

He supported the drunk asshole Yeltson who gave us Putin you shit brick

the republicans party Trashed the Guy who was trying to turn Russia into an actual modern day nation that would join in full the world economy

Gorby would have NEVER let Putin weedle his way into power

Yeltson GAVE the nation to Putin idiot
Bedtime for Bonzo was a Democrat during the World War 2 years, when the leader of the Democratic party was leading the highly successful effort to defeat and annihilate the existential threat of world fascism and imperialism.

The great contributions, the crowning achievements, that FDR's New Deal brought about was:
Social security
Ending child labor
More regulation of banks
Ending prohibition.

If Reagan wanted to make the case to bring back child labor, make alcohol illegal again, take social security away from seniors, and just let banks do whatever the hell they want, he had several decades to passionately advocate for those positions.

republican idiots just seem tp love those TV presidents

actors and entertainers

they don't have the depth to understand reality

all a perp has to do is lie to them and they cant tell the difference between reality and a paid liar
Reagan Was Ignorant about the Soviet Union

Ronald Reagan did not know jack sh*t about the Soviet Union, and did not actually give a rat’s ass about the freedom and human rights of Russian people.

If you want to read some genuinely funny and satirical insights on the USSR, I suggest the noteworthy Russian satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko

Liberals and Socialism
The USSR was a totalitarian state. The very antithesis of a liberal democracy and democratic social welfare state. Mainstream American and European liberals and democratic socialists have not advocated the adoption of a communist totalitarian state.

Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet communists despised liberals, democracy, and democratic socialism – and they invested immense energy and effort executing or imprisoning liberals and democratic socicialists:

Every liberal on this board, as far as I am aware, points to the Scandinavian model of a hybrid social welfare state as an example we can learn from.

Wrapping up, Norway is more “socialist” than Communist China or Venezuela. Norway on balance is doing great, why don't we adopt some of their policies?

This is the standard confusion of the difference between liberalism and progressivism, and between progressivism and socialism. Yes, Marxists and other totalitarians despise liberal democracy, but progressives also reject it, being illiberal themselves. Norway is progressive while Venezuela is socialist, but the goal for many people is to become Venezuela.

Reagan burried the USSR, with zero help from your camp.
Bedtime for Bonzo was a Democrat during the World War 2 years, when the leader of the Democratic party was leading the highly successful effort to defeat and annihilate the existential threat of world fascism and imperialism.

The great contributions, the crowning achievements, that FDR's New Deal brought about was:
Social security
Ending child labor
More regulation of banks
Ending prohibition.

If Reagan wanted to make the case to bring back child labor, make alcohol illegal again, take social security away from seniors, and just let banks do whatever the hell they want, he had several decades to passionately advocate for those positions.

Guess you don't know your WWII history!
On April 18, 1942,*Reagan*was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas. ... He was separated from active duty on December 9, 1945, as an Army captain.

Son of a bitch Ronald Reagan still did his part in winning the war despite his handicap.

Pretty sad to cast aspersions on a great American.
Did you wear the uniform slut?
Guess you don't know your WWII history!
On April 18, 1942,*Reagan*was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas. ... He was separated from active duty on December 9, 1945, as an Army captain.

Son of a bitch Ronald Reagan still did his part in winning the war despite his handicap.

Pretty sad to cast aspersions on a great American.
Did you wear the uniform slut?

Reagan was very good as George Armstrong Custar in St Fe Trail
This is the standard confusion of the difference between liberalism and progressivism, and between progressivism and socialism. Yes, Marxists and other totalitarians despise liberal democracy, but progressives also reject it, being illiberal themselves. Norway is progressive while Venezuela is socialist, but the goal for many people is to become Venezuela.

Reagan burried the USSR, with zero help from your camp.

Guess you don't know your WWII history!
On April 18, 1942,*Reagan*was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas. ... He was separated from active duty on December 9, 1945, as an Army captain.

Son of a bitch Ronald Reagan still did his part in winning the war despite his handicap.

Pretty sad to cast aspersions on a great American.
Did you wear the uniform slut?

You are responding to something you imagined I said, and not what I actually said. You should reread what I wrote

I voted for Reagan and am thoroughly familiar with his life and service.

Did not read a word Threedee, aka Anonymous

I have told you repeatedly I am not going to read your boring ass posts, your libel and lies, your utterly mediocre musings, your belligerent blather..

I find it pretty weird that you nevertheless find my writing so interesting that you make it a point to read my compositions and compose responses to me you know I will never read
Did not read a word Threedee, aka Anonymous

I have told you repeatedly I am not going to read your boring ass posts, your libel and lies, your utterly mediocre musings, your belligerent blather..

I find it pretty weird that you nevertheless find my writing so interesting that you make it a point to read my compositions and compose responses to me you know I will never read

Okay, Brian. Now, please go stop Peter from building a waterslide on the staircase.

In an era where libs are fully brainwashed into believing socialism is the Utopian dream, Ronaldus Maximus reminds us from the grave, it is NOT.

What an ignorant premise and such hyperbole too.No leftys do not think socialism is a utopia. They know that Socialism does not exist. We just think a safety net for the poor and universal healthcare are great ideas. That is not making a bit of change to the government as a concept or adopting a new system. Rightys just love their Plutocracies.
republican idiots just seem tp love those TV presidents

actors and entertainers

they don't have the depth to understand reality

all a perp has to do is lie to them and they cant tell the difference between reality and a paid liar
I voted for Reagan, so I really do not have any standing to judge those who similarly voted for the dim witted Bedtime for Bonzo.

My only excuse is that coming from a family of immigrants, I really wanted and anticipated that Reagan would the the more thoroughly anti-communist candidate who I could vote for. His rhetoric on freedom and human dignity rang a chord with me. I assumed it was genuine.

It was only through experience, age, and knowledge that I became belatedly aware that Ronald Reagan did not actually give a rat's ass about the freedom, dignity, and human rights of Russian people. With hindsight, I now realize that it was Jimmy Carter who was genuinely an advocate for human rights in Soviet Russia.

>> Jimmy Carter's role in winning the Cold War
I voted for Reagan, so I really do not have any standing to judge those who similarly voted for the dim witted Bedtime for Bonzo.

My only excuse is that coming from a family of immigrants, I really wanted and anticipated that Reagan would the the more thoroughly anti-communist candidate who I could vote for. His rhetoric on freedom and human dignity rang a chord with me. I assumed it was genuine.

It was only through experience, age, and knowledge that I became belatedly aware that Ronald Reagan did not actually give a rat's ass about the freedom, dignity, and human rights of Russian people. With hindsight, I now realize that it was Jimmy Carter who was genuinely an advocate for human rights in Soviet Russia.

>> Jimmy Carter's role in winning the Cold War

his first term was my first vote

I voted for Anderson having come from a right leaning home

I will NEVER vote third party again

I learned my lesson
his first term was my first vote

I voted for Anderson having come from a right leaning home

I will NEVER vote third party again

I learned my lesson

A lot of liberals voted for Anderson and he took millions of votes from Carter.

I maintain that if it had not been for the failed hostage rescue attempt and John Anderson, Carter would have probably had a second term
Re the video of Ronald Reagan telling Russian joke (posted by Cowboy)...THAT was funny ! Let's hear it for "The Gipper" - a great guy !
