Rove sides with Limbaugh


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(CNN) – In the ongoing war of words between Rush Limbaugh and Colin Powell, top Bush strategist Karl Rove is siding with the popular talk radio host.

Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Rove said Limbaugh would edge out the former secretary of state if he "had to pick between the two."

Rove's comments come after a back-and-forth between Limbaugh and Powell, during which both have charged the other is hurting the GOP's chances of success in the future.

Discussing divisions over the direction of the party in the wake of its losses in the 2006 midterm elections and 2008 presidential election, Powell said the party should expand its base.

"I have always felt that the Republican Party should be more inclusive than it generally has been over the years and I believe that we need a strong Republican Party that is not just anchored in the base but has built on the base to include more individuals," he told "Face the Nation."

Ultimately, Rove said, the debate between Limbaugh and Powell is a "false" one because neither is a candidate for public office.

"The real debate takes place out there in the real world by people getting out there and encouraging the kind of candidates who represent their vision for the party," Rove said.
The more Limbaugh, the happier the Democrats. He's the single worst thing to happen to the (R) post W. Cheney is a close 2nd, Rove is irrelevant now s nobody cares about him.

The Democrats should pay Limbaugh huge money to give speaking engagements. What's more compelling than a fat, indulgent, pill popping, greedy bigot who reeks of excess and everything thats wrong with America?
I hope Rove keeps on being a major spokesman for the Republican party.
Actually, and though I think Rove is a detestable political partisan hack and party operative, his point is valid. Those running for office and the people who vote for them will certainly determine the outcome of this argument.
The more Limbaugh, the happier the Democrats. He's the single worst thing to happen to the (R) post W. Cheney is a close 2nd, Rove is irrelevant now s nobody cares about him.

The Democrats should pay Limbaugh huge money to give speaking engagements. What's more compelling than a fat, indulgent, pill popping, greedy bigot who reeks of excess and everything thats wrong with America?

I have to agree with you. It makes you wonder if he's on the DNC pay roll? LOL
Rush is a good guy, just like most conservatives, too naive and pollyanna ish about their love of corporations. As if filing for corporate papers is an ennobling process.
Rush is a good guy, just like most conservatives, too naive and pollyanna ish about their love of corporations. As if filing for corporate papers is an ennobling process.

It is a fairly common thing for humans to worship those in power.
I have to wonder how many of you have actually bothered to listen to Rush Limbaugh. He isn't my cup of tea per se, but he also isn't the boogie man you Kool-Aid drinkers make him out to be.
I have to wonder how many of you have actually bothered to listen to Rush Limbaugh. He isn't my cup of tea per se, but he also isn't the boogie man you Kool-Aid drinkers make him out to be.

Many years ago I was forced to listen to him at work becuase I worked in a right wing shop.
I should have been paid hazardous duty pay.
I have to wonder how many of you have actually bothered to listen to Rush Limbaugh. He isn't my cup of tea per se, but he also isn't the boogie man you Kool-Aid drinkers make him out to be.

I used to have to listen to him as a captive audience. A colleage of mine was a huge fan of his show and on road trips he'd force me to listen to him. After a year I finally came up with the idea of becoming a hip-hop/rap fan and after Rush's program was over I'd switch it to the Hip-Hop station. We finally made an agreement that if he didn't force me to listen to Rush I wouldn't force him to listen to Hip-Hop.

But Joking aside. What I find deeply disturbing about Rush and other right wing propagandist like him is his use of the Goebbels propaganda model. That I find very disturbing but instead of bitching and moaning about him and Fox News and the other right wingers on talk radio I just exercise my right as a consumer and just choose not to listen to them.

Since I'm a Democrat now I find it amusing that Republican members of Congress and senior Republican Part officials have had to publicly apologize to him for criticizing him. Now that's hillarious! LOL
That I find very disturbing but instead of bitching and moaning about him and Fox News and the other right wingers on talk radio I just exercise my right as a consumer and just choose not to listen to them.

And yet in the past you have expressed the desire to shut out Limbaugh's voice under the guise of the "fairness doctrine." In other words, you don't really believe in consumer choice at all.