Comeon liberials--ya laughed a bit, and ya know it.

I thought the third one down "Sara Palin speach" was the one you beauty bashers would like the best--but I like the Obama admitts he is a muslim also.

Whats the matter---no sence of humnor?
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Comeon liberials--ya laughed a bit, and ya know it.

I thought the third one down "Sara Palin speach" was the one you beauty bashers would like the best--but I like the Obama admitts he is a muslim also.

Whats the matter---no sence of humnor?

I got news for ya, ya fascist wingnut. Red State Update is a parody on fascist wingnuts like you and you're about the last person on this board to discover them.
and apparently you don't get it that their making fun of you which, by the way, is absolutely hilareous. They have your brand of ignorant extremism down pat don't they?
YOu want the liberals to watch?


They have been watching that site for a LONG time. Its, as Mottley said, a parody of your politics.