Rubio, The Big Government Progressive Rino Neo-Con Party's Perfect Candidate


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Marco Rubio is the perfect Presidential candidate for the RINO Neo-Con party, AKA “Republican Party.”

Touted by the Republicans as a master of debate and a rising star in the realm of BIG government neo-conservatism, Rubio proves with each and every debate that he’s a promoter of massive BIG government Military Industrial Complexity, BIG government American Imperialism and the America’s BIG government World Police Force as was noted by poor little Rand Paul.

In reply to Paul’s truthful accusation of Rubio’s anti-conservative BIG government neo- con progressivism, Rubio accused Paul of being an “isolationist” proving that he, (Rubio), has adopted the flawed and tiring mantra of the RINO party misinterpreting the actual and truthful definition of the word “isolationist.”

“Isolationism” is actually what the Democrats and Republican RINO’s do when they “sanction” other nations in effect, “isolating” them economically and diplomatically. Rubio fits that bill.

The promotions of libertarians like Paul, such as, “Commerce and diplomacy with all and entangling alliances with none” is not isolationism, but rather peaceful interaction with all.

Rand Paul’s problem is, the libertarian faction of the Republican Party is probably only about 5%. Paul is out of place on the stage with the BIG government RINO, armchair warrior Neo-Con isolationist, imperialist preaching the gospel of true conservatism and limited government. The War Mongering Party hacks don’t want to hear it and they’ll crucify Rand Paul at every opportunity. Just this-morning Ed Rollins, longtime RINO Party hack was promoting the removal of Rand Paul from the Republican debates on a Fox News show.
Rubio is a conservative in a Reagan type way... Not in a TEA party type way.
I guess I am going to have to watch some more of his speeches, I just don't see him as a great speaker or debater. I must have caught him at his less than stellar moments.
Marco Rubio is the perfect Presidential candidate for the RINO Neo-Con party, AKA “Republican Party.”

Touted by the Republicans as a master of debate and a rising star in the realm of BIG government neo-conservatism, Rubio proves with each and every debate that he’s a promoter of massive BIG government Military Industrial Complexity, BIG government American Imperialism and the America’s BIG government World Police Force as was noted by poor little Rand Paul.

In reply to Paul’s truthful accusation of Rubio’s anti-conservative BIG government neo- con progressivism, Rubio accused Paul of being an “isolationist” proving that he, (Rubio), has adopted the flawed and tiring mantra of the RINO party misinterpreting the actual and truthful definition of the word “isolationist.”

“Isolationism” is actually what the Democrats and Republican RINO’s do when they “sanction” other nations in effect, “isolating” them economically and diplomatically. Rubio fits that bill.

The promotions of libertarians like Paul, such as, “Commerce and diplomacy with all and entangling alliances with none” is not isolationism, but rather peaceful interaction with all.

Rand Paul’s problem is, the libertarian faction of the Republican Party is probably only about 5%. Paul is out of place on the stage with the BIG government RINO, armchair warrior Neo-Con isolationist, imperialist preaching the gospel of true conservatism and limited government. The War Mongering Party hacks don’t want to hear it and they’ll crucify Rand Paul at every opportunity. Just this-morning Ed Rollins, longtime RINO Party hack was promoting the removal of Rand Paul from the Republican debates on a Fox News show.

Wait, what makes Rubio a RINO?