Rubio's Speech


Althea told me...........
Forget the fact that he built to a thundering crescendo.....and then blew the money line!

'They opted for more govt., instead of more freedom'.

I found the following snippet to be very interesting. Yes....every speaker at the RNC tended to come across as delusional. They ignored the facts, and created fantasies that were designed to make everyone forget that Romney is the candidate. After all...nobody wanted him from the beginning.

From the speech:

Our problem is not that he is a bad person. Our problem is
that he is a bad president.
Do you think he's watching tonight? Because his new slogan
is the word, forward. Forward. A government that spends $1
trillion more than it takes in? An $800 billion stimulus that
treated more debt than jobs? A government intervention into
paid for with higher taxes and cuts to Medicare,
scores of new rules and regulations. These ideas to not move us
forward. These ideas move us backwards.
These are tired and old big government ideas that have
failed every time and everywhere they have been tried. These
are ideas that people come to America to get away from
These -- these are ideas that threaten to make America more
like the rest of the world instead of helping the rest of the
world become more like America

Read more:

What everyone in the room ignored, were the obvious facts in the case. Raygun, Bush, Bush 2.0 all had a stimulus program of their own. Is Rubio claiming that they failed in the past? (well, Bush the lesser gave the middle class $300. each, and gave the wealthy hundreds of thousands)

More importantly, they ignore the glaring truth that America is the ONLY nation that doesn't provide healthcare for all.

Yes....every other developed nation does indeed have the govt. intervention into healthcare......and the citizens LOVE it.

More than likely, Rubio was too busy pondering the odds that he was upstaged by Eastwood. He was obviously distracted.
Rubio is just another pawn trotted out for 2016. Single payer healthcare is good for business and the citizens. The debt was created by the plutocracy as leverage to force their 'changes/solutions' upon us as 'austerity measures' needed to correct it. Why would this country want a Bush/Cheney re-do when the first one was such a huge failure...trickle down economics is a total failure, privatizing is a failure.