

I see the human skull worked himself up into such a lather last night, he almost spontaneously combusted right there on the stage. I kinda miss Rudy around here, he was always a very interesting person to watch, because being batshit nuts, you never knew when he was going to snap or who at. I remember his infamous ferret outburst with real fondness.

I guess it ends up he ran way over his time, and so they had to ixnay playing the Harper Valley PTA Mom's little happy film, so all the people got was the Human Skull followed by the lipsticked pitbull curling her lip.

That'll help their mortgage, fuel, healthcare, job and food problems.

A good indication of where this is going? Dixie believes they have "the pinheads on the run".

Rudy was the real jaw-dropper of the evening for me. A speech of total lies & mockery, with a huge group of clearly retarded people wiping away tears from laughing so hard. I thought it just looked ugly, but what do I know? I'm just a liberal hack.

Does stuff like that really play to the moderates, the PUMA's, the undecideds? If it does, I'm definitely in the wrong hemisphere.
Rudy was the real jaw-dropper of the evening for me. A speech of total lies & mockery, with a huge group of clearly retarded people wiping away tears from laughing so hard. I thought it just looked ugly, but what do I know? I'm just a liberal hack.

Does stuff like that really play to the moderates, the PUMA's, the undecideds? If it does, I'm definitely in the wrong hemisphere.

I think that PUMA's were way overplayed by the media in the first place, and I think there were hardly any left after the D convention. And now, I think that anyone who is going to try and convinc you that a bunch of second wave feminists are going to vote to outlaw roe v wade, and vote for a platform which includes a no exceptions, even in the cases of rape and incest, really selling horseshit. It's not going to happen. There will be some who voted for hillary who simply will not vote for obama. They are the racists, and they are both men and women, and I don't think that's how it's presented.

No way this thing plays with swing voters, I will believe that when I see it.
It's been reported that many working class white trash will vote for Mcain because of the hockey mom.
Drilling for billions of barrells of oil in Alaska will do as much for mortgages as all of Obama's plans combined.
Axelrod rocks:

"As for the repeated attacks from speakers like Rudy Giuliani and Palin on the community organizing chapter of his life Obama often touts, Axelrod said he thought everyday people viewed the position as real work.

“It may not pay the millions of dollars Rudy gets for shilling for pharma but it’s significant work,” said Axelrod.
It's been reported that many working class white trash will vote for Mcain because of the hockey mom.
Drilling for billions of barrells of oil in Alaska will do as much for mortgages as all of Obama's plans combined.

yeah and it was also reported that bush would cut spending and make govt smaller, etc.

some of us are more gullable than others.
Axelrod rocks:

"As for the repeated attacks from speakers like Rudy Giuliani and Palin on the community organizing chapter of his life Obama often touts, Axelrod said he thought everyday people viewed the position as real work.

“It may not pay the millions of dollars Rudy gets for shilling for pharma but it’s significant work,” said Axelrod.

That was good, especially going after Rudy like that. I hate that guy.
It's been reported that many working class white trash will vote for Mcain because of the hockey mom.
Drilling for billions of barrells of oil in Alaska will do as much for mortgages as all of Obama's plans combined.


"First, let’s examine the claim that more drilling can lower gasoline prices. Between 1999 and 2007, permits for drilling in onshore and offshore public lands “increased by more than 361 percent, yet gasoline prices have also risen dramatically,” the House Natural Resources Committee reported in a new analysis. “There is simply no correlation between the two.""
Midcan, a tip. Never try and argue finiancial stuff with Toppy. He is a totally ignorant "expert" on the subject.
Rudy was the real jaw-dropper of the evening for me. A speech of total lies & mockery, with a huge group of clearly retarded people wiping away tears from laughing so hard. I thought it just looked ugly, but what do I know? I'm just a liberal hack.

Does stuff like that really play to the moderates, the PUMA's, the undecideds? If it does, I'm definitely in the wrong hemisphere.

im glad all the conservatives really yucked it up over him. He is a divorced 3x person supportive of pro choice and pro gay policies.

i would hope to support themselves and their views they were laughing at him, and not with him.
He is funny! I know it has been debated already, but I just have to remind everyone!