Rudy's latest mugshot

He spent two weeks trying to get this pose right:
I shudder to think how many hours Rudy and Trump spent preening and posing in front of their mirrors trying to dial in the exact right expression for their mug shots.

Not half as many as you shrill, low IQ, lying leftist crybabies spend on TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP I can assure you. :laugh:


Post proof that Trump is a child rapist or you are lying, Walter.

I'll wait.

Poor Walter.

According to Biden's daughter, he took "inappropriate showers" with her.

Walter is a shrill, leftist moron on steroids. He thinks one just has to say something for it to be true.

It's best to point at low IQ idiots like Walter and laugh. ;)
Post proof that Trump is a child rapist or you are lying, Walter.

I'll wait.

Poor Walter.

According to Biden's daughter, he took "inappropriate showers" with her.
Trump and Epstein were banging young girls for a decade. Donny Darko said "Jeff likes them young, even younger than I do" Yep, very presidential.