RUH ROH...Mitt's In Shit Get Out Your Shovels


Makes the ganglia twitch.
If I had a rolling on the floor laughing icon it would be placed here....This is priceless!!

Jon Huntsman Sr. Calls On Romney To Release His Tax Returns

Jon Huntsman Sr. called on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns Friday, complaining that the Republican nominee was not being “fair” with voters.

“I feel very badly that Mitt won’t release his taxes and won’t be fair with the American people,” Huntsman told the Washington Post. He said Romney “ought to square with the American people and release his taxes like any other candidate.”

Huntsman, father of Romney’s primary rival Jon Huntsman Jr., served as Romney’s 2008 finance chair. Some speculated that he might be the source for Harry Reid’s unsubstantiated claim that Romney paid no taxes for 10 years, based on the Utah billionaire’s past close relationship with Romney and his son’s more recent antagonistic one. Huntsman, while echoing Reid’s call for Romney to release his returns, denied to the Post that he was the source, calling the allegation “absolutely false.”

Like Reid, Huntsman noted that Romney’s own father, George Romney, started the modern tradition of releasing tax returns for presidential candidates.

“I loved George,” Huntsman said. “He always said, ‘Pay your taxes for at least 10 or 12 years.’”

Romney has steadfastly refused to release any tax returns from before 2010 despite calls from Democrats and Republicans alike to do so. The Obama campaign has made them a central point of attack, suggesting Romney may have benefited from tax shelters or paid an exceptionally low tax rate on his investment income.
So, did Mitt pay any taxes???
Oh wow. I had no idea about this. Man no one likes this guy and they're all out to get him. I never saw anything like this. We've seen plenty of tough, even vicious primary fights. But they are lining up to shiv Romney. His own people.

Let's face it, this guy's gotta be a prick.
This is the same Mitt Romney that DEMANDED that Ted Kennedy show ALL his tax returns. Why was it a requirement for Ted to show his returns but NOW Mitt shouldn't have to?
So this story is huge right now all over the internet. I think that the powers that be in the R party are spooked by recent polling regarding his refusal to release his returns. I also think that those who hate him in his own party, and that appears to be one hell of a long list, are taking this opportunity to knife him.

I think that what someone said earlier is true - we could see a forced error here in that he may make a wild choice for his VP pick because he's scared. That won't be smart, but it could happen. I am just wondering, if this doesn't turn around, if he continues to refuse to release those returns and it continues to impact his polling and National republicans continue to come forward and tell him to release them, what happens?

This is going to at some point impact down ticket races. That means if this bleeding doesn't stop, Pelosi becomes leader again and the Dems hold the Senate. I wonder if there is any chance that Romney ends up not being the nominee? I would say no way, but this is getting pretty crazy.
So this story is huge right now all over the internet. I think that the powers that be in the R party are spooked by recent polling regarding his refusal to release his returns. I also think that those who hate him in his own party, and that appears to be one hell of a long list, are taking this opportunity to knife him.

I think that what someone said earlier is true - we could see a forced error here in that he may make a wild choice for his VP pick because he's scared. That won't be smart, but it could happen. I am just wondering, if this doesn't turn around, if he continues to refuse to release those returns and it continues to impact his polling and National republicans continue to come forward and tell him to release them, what happens?

This is going to at some point impact down ticket races. That means if this bleeding doesn't stop, Pelosi becomes leader again and the Dems hold the Senate. I wonder if there is any chance that Romney ends up not being the nominee? I would say no way, but this is getting pretty crazy.
It's going to be a wild ride...Current TV is going to cover both the Repug and Dem conventions...I'm going to watch. Everyone is jostling for position in this race LOL good!! The crazy is coming home to roost.
I was wondering the same thing...guess they ran away.

Can you imagine what the JPP righties would be saying if Obama refused to release more that a year's worth of his tax returns?