Rule #5, a reminder


Staff member
5. When Posting Copyrighted Material.. All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Proper format is to post the first few paragraphs and then link to the article for the rest. Please don't repost entire articles here.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107
It's also appreciated to use quotes so people can tell the difference between something you wrote and something you pasted.
Anything about Legion flirting with Christie? It's becoming a Public Nuisance. (I used to like cats, now ... ) :(
5. When Posting Copyrighted Material.. All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work. Proper format is to post the first few paragraphs and then link to the article for the rest. Please don't repost entire articles here.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107

And I remember when people used to trash me for asking for a link

It’s was already in the rules when I began doing it
This rule is outdated. These days so much of the early part of pieces is fluff, is "contextualizing", the important and meaningful paragraphs come after. It was the journalists who lead with what is important. I usually grab the most important few paragraphs, where ever they may be.
Bizarre and disturbing in a bad way.....?

Or in an excited, heavy breathing way? :D

Very excited. Problem?
