Russia and Cuba


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Looks like Russia is reconnecting with Cuba. Imagine if America had the foresight over the last 30 years since the fall of the USSR to actually reach out to and fully normalize relations with Cuba? Huh. Almost as if our hatred of all things Commie wouldn't allow us to make tactical move to firm up our connection to Cuba to keep Russia from re-establishing a beachhead on our southern border.

Looks like Russia is reconnecting with Cuba. Imagine if America had the foresight over the last 30 years since the fall of the USSR to actually reach out to and fully normalize relations with Cuba? Huh. Almost as if our hatred of all things Commie wouldn't allow us to make tactical move to firm up our connection to Cuba to keep Russia from re-establishing a beachhead on our southern border.

No.....Russia is demonstrating Putins point "We have weapons too".
"What you are doing to us you would not put up with us doing to you for one second....behave yourself"
The Russians to the dying American Empire.
Looks like Russia is reconnecting with Cuba. Imagine if America had the foresight over the last 30 years since the fall of the USSR to actually reach out to and fully normalize relations with Cuba? Huh. Almost as if our hatred of all things Commie wouldn't allow us to make tactical move to firm up our connection to Cuba to keep Russia from re-establishing a beachhead on our southern border.

I don't believe that Cuba has any interest in aligning with the genocide-supportive, scurrilous, invasive, assassinating, AIPAC-saturated, polluting, resource-stealing, democracy-crushing, god-weird disUnited States.
Could give it a try though, I suppose. The Cubans are naturally friendly folk.
Looks like Russia is reconnecting with Cuba. Imagine if America had the foresight over the last 30 years since the fall of the USSR to actually reach out to and fully normalize relations with Cuba? Huh. Almost as if our hatred of all things Commie wouldn't allow us to make tactical move to firm up our connection to Cuba to keep Russia from re-establishing a beachhead on our southern border.

If I recall, fellow commie comrade obama DID reach out to raul castro when fidel "retired", along with other blue shitholes like venezuela.

Pretty much things haven't changed a lot down there since 1961, when Eisenhower severed relations with them.

Thanks pedodent tater head!