Russia is floating a plan to build a village for conservative Americans who want to

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
move to a 'Christian country'

Russia is building a village for US expats who are tired of liberal ideology, a lawyer told state media.

The project is approved, and slated to house some 200 American and Canadian families, he said.

Russia has in recent years sought to position itself as a bastion for "traditional" moral values.

Russia is floating an idea to build a village for hundreds of American and Canadian families who want to run away from the cultural climate in North America.

The village, slated for construction in Moscow's suburbs in 2024, is meant for conservative families who want to "emigrate for ideological reasons," said immigration lawyer Timur Beslangurov on Thursday, according to RIA Novosti.

Around 200 families have expressed interest in the project, Beslangurov said in a speech at a legal forum in St. Petersburg, the state outlet reported.
move to a 'Christian country'

Russia is building a village for US expats who are tired of liberal ideology, a lawyer told state media.

The project is approved, and slated to house some 200 American and Canadian families, he said.

Russia has in recent years sought to position itself as a bastion for "traditional" moral values.

Russia is floating an idea to build a village for hundreds of American and Canadian families who want to run away from the cultural climate in North America.

The village, slated for construction in Moscow's suburbs in 2024, is meant for conservative families who want to "emigrate for ideological reasons," said immigration lawyer Timur Beslangurov on Thursday, according to RIA Novosti.

Around 200 families have expressed interest in the project, Beslangurov said in a speech at a legal forum in St. Petersburg, the state outlet reported.

Scott Ritter who has been in Russia for a week or so doing a book tour says that there is more diversity of opinion and freedom to speak in Russia then there is in America now.

He is likely correct.
Brilliant move by Russia actually.

In the woke cesspool that has become America they are positioning themselves as the alternative similar to what Fox did after CNN turned hard left and we know how that turned out.

And it won’t be poor stupid liberals migrating there, it will be successful and fairly wealthy people
Scott Ritter who has been in Russia for a week or so doing a book tour says that there is more diversity of opinion and freedom to speak in Russia then there is in America now.

He is likely correct.

No, he is not. Russians are not allowed to criticize Putin's war, or even call it a war. Those who do, disappear. 1420 is a man on the street interview site in Russia. Russians show how afraid they are to criticize the war. They do not dare.
No, he is not. Russians are not allowed to criticize Putin's war, or even call it a war. Those who do, disappear. 1420 is a man on the street interview site in Russia. Russians show how afraid they are to criticize the war. They do not dare.

That’s all entertainment and it’s sad you fall for it.

You can Google Russians criticizing the war and find hundreds of examples in less than ten seconds
move to a 'Christian country'

Russia is building a village for US expats who are tired of liberal ideology, a lawyer told state media.

The project is approved, and slated to house some 200 American and Canadian families, he said.

Russia has in recent years sought to position itself as a bastion for "traditional" moral values.

Russia is floating an idea to build a village for hundreds of American and Canadian families who want to run away from the cultural climate in North America.

The village, slated for construction in Moscow's suburbs in 2024, is meant for conservative families who want to "emigrate for ideological reasons," said immigration lawyer Timur Beslangurov on Thursday, according to RIA Novosti.

Around 200 families have expressed interest in the project, Beslangurov said in a speech at a legal forum in St. Petersburg, the state outlet reported.

Cool, let those fucking traitors go and leave this country the fuck alone.
Scott Ritter who has been in Russia for a week or so doing a book tour says that there is more diversity of opinion and freedom to speak in Russia then there is in America now.

He is likely correct.

Then fucking go there, you communist dick-sucking little fuck. We don't want you here.
You can Google Russians criticizing the war and find hundreds of examples in less than ten seconds

I just did, and got this:

<A Russian court on Monday convicted a top opposition activist of treason for publicly denouncing Moscow’s war in Ukraine and sentenced him to 25 years in prison ...

Vladimir Kara-Murza, an activist and journalist who twice survived poisonings he blamed on Russian authorities, has rejected the charges against him as punishment for standing up to President Vladimir Putin.>

Am I doing it wrong? :laugh:
What are you, all of three years old emotionally?

Get Bent.

No, I'm just sick of treasonous little cunts like you bleating about how much better your commie friends are over in an enemy country. Just go there and be done with it like the traitor to your country that you are, commie, or shut the fuck up.
No, I'm just sick of treasonous little cunts like you bleating about how much better your commie friends are over in an enemy country. Just go there and be done with it like the traitor to your country that you are, commie, or shut the fuck up.

I follow truth where ever it goes, your not liking it is proof that you are an inferior human.