Russia shot down Israeli nuke loaded f-35 headed for Iran: Pepe Escobar


ButterMilk Man

Here we go.

Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force.

An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan.

The mission: cause a high-altitude detonation over Iran that would provoke a surge in the high-capacity power lines, crippling Iran's electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.

An EMP attack.


... As the Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force.

Hence the publicised version of the Israeli counter response was such a travesty.

In the end all sides decided not to publicise the real news - to de-escalate what could well turn into WWIII.


I now have TWO separate, definitive confirmations from TWO ultra high level intel sources from TWO separate Asian nations. Working to get a third - at least a partial acknowledgment.

I moved to Asia 30 years ago. Built a unparalleled network. Trust my top sources a billion per cent.

The original source that led to my first post reconfirmed he stands by it. His words:

"I'm honestly surprised that people are surprised. Do they really think if something like this happened it's gonna be presented to them in front of their TVs? It's like history has taught them nothing."

Working on a first column - probably out tomorrow.

Many thanks to all who offered informed, sharp comment and criticism. This should be a collective effort to get to what might have happened: the shape of it, not necessarily the details as they were leaked.
"Pepe is the best, he has sources people lust after"

Was Israel Going to Nuke Iran as Pepe Escobar's Source Claims? | Ray McGovern
Do notice that the Israeli leadership has issued orders that not one word will be said about what happened to guy did speak to the press and was taken to the woodshed for it (Ben-Gvir).
These Asian sources almost have to be Han, and China Bloc has established a brand of honesty in the face of constant Western treachery....I would be pretty surprised to find them lying about this.

We will know....if this happened it is impossible to hide....we will now for sure.

If it did not happen then we have Asian lying.
I dont know what is going on....this investigation will take days if not weeks.....but I do see a shit ton of swamp/Blob propaganda AKA brainwashing efforts...which tends to work with the American largely ignorant cowards.
On the other hand with the Han the right to truth ends and the Han...the further down the friends list one is the less the Han believe they are obligated to tell the truth.

Pretty shockingly this is still a maybe....if it did happen then I spect that the Zionist Bastards did this without US permission, it was spectacularly dumb, and as Escobar claims everyone has agreed to not talk about this, only bad things could happen from that is the calculation.
Color me skeptical. Ask Pepe Escobar if the "nuke" was recovered. Everyone assumes that all EMP events, whether natural or military, are nuclear. There are non-nuke EMP devices that will just make you wonder why the car won't start and you're not getting any bars on your phone to call a tow truck (which would be pointless because the tow truck wouldn't start either).

At the same time that you're cussing in farsi because you can't watch iranian sheep porn, all the anti-aircraft radars, fire control and command and control communications would be out, all without those pesky mushroom clouds.
Color me skeptical. Ask Pepe Escobar if the "nuke" was recovered. Everyone assumes that all EMP events, whether natural or military, are nuclear. There are non-nuke EMP devices that will just make you wonder why the car won't start and you're not getting any bars on your phone to call a tow truck (which would be pointless because the tow truck wouldn't start either).

At the same time that you're cussing in farsi because you can't watch iranian sheep porn, all the anti-aircraft radars, fire control and command and control communications would be out, all without those pesky mushroom clouds.
Skepticism is the wise man's move. There is neither evidence that it happened nor high level claims that it did not....and do remember that the alleged strike in Iran by Israel was massively include orders from the very top of Israeli command that no one talk about it.

The thing that my grapevine focused on is that it is unlikely that the Russians could have been operating where it is claimed it happened without US knowledge/approval...then there is the matter of how did the Russians know about this Israeli operation.
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Here we go.

Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force.

An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan.

The mission: cause a high-altitude detonation over Iran that would provoke a surge in the high-capacity power lines, crippling Iran's electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.

An EMP attack.


... As the Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force.

Hence the publicised version of the Israeli counter response was such a travesty.

In the end all sides decided not to publicise the real news - to de-escalate what could well turn into WWIII.

Utter horseshit.
Utter horseshit.
Us support of Israel weakened after this....the assumption is that it is because of campus protests and the election....but maybe not. Israel was told to not escalate with Iran because the children of Washington decided that our military is not prepared to deal with Iran right now....if the Zionist Bastards defied this command there would be consequences.
Us support of Israel weakened after this....the assumption is that it is because of campus protests and the election....but maybe not. Israel was told to not escalate with Iran because the children of Washington decided that our military is not prepared to deal with Iran right now....if the Zionist Bastards defied this command there would be consequences.
US support for Israel weakened after Biden was inaugurated........
US support for Israel weakened after Biden was inaugurated........
Nonsense....Biden went to Israel in Oct and offered a blank check.

Things have changed some in recent weeks...the why everybody thinks they know but I am not so sure....and this situation between Iran and Israel is so strange that there is a chance that this F-35 story might be true....there is certainly something big that we have not been told.