Russian ships to visit Venezuela; naval exercises possible


The Force is With Me
(CNN) -- Russian ships will make a port of call in Venezuela later this year, and the two nations could hold joint naval exercises for the first time, both sides said.

The announcement comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the United States over Moscow's conflict with the former Soviet republic of Georgia last month.

Russia denied any link between the two events, although Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been a sharp critic of President Bush.

"This is a planned event unrelated to the current political situation and Caucasian developments," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said Monday. "The exercises will not be targeted against any third party."

The agreement on the Russian visit to Venezuelan ports was reached long before the conflict in the Caucasus broke out, he said.

But Nesterenko appeared to suggest Monday that Russia had proposed the joint naval maneuvers.

"If the Venezuelan side finds the proposal interesting and an agreement is reached, Russia and Venezuela may hold joint naval exercises in line with international practice," he said.

"The Russians have complained about U.S. warships operating in the Black Sea, which is an area of intense interest to them. It would not be surprising if they returned the favor by having joint exercises in the Caribbean," said Smith, a 25-year foreign service veteran who ended his State Department career as chief of the U.S. Interest Section in Havana, Cuba.

"It's a way of saying: 'Two can play at this game. If you think you can send ships into the Black Sea without response, you are mistaken.' "

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The Cold War just got hotter.