S&P just downgraded the US debt outlook to negative. Read more: http://www.businessi


Loyal to the end
S&P just downgraded the US debt outlook to negative. Read more: http://www.businessi

"Because the U.S. has, relative to its AAA peers, what we consider to be very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness, and the path to addressing these is not clear to us, we have revised our outlook on the long-term rating to negative from stable," S&P said in a release.

Nice move, Obama. :palm:
and from what I understand, Obama made a press release saying Standard and Poor did so because they were afraid the Dems and Repubs wouldn't reach agreement on raising the debt limit.....to which Standard and Poor responded "uh, no we didn't"........
How long with the libs here pretend this isn't happening? Many conservatives have predicted the fall of the American dollar because of The Obama's incredible failure of leadership. Now that it's happening no sane person should be surprised.
The left can holler "TEABAGGER" all they want to, this one thing will do more to kill Obama's chances for reelection than anything else. The economy ain't rebounding... jobs ain't being created... we are in far worse shape financially than we were 4 years ago, and if historic precedent is any standard, we're looking at a new administration in the White House for 2012.
The left can holler "TEABAGGER" all they want to, this one thing will do more to kill Obama's chances for reelection than anything else. The economy ain't rebounding... jobs ain't being created... we are in far worse shape financially than we were 4 years ago, and if historic precedent is any standard, we're looking at a new administration in the White House for 2012.

If we aren't I may begin to lose faith in my fellow Americans.

(Excerpt from article) A downgrade, which would leave Germany and France with a higher rating,...(End)

But that can't be, can it? France and Germany have government medical. Doctors even go to people's homes in France!

"France, like other countries in Europe, has a system of universal health care largely financed by government through a system of national health insurance. In its 2000 assessment of world health care systems, the World Health Organization found that France provided the "best overall health care" in the world......They (the doctors) often go to a patient's home when the patient cannot come to the consulting room (especially in case of children or old people)...."

And "Germany has the world's oldest universal health care system, with origins dating back to Otto von Bismarck's social legislation, which included the Health Insurance Bill of 1883, Accident Insurance Bill of 1884, and Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889.

Germany, with over 125 years of government medical, has a higher credit rating! And doctors going to people's homes in France! How long can they possibly supply medical to everyone? Oh, well. I'm sure next year France's and Germany's economy will tank.:rolleyes:
(Excerpt from article) A downgrade, which would leave Germany and France with a higher rating,...(End)

But that can't be, can it? France and Germany have government medical. Doctors even go to people's homes in France!

"France, like other countries in Europe, has a system of universal health care largely financed by government through a system of national health insurance. In its 2000 assessment of world health care systems, the World Health Organization found that France provided the "best overall health care" in the world......They (the doctors) often go to a patient's home when the patient cannot come to the consulting room (especially in case of children or old people)...."

And "Germany has the world's oldest universal health care system, with origins dating back to Otto von Bismarck's social legislation, which included the Health Insurance Bill of 1883, Accident Insurance Bill of 1884, and Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889.

Germany, with over 125 years of government medical, has a higher credit rating! And doctors going to people's homes in France! How long can they possibly supply medical to everyone? Oh, well. I'm sure next year France's and Germany's economy will tank.:rolleyes:

Retarded! trying to make this another health care debate!
the board liberals seem to be avoiding this thread like the plague......

Probably because it's all been said and explained before. Obama took over after eight years of gross incompetence. There are consequences to what the Repubs did to the country. High deficits. Wars. Did anyone think that after eight years of one of the most inept, irresponsible governments a couple of years would bring all things back to normal?

These are the consequences which the Democrats tried to warn the people about when absurd actions and policies were being enacted by the Bush administration. What we're seeing today is the reason the Democrats were screaming for eight years trying to get people's attention.

Let's hope the people understand and realize this in '12. The Repub chickens have come home to roost. Obama and the Dems inherited the chaos caused by eight years of Repub ineptitude. If one wants to see the light at the end of the tunnel keep the Repubs as far away from the White House as possible.
Probably because it's all been said and explained before. Obama took over after eight years of gross incompetence. There are consequences to what the Repubs did to the country. High deficits. Wars. Did anyone think that after eight years of one of the most inept, irresponsible governments a couple of years would bring all things back to normal?

These are the consequences which the Democrats tried to warn the people about when absurd actions and policies were being enacted by the Bush administration. What we're seeing today is the reason the Democrats were screaming for eight years trying to get people's attention.

Let's hope the people understand and realize this in '12. The Repub chickens have come home to roost. Obama and the Dems inherited the chaos caused by eight years of Repub ineptitude. If one wants to see the light at the end of the tunnel keep the Repubs as far away from the White House as possible.

Retarded, blaming Bush for the last two years record deficits.
Retarded, blaming Bush for the last two years record deficits.

Do you think when Bush left office the bill for the wars stopped coming in? Do you think when Bush left office the rich started paying the tax they paid before the cuts? Remember the Repub war-mongers saying the war with Iraq was an option they could afford?

Now you're seeing the results.
The GOP’s Quacker Jack Economic Plan

Do you think when Bush left office the bill for the wars stopped coming in? Do you think when Bush left office the rich started paying the tax they paid before the cuts? Remember the Repub war-mongers saying the war with Iraq was an option they could afford?

Now you're seeing the results.

The bill for the wars should have stopped, since Obama was going to end the wars and bring our troops home. Same with the rich paying "their fair share" ...that was supposed to happen under Obama too. We elected this guy to get us out of the ditch, not complain because we are in a ditch... that's all you people have done for 3 years! When is the Blame Bush game going to end? When does Obama start accepting some blame for his feckless leadership? When are liberals going to hold their own accountable, and stop blaming Bush?

You've had 3 years in the White House, 5 years in the Senate and House, and we continue to hear the same rhetoric we heard before you were elected! Now, short of killing all conservatives so they never have a political voice again, I really don't know what else Liberals could ask for? You have full control of every branch of government, and still... the best you can do is point your crooked little finger at BUSH and blame him!
The bill for the wars should have stopped, since Obama was going to end the wars and bring our troops home. Same with the rich paying "their fair share" ...that was supposed to happen under Obama too. We elected this guy to get us out of the ditch, not complain because we are in a ditch... that's all you people have done for 3 years! When is the Blame Bush game going to end? When does Obama start accepting some blame for his feckless leadership? When are liberals going to hold their own accountable, and stop blaming Bush?

You've had 3 years in the White House, 5 years in the Senate and House, and we continue to hear the same rhetoric we heard before you were elected! Now, short of killing all conservatives so they never have a political voice again, I really don't know what else Liberals could ask for? You have full control of every branch of government, and still... the best you can do is point your crooked little finger at BUSH and blame him!

Ending a war involves a bit more than saying, "Oops, sorry. My mistake", and then leaving. The entire social structure was destroyed in both Afghanistan and Iraq necessitating a lengthy stay. Of course, permanent bases were built in Afghanistan so there's no debate the intention was to stay there. What we see today, the ongoing costs, are the result of those policies.

The same thing with the tax breaks. Obama can not unilaterally change them and the Repubs have made it clear they will not vote to change them. We're seeing the results of Bush's policies.

As I mentioned before that's why the Dems were screaming during Bush's reign. They knew what the results would be. Once policies are put in place it's difficult to change them.

Back in 2003 it was known SS needed an influx of funds. Why would any competent person say war was an affordable option when they knew SS needed money? Well, there's only one reason. They didn't give a damn. They didn't want SS to work. They were hoping to privatize it and what better way to make their case than to starve it of money AND direct future funds to a needless war AND cut taxes so there wouldn't be any funds available in the future.

The Repubs want the government to fail when it comes to social policies. Why else would they openly admit there was extra money, enough of an extra to engage in war, then say there's no money for social policies? Social policies have nothing to do with affordability. Dozens of countries have SS and medical and welfare and a host of social policies and they're doing better than the US, budget-wise. Virtually every industrialized country is capable of looking after it's needy citizens. It's absurd for anyone to suggest the US can not.
Do you think when Bush left office the bill for the wars stopped coming in? Do you think when Bush left office the rich started paying the tax they paid before the cuts? Remember the Repub war-mongers saying the war with Iraq was an option they could afford?

Now you're seeing the results.

Dude, spending increased massively as soon as your messiah was anointed. And your beloved Democrats controlled the House for two years and could have raised taxes on "the rich" to 100% if the wanted to.
Hilarious to lose 2% of your portfolio.


What does that have to do with the market for treasuries? A downgrade of the United States, if anyone put any stock in it, would result in increased interest rates and decreased buying of treasuries. But neither of those things happened.