Sadly, Only a VERY Warped View Would Come up with THIS


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The Pope is a Republican ?

Pope blames church sex scandal on breakdown of society
Apr 17 05:12 AM US/Eastern

Pope Benedict XVI chided Americans for a moral breakdown he said had fueled the church's child sex abuse scandal, ahead of an open-air mass before tens of thousands here Thursday.
First of all, it is, once again, a Democrat Attack on Religion, ESPECIALLY if that religion is Christain, or Worse, to a Liberal, Catholic. The Pope is called the Holy Father by Billions of People. He is our "Spiritual Father", just like
B. Hussein Obama's "Spiritual Father" is The Rev. Jerimiah(God Damn America) Wright. But the REAL instructive point here, is to see how the Liberal Mindset works. A Liberal, when she sees The Pope say the MORAL BREAKDOWN OF SOCIETY, which is Obvious to ALL Americans, except "Liberal Deniers" is responsible for a whloe PLETHORA of Sex Crimes, Perversions, Disgusting Acts by Humans that would be almost UNHEARD of, in, say 1960.

Forty years ago, we did not HAVE a "NAMBLA", an organization which PREYS on Young Boys, to "teach" them how to be RAPED by Grown Men, condoned and fought for, by Liberals. WE did not HAVE TV shows and movies, for General Consumption, which either depict or describe Anal Sex between Men, or Men and Women. WE did not HAVE Bestiality as a JOKE LINE in a Prime-Time TV Show. WE did not HAVE "Music", as it's called, where no one even SINGS, but SPEAKS, about "Ho's"(whores) "Bitches", "Shanks", or "Chickenheads". What ARE these terms? Why, they are just the Modern Rap Phrases for Women! Not "bad" women, BUT ALL WOMEN!

And YET, if you ASK a Liberal, they will not ADMIT there is a Moral BREAKDOWN of Society, similar to the one right Before the Fall of the Roman Empire. Or if they DO admit it, they will NOT ADMIT THE CAUSE. A "Liberal" Mindset, that came upon us quickly, in the 60's. The Culture War. During and after Johnson, Nixon, Vietnam, we somehow "let loose" on our Morals, in Schools, in Entertainment, TV, Movies, and Most Damaging, IN PARENTING.

So like the author of "Pope Blames Society", many Liberals, once again, miss the boat. Miss the POINT. That our Society IS sliding the WAY of the Roman Empire. Just LOOK, EVERYDAY, at a Newspaper's Headlines, or the Six O'Clock Report on ANY local station. Lead off with a Murder. Follow up with the Rape that happened last week. Then check on the 12-yr. old, in the Hospital fighting for his life, that was SHOT BY HIS 12 YR. OLD SCHOOLMATE. Finish off with the photo of poor Mrs. Smith, the 78 yr.-old Grandmother, and Church Volunteer. Not ONLY was SHE Raped and Murdered, but in the Home Invasion by the TWO "EARLY RELEASE" PAROLEES, her Daughter and 2 granddaughters were ALSO Raped.(This story I copied from my Local news, a couple of weeks ago.

Moral Breakdown? Going to Hell in a Handbasket? Liberals want Lighter Sentences, so we can "Understand", and "Rub the Bellies" ot these sick twisted Sociopaths, who will NEVER get better, because our Society, in the last 50 yrs, has CULTIVATED THEM.
Sorry for the typo. In my list of Popular Music catchphrases, I wrote "Shanks", instead of "Skanks". As ANY First-Grader can tell you, a "shank" is a sharpened toothbrush orpiece of metal, used to Kill a fellow Inmate in prison, as in, "I'm gonna SHANK that mother----er."
See, our children also learn Grammar, because in that last example, I used "shank" as a Verb.
But there's NO Moral Breakdown, there's NO Tearing of the Fabric of Our Society, no, of course not. What are you, CRAZY??
I guess all the Libs that have Big Mouths to Bash the Pope ate TOO COWARDLY AND GUTLESS to respond to the TRUTH, HERE, huh? Haahaha! That's what I THOUGHT.