Saint Louis Syndrome


Verified User
Not only is Cory Booker an idiot he is lazy. Move the cursor to 2:10 and you will see that he did not know the name of the German ship he cited:



MS St. Louis surrounded by smaller vessels in its homeport of Hamburg.

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 908 Jewish refugees from Germany, after they were denied entry to Cuba, the United States and Canada, until finally accepted in various European countries, which were later engulfed in World War II.

Had Booker spent a few minutes researching his talking point before he made a fool of himself he would have learned that contrary to the final scene in the movie Ship of Fools the Hamburg American Line’s passenger ship MS Saint Louis docked in Antwerp, Belgium not Bremerhaven, Germany. Most of the Jews were taken in by Belgium, France, Holland and the United Kingdom. Approximately, 75 percent of the refugees who returned to Europe survived WWII.

The voyage of the Saint Louis has a lot to do with today’s views on immigration. I call it the Saint Louis syndrome gone wild.

The specter of the St. Louis has been hovering over national sovereignty since the horrors of the Holocaust became known. The Jews on the St. Louis were fleeing persecution. The public only learned the details of the Holocaust after WWII ended. Those details proved that the Jews on the St. Louis had a legitimate claim to political asylum. No decent human being wants to make the same mistakes.

Refusing asylum to the 900 Jews on the Saint Louis caused a furor. Nevertheless, 900 is an insignificant number compared to the estimated 30 million illegal aliens in the country today. Indeed, 900 is a relatively low number when compared to the number of Haitian boat people who got “economic asylum” in the past two decades.

The Saint Louis was the forerunner of mass migrations. Those who say that no country has to accept immigrants are called cruel. Those who are driving the world toward government policies like euthanasia, infanticide, and population controls are portrayed as compassionate murderers who kill with kindness.

Unfortunately for Americans, political asylum morphed into economic asylum, open borders, and tens of millions of illegal immigrants. Individuals no longer have to prove they are the targets of government murder. These days, groups claiming a hard life in their native land is considered government persecution.

In truth, 900 Jews would not have overwhelmed America; whereas the number of foreigners pouring into our welfare state are destroying the fabric of society with assistance from the opens borders crowd; i.e., Democrats and RINO. In short: The world, and political asylum, became a lot more complicated since 1939.

Not challenging the claim that America must accept mass migrations opens the door to unrestricted immigration.

Finally, the United Nations crowd are determined to abolish political asylum even though they are currently handing it out like free money so illegal aliens can attack the America people. Who needs political asylum when there are no national borders? The next question is: Where does a persecuted individual go for political asylum after a global government starts killing hundreds of of millions ‘undesirables’?

If any person in the nineteenth century would have said that future governments were going to slaughter their own people in the tens of millions that person would have been locked away in a rubber room. The Turks slaughtered millions of Armenians before WW I. Lenin and Stalin starved tens of millions prior to WW II. Communist China is credited with killing at least a hundred million after 1949. All of government murders established a precedent that removed all restraints on today's Socialists once they are in a position to kill billions.

The government ordered killings that took place in the Soviet Union, in Nazi Germany, and in Communist China were incomprehensible to decent men and women before the murders happened. Would-be protectors whose minds and souls are diseased with Socialism’s totalitarianism will kill billions after their global ducks are all in a line. Killing two or three billion out of a population of seven or eight billion will hardly be missed.

p.s. Do not doubt global government will, and can, kill billions with modern technology.

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM
Not only is Cory Booker an idiot he is lazy. Move the cursor to 2:10 and you will see that he did not know the name of the German ship he cited:



MS St. Louis surrounded by smaller vessels in its homeport of Hamburg.

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 908 Jewish refugees from Germany, after they were denied entry to Cuba, the United States and Canada, until finally accepted in various European countries, which were later engulfed in World War II.

Had Booker spent a few minutes researching his talking point before he made a fool of himself he would have learned that contrary to the final scene in the movie Ship of Fools the Hamburg American Line’s passenger ship MS Saint Louis docked in Antwerp, Belgium not Bremerhaven, Germany. Most of the Jews were taken in by Belgium, France, Holland and the United Kingdom. Approximately, 75 percent of the refugees who returned to Europe survived WWII.

The voyage of the Saint Louis has a lot to do with today’s views on immigration. I call it the Saint Louis syndrome gone wild.

The specter of the St. Louis has been hovering over national sovereignty since the horrors of the Holocaust became known. The Jews on the St. Louis were fleeing persecution. The public only learned the details of the Holocaust after WWII ended. Those details proved that the Jews on the St. Louis had a legitimate claim to political asylum. No decent human being wants to make the same mistakes.

Refusing asylum to the 900 Jews on the Saint Louis caused a furor. Nevertheless, 900 is an insignificant number compared to the estimated 30 million illegal aliens in the country today. Indeed, 900 is a relatively low number when compared to the number of Haitian boat people who got “economic asylum” in the past two decades.

The Saint Louis was the forerunner of mass migrations. Those who say that no country has to accept immigrants are called cruel. Those who are driving the world toward government policies like euthanasia, infanticide, and population controls are portrayed as compassionate murderers who kill with kindness.

Unfortunately for Americans, political asylum morphed into economic asylum, open borders, and tens of millions of illegal immigrants. Individuals no longer have to prove they are the targets of government murder. These days, groups claiming a hard life in their native land is considered government persecution.

In truth, 900 Jews would not have overwhelmed America; whereas the number of foreigners pouring into our welfare state are destroying the fabric of society with assistance from the opens borders crowd; i.e., Democrats and RINO. In short: The world, and political asylum, became a lot more complicated since 1939.

Not challenging the claim that America must accept mass migrations opens the door to unrestricted immigration.

Finally, the United Nations crowd are determined to abolish political asylum even though they are currently handing it out like free money so illegal aliens can attack the America people. Who needs political asylum when there are no national borders? The next question is: Where does a persecuted individual go for political asylum after a global government starts killing hundreds of of millions ‘undesirables’?

If any person in the nineteenth century would have said that future governments were going to slaughter their own people in the tens of millions that person would have been locked away in a rubber room. The Turks slaughtered millions of Armenians before WW I. Lenin and Stalin starved tens of millions prior to WW II. Communist China is credited with killing at least a hundred million after 1949. All of government murders established a precedent that removed all restraints on today's Socialists once they are in a position to kill billions.

The government ordered killings that took place in the Soviet Union, in Nazi Germany, and in Communist China were incomprehensible to decent men and women before the murders happened. Would-be protectors whose minds and souls are diseased with Socialism’s totalitarianism will kill billions after their global ducks are all in a line. Killing two or three billion out of a population of seven or eight billion will hardly be missed.

p.s. Do not doubt global government will, and can, kill billions with modern technology.

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM
Wnd, yet another right-wing propaganda mill. You are deep in the right-wing swamp of lies.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
If I understand this latest “Do as You Are Told Law” it could be a boon for homeschooling:

The law takes effect immediately but will give unvaccinated students up to 30 days after they enter a school to show they’ve had the first dose of each required immunization.


“If you choose to not vaccinate your child, therefore potentially endangering other children ... then you’re the one choosing not to send your children to school.”

Everything parasites do is done for the greater good to hear them tell it. Okay. Try this: There is no greater good than getting as as many children out of the hands of public school teachers as possible:

“I believe in science.... Your personal opinions, which may be based on junk science, do not trump the greater good.”

I wonder if Mr. Yung had Eric Hoffer in mind when he said:

“People came to this country to get away from exactly this kind of stuff,” Yung said ahead of Thursday’s votes.

New York ends religious exemption to vaccine mandates
June 13, 2019

(See the Hoffer quotation at the end of my messages.)

NY parasites should beg Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi to stop importing illegal aliens carrying diseases before they force vaccinations on American children :

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Finally, government parasites always invoke children to get more tax dollars and whatever welfare state program they happen to be pushing. Vaccinating children for the common good will open the door to vaccinating adults the government wants to eliminate:

p.s. Do not doubt global government will, and can, kill billions with modern technology.

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM
If I understand this latest “Do as You Are Told Law” it could be a boon for homeschooling:

The law takes effect immediately but will give unvaccinated students up to 30 days after they enter a school to show they’ve had the first dose of each required immunization.


“If you choose to not vaccinate your child, therefore potentially endangering other children ... then you’re the one choosing not to send your children to school.”

Everything parasites do is done for the greater good to hear them tell it. Okay. Try this: There is no greater good than getting as as many children out of the hands of public school teachers as possible:

“I believe in science.... Your personal opinions, which may be based on junk science, do not trump the greater good.”

I wonder if Mr. Yung had Eric Hoffer in mind when he said:

“People came to this country to get away from exactly this kind of stuff,” Yung said ahead of Thursday’s votes.

New York ends religious exemption to vaccine mandates
June 13, 2019

(See the Hoffer quotation at the end of my messages.)

NY parasites should beg Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi to stop importing illegal aliens carrying diseases before they force vaccinations on American children :

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Finally, government parasites always invoke children to get more tax dollars and whatever welfare state program they happen to be pushing. Vaccinating children for the common good will open the door to vaccinating adults the government wants to eliminate:
More propaganda from WND.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
NY parasites should beg Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi to stop importing illegal aliens carrying diseases before they force vaccinations on American children :

I hope to hell 12-year-olds are not getting their maturity from Diarrhea Mouth:

AMA says mature 12-year-olds can consent to vaccination without parents – Taking away the last barrier protecting innocent children from Big Pharma
06/18/2019 / By News Editors
Pelosi to Trump: 'You're scaring the children of America'
By Cristina Marcos
06/24/19 01:47 PM EDT

Not nearly as much as Diarrhea Mouth:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.​
