Sanders attacks Clinton’s ‘credibility gap’


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In a press release sent out on Tuesday, titled “Clinton’s credibility gap,” the Sanders campaign slammed her claim and sought to draw a contrast between the rhetoric of the two candidates.
“U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday contrasted his record to Hillary Clinton’s stands on Wall Street reform, fracking, a corrupt campaign funding system and job-killing trade deals,” the release reads.

“Meanwhile, Clinton’s credibility was questioned after she blamed Vermont for gun violence in New York.

The charge backfired when The Washington Post called her assertion “significantly misleading.’ ”

The release goes on to contrast Sanders’s stances on Wall Street, fracking and trade deals with Clinton's.

The Clinton campaign shot back almost immediately. Spokesman Nick Merrill took to Twitter to accuse Sanders of making a “character attack” on Clinton and going against his pledge not to run a negative campaign.
Clinton has been slimeing sanders one day and semi-walking it back the next.
It's so duplicitous , but so typical of the Clintonistas -but this one was a whopper and illustrative of Clinton going after sanders on the gun thing

This was so egregious the WAPO ( a shill for Clinton) had to call her out on this one.
She had that earnest "fact based" delivery that the servile press usually buys into.
The New York press is either sensationalized or brain dead establishment

Notice the Clintonistas characterize sanders correction as a "character attack" . Typical Clintonian deflections