Sanders /Trump win W. Virginia


100% recycled karma
Trump continues his tromping...

Anyone notice Bernie has been doing well again? without talking demographics to death -it raise the question:

There is no question about the divded Republicans, but are the Dems in the same danger? Maybe not from the candidates
but from the Democratic voters themselves??
I'm thinking party unity isn't a given for the Dem's.
Ironic, given that Bernie is more unfriendly to fossil fuels than the Hildebeast, wouldn't you say?
they both are hyper-green to be sure.. But this goes back to Hillary's big mouth about killing coal.

Hillary was supposed to make a move there this cycle ( given her strengths in '08) but that's all gone and Appalachia is Trump country.
Kentucky is much more interesting.. Clinton is putting time and money there..that's next week.see how it goes..

I'm not feeling a lot of love from the Bernie boys towards Clinton.
they both are hyper-green to be sure.. But this goes back to Hillary's big mouth about killing coal.

Hillary was supposed to make a move there this cycle ( given her strengths in '08) but that's all gone and Appalachia is Trump country.
Kentucky is much more interesting.. Clinton is putting time and money there..that's next week.see how it goes..

I'm not feeling a lot of love from the Bernie boys towards Clinton.

Bernie is done. Trump is welcome to the flyover states in the general.

California and Florida will be interesting, though.
Bernie is done. Trump is welcome to the flyover states in the general.

California and Florida will be interesting, though.
Bernie would have to flip the super-delegates..
barring an "FBI primary" for Clinton..not happening.

However the question remains just how much has Clinton alienated the Bernie voters - she's incorporated his ideas
but she's such a sleeze *dunno*
Gawd I do love to listen to Bernie..
single pay, no more rigged economy...and unlike Clinton I believe him-not just what is expedient to say.