Santa goes green.



hehehe hilarious. Brilliant propaganda vehicle.

Next in the series:
Bunny saves Easter
Easter bunny is desperate to save his habitat. Easter Bunny, in a selfless act of heroism, launches a campaign to ban new chicken farms despite his livelyhood depending on the eggs from farms. This heartwarming story will serve as an example of eco-rightousness we should all strive for.

Other titles your child might like:
The Day after Halloween ... ages 5 and up
Timmy and the Tin Cans ... all ages
It's Recycling Time ... all ages

For more information see our website
Wow, not a peep from the global warmers? WTF? This is blatant brainwashing of children. I'm going to assume you warmers agree with this type of indoctrination.
Truly disgusting. I'll be sure that if I ever have children of my own that they have access to children's books without overt political overtones.

You want a green book? My kids will have Dr. Seus' Green Eggs and Ham.