Sara Palin and the Bridge to nowhere...


Villified User
Sarah Palin seems to have supported the bridge to nowhere as long as alaska did not have to pay anything for it...

Yep sounds like a true conservative to me ;)

The Gravina Island Bridge was a proposed bridge to replace the ferry that currently connects the city and borough of Ketchikan, Alaska, to the Ketchikan International Airport on Gravina Island. The members of the Alaskan congressional delegation, namely Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, were the bridge's biggest advocates in Congress and helped push for the funding.[1] Governor Sarah Palin also supported the bridge, but canceled it when the Alaska delegation was unable to prevent Alaska from having to pay for some of the bridge's cost.
Sarah Palin seems to have supported the bridge to nowhere as long as alaska did not have to pay anything for it...

Yep sounds like a true conservative to me ;)

The Gravina Island Bridge was a proposed bridge to replace the ferry that currently connects the city and borough of Ketchikan, Alaska, to the Ketchikan International Airport on Gravina Island. The members of the Alaskan congressional delegation, namely Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, were the bridge's biggest advocates in Congress and helped push for the funding.[1] Governor Sarah Palin also supported the bridge, but canceled it when the Alaska delegation was unable to prevent Alaska from having to pay for some of the bridge's cost.

Wow, you're just a regular Sherlock, aren't you.

So you think that's the most pressing issue facing our country, and defines who is/isn't a conservative? Shit. Heaven forbid it come up in the VP debates - I don't know how she'll get out of that one. :rolleyes:
Wow, you're just a regular Sherlock, aren't you.

So you think that's the most pressing issue facing our country, and defines who is/isn't a conservative? Shit. Heaven forbid it come up in the VP debates - I don't know how she'll get out of that one. :rolleyes:

Conservatives are people who think the government can take care of us better than we can ourselves by building half billion dollar bridges to towns with populations sub 100.
Sarah Palin seems to have supported the bridge to nowhere as long as alaska did not have to pay anything for it...

Yep sounds like a true conservative to me ;)

The Gravina Island Bridge was a proposed bridge to replace the ferry that currently connects the city and borough of Ketchikan, Alaska, to the Ketchikan International Airport on Gravina Island. The members of the Alaskan congressional delegation, namely Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, were the bridge's biggest advocates in Congress and helped push for the funding.[1] Governor Sarah Palin also supported the bridge, but canceled it when the Alaska delegation was unable to prevent Alaska from having to pay for some of the bridge's cost.

Goofy liberial. The federal government offered to pay for it. She said no thanks. If they wanted it, they would pay for it themselfs. Your a twist artist. Try to knock her down--and she will crush you. Palin will help end the oncomming of liberial communisum in this country--and she has my full support.
Conservatives are people who think the government can take care of us better than we can ourselves by building half billion dollar bridges to towns with populations sub 100.

Moron--she turned down the wastefull government offer---saving us people their own money. In fact, when they have a surplus (amazing for a state with no income tax--right), she gives it back to the Alaskan people. Obama has a half brother living on 1 dollar per month. can you imagine the unity if we all lived on $1/month. Now that is hope and change we can beleive in---if your a liberial moron. Consertatives believe in smaller government--but that concept must have been twisted in college son.
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Conservatives are people who think the government can take care of us better than we can ourselves by building half billion dollar bridges to towns with populations sub 100.

I had to read it again----I can't believe how highly educated and stupid you are at the same time.
Moron--she turned down the wastefull government offer---saving us people their own money.

She turned it down but the money was still earmarked for Alaska. It all went to the state government.

In fact, when they have a surplus (amazing for a state with no income tax--right),

Actually, Alaska has the highest tax collection per capita in the entire US. They just tax business - the oil companies - instead of individuals.

Consertatives believe in smaller government--but that concept must have been twisted in college son.

Conservatives believe in smaller government? How? What will McCain do? Abolish Medicaid, SS, cut the military, TANF? You see, conservatives like to talk about "focusing on our priorities", but they seem to have a huge list of priorities, as big as any Democrat. At least under Obama, I know that his universal health care plan is going to cost us far less per capita than the currect catastrophe does.
She turned it down but the money was still earmarked for Alaska. It all went to the state government.

(it was not spent on expanding government--in fact, I don';t think it was spent and still remains as a surplus. She may have given it to the people she represents--the citizens. She has a 80% approval rating son--by non big government consertatives.)

Actually, Alaska has the highest tax collection per capita in the entire US. They just tax business - the oil companies - instead of individuals.

(I did some research on this topic for business friendly states. Alaska is # 1, and South Dakota is # 2. I plan to take my business from Michigan and go to South Dakota, where I can be more free. Too cold in Alaska for me. I can find that chart I speak about to show you that your dead wrong about Alaska as a high tax business state. The oil companies, I am sure, pay more for a pipeline going through the state--and they should. If my business wanted to use your back yard, I would be expected to pay you something for it.

Conservatives believe in smaller government? How? What will McCain do? Abolish Medicaid, SS, cut the military, TANF? You see, conservatives like to talk about "focusing on our priorities", but they seem to have a huge list of priorities, as big as any Democrat. At least under Obama, I know that his universal health care plan is going to cost us far less per capita than the currect catastrophe does.

McCain is not a consertative. he is the most liberial of all the past Rep candidates. it is your commie mafia media who gave him all the air time and wanted him to be the REP nom--because he is most like them. Listen to Barr and Palin, and you might be able to see some small (large) differences. you confuse me with todays modern day liberial Republican---which McCain is.

you know nothing about national health care. It is failing all over the world. Private sectors are coming back in those countries, and you are prioritized by your worth to the government as far as how good your health care is. foe example, If you are 70 years old, and need a major surgery to live, you might be considered too old to have it done. There is no way in hell any government can provide as good of health care as we have now (although it is expensive for a multitude of reasons we did not have a problem with 20 years ago) for a reasonable cost. it will cost you big money, and more freedom. Like I said watermark---if you don't know what you have in this country, you will never miss it when they take it away from you. That is the basis of your liberial commie education son.

Sorry, I debated your subjects seperatly. My other answers are in the body of your conditioned response.
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She turned it down but the money was still earmarked for Alaska. It all went to the state government.

Let me get this straight, she was instrumental in defeating the bridge to nowhere, but she is a conservative who believes in building a bridge to nowhere. She turned down federal money to build the bridge to nowhere, but she is a conservative who accepted federal money for her state?

Actually, Alaska has the highest tax collection per capita in the entire US. They just tax business - the oil companies - instead of individuals.

LMAO.... So she believes in taxing Big Oil? There is a campaign-winner for ya!

Conservatives believe in smaller government? How? What will McCain do? Abolish Medicaid, SS, cut the military, TANF? You see, conservatives like to talk about "focusing on our priorities", but they seem to have a huge list of priorities, as big as any Democrat. At least under Obama, I know that his universal health care plan is going to cost us far less per capita than the currect catastrophe does.

I doubt seriously McCain would abolish Medicaid or SS, do you really think he could do that, even if he wanted to? When conservatives talk about 'focusing our priorities' it can mean many things, one thing it doesn't mean, is increasing the size and scope of government to provide yet another massive entitlement program we can't afford. You claim you "know" Obama's universal health care plan will cost us less, but how do you "know" this? When has the government EVER been able to provide us something cheaper than the private sector? Just one example, moron!
The only way we can humanly get rid of SSN and other poor and expensive government welfare projects it to first fix our own economic woes, and encourage business to come back to the USA. Your going to have to almost get rid of coporate taxes (which I think are the highest in the world--or may be 2nd highest) to compete with slave labor in othe regions of the world. The only way to get people off welfare, is to offer them oppertunity for themselfs. When they see their working neighbor drive home with a new car----and see that they can do it also--it will happen. Nobody wants to be poor, but we make it too hard for people today IMO, and dummy them up in our poor public schools (then indoctrine those dummies in liberial universities), then it is easy to sell them socialism. It is also from global pressure, but we really don't have to bend to it so much. I would rahter bring China up, instead of letting them knock us down. We earned what we earned--and just because some communist nation refuses to let their mass citizenry have a good way of life, does not mean we have to give up ours. Take the shackels off of peoples feet, get them a envoirnment where they can grow, and it will happen---again. social programs of big magnatitude would not be needed, or wanted. We never ask for social programs, they are pushed on us in hard times. Sometimes, I think hard times are placed on us on purpose--in fact--I am pretty sure of it, and it is new world order and the liberial commie progressive philosophies that are behind much of it. Global warming BS is part of it too.

We can get rid of social rpograms--but we have to get on our feet first. all we need to do that is a constitution that lets us be free, and a enviornment that is good for business--today--on a world scale.

The difference is---I have faith in people. I believe every race, nationality, and population segment has people in it that can do amazing things. Socialism wastes those human resources--and some of the best things came from private citizens who were free to do so. Non liberial university educated free people are amazingly innovative, no matter what color they are. That is why USA is not a thrid world nation---yet. But---that is what the world wants--us knocked down--to be fair--to bring people together--for hope of a new world. Sound familar? Did ya see Europe and Germany cheering for obamma when he took this nations election to them?

We earned what we have (even more than one home) Europe----I strongly suggest you talk to your governments so you can do the same. We had to find a new land to get ours. Unfortunatly, that is harder to come by in todays nucular age.
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When has the government EVER been able to provide us something cheaper than the private sector?

Privatize the police and see how high the price of decent protection goes. Privatize and deregulate the energy market and see the price of energy skyrocket. Those are natural monopolies, and the government provides them better. Healthcare also functions in a monopolistic fashion.
Let me get this straight, she was instrumental in defeating the bridge to nowhere, but she is a conservative who believes in building a bridge to nowhere. She turned down federal money to build the bridge to nowhere, but she is a conservative who accepted federal money for her state?

She did not 'turn down' any money for her state. Alaska recieved 500 million dollars, the requirement that it be spent on the bridge was merely done away with.
Privatize the police and see how high the price of decent protection goes. Privatize and deregulate the energy market and see the price of energy skyrocket. Those are natural monopolies, and the government provides them better. Healthcare also functions in a monopolistic fashion.

Why isn't the price of private security outrageously high now? How is it a natural monopoly? I can probably guess your answer on security, but health care? The assertion that it is a natural monopoly is absurd.
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Goofy liberial. The federal government offered to pay for it. She said no thanks. If they wanted it, they would pay for it themselfs. Your a twist artist. Try to knock her down--and she will crush you. Palin will help end the oncomming of liberial communisum in this country--and she has my full support.

Don Young and Ted Stevens brought home that bacon and she did not appreciate it...dang ungrateful little whippersnapper!:pke: