Sarah Palin, On The Record

QUESTION: Damo, do you really want your party to become the party of stupid people? That's what it's look out to be, with the dual idiot fascist ticket of Palin/Jindal that is going to be smashed to bits and pieces by Obama.

I couldn't be bothered to watch this interview, I am so tired of the Sarah Chronicles. But yesterday on pretty much all of the news shows I watched, they played the interview of Sarah! talking to the Alaskan press.

"I know that I know that I know (ummm, lol) these are Sarah Palin's clothes. Those other ones are the RNC's. They're not mine! There's no audit. There is an audit becuase the RNC has to be held accountable. (ummmm, lol) But they're not coming here. I don't have them. They were in the belly of the plane".

Followed by:

Sarah Palin's father tells reporters she is busy furiously going through her wardrobe trying to figure out which clothes are hers, and which she has to give back to the RNC when they come to get them. And it's hard because, you know, the kids lost underwear."

Yeah, you guys are going with her for 2012, right? I just want to be the first to say "Gosh, Thanks! You betcha!"
Right now the Republicans are wandering the desert lost. This will pass. But at the moment they are looking for someone to gather everybody up and point the way to the promised land. Some think that Sarahcuda is the future, over the weekend there was an article on Yahoo or CNN which talked about Bobby Jindal. Right now those are the two that look most like Moses. A few others will pop up in time. But for now, enjoy the view of the Republicans as they eat their young and wander aimlessly. We haven't seen this in a long time from them.
Right now the Republicans are wandering the desert lost. This will pass. But at the moment they are looking for someone to gather everybody up and point the way to the promised land. Some think that Sarahcuda is the future, over the weekend there was an article on Yahoo or CNN which talked about Bobby Jindal. Right now those are the two that look most like Moses. A few others will pop up in time. But for now, enjoy the view of the Republicans as they eat their young and wander aimlessly. We haven't seen this in a long time from them.

Jindal is someone I think many people in the party are high on. This guy Paul Ryan from Wisconsin has been getting some recent air play. He wrote a piece in the Journal today that has gotten some positive feedback from a few blogs.

Here's a couple of paragraphs where I think he is spot on.

We cannot simply put up roadblocks to the emboldened Democratic majority. We need to offer an alternative future. Absent reform, our federal government will double in size within a generation. We must change course from this path of stagnation, and we must have leaders willing to provide a path that keeps alive the American ideal and keeps our government limited.

Our party has become too fearful of our own ideas. Since 1997, congressional Republicans began a steady retreat from principled leadership to political expediency. A party built on spending discipline and government reform succumbed to the siren songs of government expansion and earmarked giveaways. Republicans squandered the opportunity to limit and reshape the relationship between the federal government and the individual.

I ran on these bold ideas and innovative solutions in a congressional district carried by Barack Obama -- yet I received 64% of the vote. I challenge my colleagues to rethink political risk taking.
Jindal is someone I think many people in the party are high on. This guy Paul Ryan from Wisconsin has been getting some recent air play. He wrote a piece in the Journal today that has gotten some positive feedback from a few blogs.

Here's a couple of paragraphs where I think he is spot on.

We cannot simply put up roadblocks to the emboldened Democratic majority. We need to offer an alternative future. Absent reform, our federal government will double in size within a generation. We must change course from this path of stagnation, and we must have leaders willing to provide a path that keeps alive the American ideal and keeps our government limited.

Our party has become too fearful of our own ideas. Since 1997, congressional Republicans began a steady retreat from principled leadership to political expediency. A party built on spending discipline and government reform succumbed to the siren songs of government expansion and earmarked giveaways. Republicans squandered the opportunity to limit and reshape the relationship between the federal government and the individual.

I ran on these bold ideas and innovative solutions in a congressional district carried by Barack Obama -- yet I received 64% of the vote. I challenge my colleagues to rethink political risk taking.

I read that piece by Ryan and my thought was, "well, do it." There's nothing I hate more than politicians talking about what they should do rather than just doing what they're talking about.
I read that piece by Ryan and my thought was, "well, do it." There's nothing I hate more than politicians talking about what they should do rather than just doing what they're talking about.

All politicians talk way more about what they want to do than anything they actually do. They wouldn't be politicians otherwise.

The point of his piece is sending the message to other Republicans who have obviously lost their way. The Republican Party is leaderless right now. It's just floundering. Someone needs to step up. I don't know if it is going to be this Ryan guy or not but I like that he's attempting to lead.
QUESTION: Damo, do you really want your party to become the party of stupid people? That's what it's look out to be, with the dual idiot fascist ticket of Palin/Jindal that is going to be smashed to bits and pieces by Obama.

You know what a fascist is? It is someone who would support legislation that would regulate speech... (fairness doctrine) :pke:

Jindal is a rising star, a true Conservative cut from the old Reagan Conservative cloth.
Speaking of audits, under President Obama the IRS will look into the money owed by lots of RePugs....LMAO :cof1:
Too long, if it had been 30 seconds, I would love to watch or hidden camera, that would be a scream!
Well, it was clear that there is more to her than the bumbling picture we were led to believe. She seems more comfortable in her own home than in the studio, but either way, the whole "Africa is a country" thing was total crap, I still don't believe that anybody really believed it. They just wanted it to be true so badly that they pretended to believe it.

It will be interesting to see if she'll ever be able to get past what the RNC did "for" her during the campaign. She may still be answering questions on whose clothes are whose four years from now. If she is, even the Rs won't be suggesting her as a candidate.
Well, it was clear that there is more to her than the bumbling picture we were led to believe. She seems more comfortable in her own home than in the studio, but either way, the whole "Africa is a country" thing was total crap, I still don't believe that anybody really believed it. They just wanted it to be true so badly that they pretended to believe it.

It will be interesting to see if she'll ever be able to get past what the RNC did "for" her during the campaign. She may still be answering questions on whose clothes are whose four years from now. If she is, even the Rs won't be suggesting her as a candidate.
Damo, would you vote for her?
Damo, would you vote for her?
I don't think so. I will never vote for somebody who is solely a social "conservative" again. Religious reactionaries do not appeal to me.

However the interview does show me that if she can get past the rumors and innuendo currently hounding her, she will be far more formidable than the people currently "rejoicing" that she might run later think.
I don't think so. I will never vote for somebody who is solely a social "conservative" again. Religious reactionaries do not appeal to me.

However the interview does show me that if she can get past the rumors and innuendo currently hounding her, she will be far more formidable than the people currently "rejoicing" that she might run later think.
It is always smart in politics to be careful what you wish for.